blurred vision itchy legs and swollen mid... - Cure Parkinson's
blurred vision itchy legs and swollen midrif are these because im on stalevo
I am also on Stalevo and have experienced itchy, hot, red feet but had this problem before started Stalevo. I have put weight on round my midrif but could not say it is swollen. I do not have blurred vision.
I have been on Stalevo for about 2 years and it seems to suit me, whereas I had problems with other drugs.
Thankyou for answering my question.I suppose one drug is ok for most people I will have to have another talk to my pd nurse.I am also on requip xl 16mgs.It all seems to be trial and error.thanks once again

I am also on Requip XL 1 x 6mg per day. Everyone is different and each case is different so what suits one person does not necessarily suit another.
I take these tablets for a tremor and they don't always work so I will have to speak to my PD nurse also. And so it goes on ....
Good luck.
I have been on Stalevo for a year and it is the best, yet for me. I also had problems with other drugs.
Thankyou for taking the time to reply to my question its very nice to know someone is out there
I was on Stalevo and it gave me chronic abdominal pain . But I have a rare condition called visceral off. And it wore off in a flash instead of tapering off. Now i'm back on sinemet. Good luck, maggym
My husband has flaky and itchy skin and has never taken Stalevo. I know there are dermatological conditions related to the PD including oily skin. He also seems to have a cronic acnelike condition on his back.
Forgot about the blurry vision. He has that too and complains because some days he can see fine and others he can barely read the paper.
I haven't taken Stalevo, but do experience blurry vision as Parkinsonian symptom. It is due to a divergence/convergence eye muscle condition that can accompany Parkinson's. I wear glasses with prism lenses that help me do close up focusing tasks. They help a lot!
Thankyou for replying I do a lot of knitting and wear glasses but then when I come to watch tv everything is blurred completely.what you say makes complete sense
been to the opticians had my eyes tested now got varifocals and can see much better