anyone out there having trouble with breathing .. im finding it the most horrid thing .. not being able to breath well isn't good
Breathing problems???: anyone out there... - Cure Parkinson's
Breathing problems???

yes I dohave minor problems with breathing. Nose is usually stuffed and compensate by breathing through my mouth, usually while eating. Don't know if this is a PD problem?? Take COPD med to help.
All types of muscle can be affected by PD, even the smooth muscle of the lungs or the muscles causing constriction around lungs. My PD docs don't know what to do. I have asthma too so that makes it complicated. Yoga deep breathing helps. I Understand how scary it is not bring able to breathe .
This is a recent symptom which has affected me over the past few weeks of my dalliance with PD (12 years). It is not constant but could be triggered by effort - I wind up breathing heavily. Strange thing is, I can stop it instantly but it starts again as soon as I move a muscle, so it isn't simply a question of being unfit (which I am). I am investigating, with my GP, possible triggers - recent changes in medication for instance, not PD meds but replacing warfarin and adding acid reduction tablets, also introducing iron tablets.
I do have problems with a "runny nose", usually first thing in the morning - once I blow my nose I can go through a dozen or more tissues before clearing. Also happens at meal times. Not sure whether this is related to the breathing difficulties.
Not too much the breathing as the mucus in the throat that builds up, which can make breathing difficult often.
A stuffed nose, a dry mouth, and I think it just creates one big vicious circle.
I take a Zanax as it seems to be anxiety with me and it works . It is very scary no being able to breath. I walk a little way and huffing .
I,m getting a increasing thumping/jumping feeling which seems to resonate from the stomach right up the chest to the throat its increasing in severity and more prolonged its very uncomfortable and no one seems to be able to get to the bottom of it,its driving me mad.
It's almost as if my husband has lost the ability/habit to breathe through his nose anymore .
He breathes very hard and fast when concentration . He doesn't drive anymore but I noticed he would do it while driving long before he was diagnosed . Like you said though if I prompt him he can stop but soon starts again .
It's a complex condition isn't it
Not sure where you live but it might be as the weather gets colder your breathing is getting more labored. You may benefit from asking your doctor for a inhalant which you can use as needed. It worked in my case.
My breathing problems are always preceded by sleeping problems. When I've slept a couple nights of seven or more hours the problem goes away.