Does DBS surgery help your balance improv... - Cure Parkinson's
Does DBS surgery help your balance improve and does it stop your feet from freezing, which in turn would stop me from falling so often?

The DBS surgery is designed to stop the shaking which is does wonderfully, the rest is done through meds and programming of the device, which takes awhile to get right. DBS gave me back my life however be careful not to except to much to fast, it takes time, BUT TOTALLY WORTH IT!!
From my all my research into DPS, it will not help nor is it designed help to those with gait freezing. That is why DBS is not for all patients.
No. and Yes.
In general the answer is no.
My personal experience is that my DBS, took away my freezes which were not all that severe. It has not diminished the over all number of falls but I seem to be much more apt to catch and grab onto something that breaks the fall. It did also, improve my gait...
Sooo, in summary, the DBS results appear to me as varied as the medicine results and as the old saying goes everyone's PD presents somewhat differently. Like Kadie said, for me it has been "totally worth it"
Best wishes,
Bisbee, AZ
PS: If you are considering undergoing DBS but have either undertainties or questions you can call the Medtronic corporation and ask for the "Ambassador" program if you'd like to discuss the results that another PD patient has had with their DBS. No fee, free service - just saying.
I had DBS surgery to the Globus pallidus site a year ago. It pretty much stopped my tremors but I am walking worse than before the surgery. My left leg becomes weak and shuffles, especially when I am tired or when my Sinemet is wearing off. I never had a balance problem before the surgery, but now I do. I know the surgery improves people's walking for some, but sadly, not for me.
I had dbs 13 years ago,it does not stop you freezing or help balance.
It virtually stops the shaking.