Neupro- patch Hi I have just been put bac... - Cure Parkinson's
Neupro- patch Hi I have just been put back on the patch . Last time i was on them they had to be kept cool . Now i am told they don't why ?

Well the first time they came out with them i found out the hard way that if you lelt them in a car all day long in he summer they did not work very well.. So after others, including myself complained they took them off the market. Several years later they came out with a more temperature stable formulation and that is what we have today.
Yes you are right , we always were told to keep them in the fridge but now there is no need to . Do you have trouble with your skin using them my husband does on top of that he isn't a big man and I run out of places to attach them
with me the patch only seem to work on the belly. I do have problems . if I was him i would put them where he has some fat . They work bet on the belly .
yours EXPORT.
In Canada the Neupro patch has not been authrized for regular use, it is very expensive and has not been funded by the government....what is the conclusion on its usage does it help PD what are the side affects????
I have trouble with them sticking. The 8mg patch does not stay on 24 hours.
I stopped using them I did not feel any better with them and I don't feel any worse without them.
I take two coconut oil capsules daily and my three Madopar

I take one coconut capsule daily and it has really worked wonders for me can sing again and my voice is stronger, I am working on the tremours now djr
I am going to buy some Turmeric capsules to take along with the Coconut oil I will see what if any effect they have and shall report back.
Hello everyone . Talking about the Patch . we went to the hospital on Friday to see the Parkinsons dr. I told him I was worried about the affect the patch . had on my husbands skin . He asked me to bare with him becUse he want us to increase the dose from 6mg to 8 mg but keep the same 100 Sinemet . Go back in two months and he will see then about trying something new I couldn't pin him down to what .
I have been finding that after my husband takes his Sinemet he becomes switched off quite badly I cannot budge him and he cannot speak , he is hoping the increase will help this , he hash seemed a little better yesterday and today . I will try the tummy , I do find it difficult to find enough places and now the patch is even ? bigger .