What is CO?: - Cure Parkinson's
What is CO?

CO=coconut oil
PD=Parkinson's Disease
PWP=People With Parkinson's
This site needs an ACRONYMS list!
Agree fwes but there is no way to pin it i can see. It would get lost. I also dont like search because it searches the whole site not just this forum, have you managed it ok?
They really should have a Search that is restricted to the local community
Hello fwes!
Thank you for your suggestion. I am a part of the decision-making team for Parkinson's Movemen (PM), the division under which you are posting. In fact, when you signed into this category YOU became a part of the decision- making team!
Health Unlocked is like a huge forum that covers hundreds of categories related to all Parkinson's-related questions and issues. Parkinson's Movement is a category under this larger hub. PM is based, however, in the UK, but is working hard to show the benefit of patient groups going global. There have been no really "new" treatments, drugs or therapies for Parkinson's disease in over 40+ years! (DBS - deep brain stimulation is the newest real change in treating Parkinson's, but we know that not everyone chooses to treat their disease that invasively). That should make everyone reading this want to see that fact changed. And that's what PM is all about. But WE NEED YOU - people with Parkinson's, family, caregivers, doctors, nurses, ANYONE DESIRING BETTER TREATMENTS FOR PARKINSON'S! Go to the icon in the upper right hand corner of this page to sign up to be a part of. this cause.
It is FREE and may be the road to a cure!
First and foremost I wish to thank the sponsor of this discussion forum for permitting a free and open discussion of ketone therapy. I have been immediately banned from sites and all threads of discussion erased just because I uttered the word "ketone".
I do not understand, however, why you assume that people are only attracted to ketone therapy as an alternative to DBS. I for one am attracted to ketone therapy because it uses the body's own natural process to heal itself. What a novel idea, just let mother nature do it's thing. And to discover that the healing agent has been on supermarket shelves for decades is pure genius.
I realize that in the world of science this is still a hypothesis and requires clinical trials to verify safety and authenticity. This is a very important process prior to advocating for the masses..
I believe you are miss reading about DBS. That is in brackets. This is the posts - it reads
There have been no really "new" treatments, drugs or therapies for Parkinson's disease in over 40+ years! That should make everyone reading this want to see that fact changed. And that's what PM is all about.
IF you are interested, here are some links to interesting posts and replys:
Carbon Monoxide - a product of incomplete burning. Very poisonous, nice way to go though, you just fall asleep. But feel really groggy if you wake up / survive. CO can be a problem with old gas central heating systems or any gas system really