Do you still drink alcohol with your PD ?... - Cure Parkinson's

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Do you still drink alcohol with your PD ? I still do

46 Replies
46 Replies
daveyno9 profile image

i do aswell but i find i cannot drink beer or lager i get a hell of ahangover but i can drink rum which i love or i can drink white wine

LizaJane profile image

i drink beer and wine, it can make my movements a little slower but not going to give up my wine..

daveyno9 profile image

only thing is if i drink 2 much i get aterrific pain at the bottom of my back & in my ear i just ignore her

cabbagecottage profile image
cabbagecottage in reply to daveyno9

love it lol

Joealt profile image

I'll try it today and get back to you.

Joealt profile image
Joealt in reply to Joealt


yes. I drank three beers while watching The Superbowl and survived. I get morning tremors whether I drink or not so why not have a beer?

TaniaV profile image
TaniaV in reply to Joealt

Ha ha that one really made me laugh... good one

nene1 profile image

I still have a few wee drinkies,

its supposed to be good for us as it raises the dopamine levels and that in turn make us feel good!! Well that's my excuse & I'm sticking to it !!

TaniaV profile image
TaniaV in reply to nene1

Nene are you reading my mind??? I tell everyone that excuse and yes as you are ... I too am sticking with it


Fantastic, i would not give it up , i enjoy a few pints and a glass of wine, right now i have a can of stella and a large glass of white wine, just the ideal way to end the week end


jillannf6 profile image

yeah dave

i drink a little red or white wine ( a bottle lasts me most of a week_)

I lo v e guiness and a gin and tonic and a malt whisky

but not all in the same time!!


lvoe jill

in reply to jillannf6

A week, a bottel in my house lasts a few hrs then its open an outher one,

Oh and some beer



jillannf6 profile image
jillannf6 in reply to

well al

3 nights fo ra bottle of good wine nto a week

lvoe jill

table dancign going well?

jillannf6 profile image
jillannf6 in reply to jillannf6

AND red iwne and chocolate is good for constipation -another problem fo rthe Psp and Parkies]


I still really enjoy my wine - I find i can't drink as much s I used to or I start slurring - not a good look - so I try and pace myself xx

TaniaV profile image
TaniaV in reply to

Alisont - funny thing when my pd is acting up my speech is horrible so when I drink my boyfriend can't tell if I am slurring cuz of the PD or the wine... I am totally blaming it on the PD.... ha ha

cabbagecottage profile image

When my husband asked if it was alright to have a drink . The consultant just smiled and nodded yes ... I find it helps relax 's the tension and we all know what tension does for Parkinsons . SO KEEP DRINKING , that is you enjoy it .

in reply to cabbagecottage


Love your attatude, Drink on


Bambi profile image

Love the odd glass of red or white, but have found since being diagnosed I tend to suffer with a bit of vertigo in the middle of the night if I have over indulged.

Wont stop me though.

Bambi xx

Thanks I thought. I was the only crazy one! cheers !


I take Amantadine on the label it says: Do not drink alcoholic beverages. Fortunately, I did not drink much before.

Boots1 profile image

Yes, I still drink my vodka and soda's.

Court profile image

Yes, I love a glass of wine or the occasional vodka and have even been known to have lager. I find my capacity for alcohol consumption is not as good as it used to be. Also, have found that it makes me more wakeful during the night. But it certainly helps my tremor and stress levels, so that is a small price to pay.

PatV profile image

No I got sober before I was dx! Good thing too. I would be doing some stupid stuff. More power to you if you can. I can't and I'm happy to know it. Love from NYC

Owenbob profile image

I used to drink quite a bit - two Scotch and soda before dinner and then wine with dinner. Well I was taken to ER as I couldn't stop the dry heaves. They said it was pancreatitus. I was advised to not drink any more. I now have the occasional glass of wine. I find I actually don't miss it.

srarndt profile image

There are chemical compounds in red wine (and in natural grape juice - but this blog isn't about juice! - which are supposed to be helpful to us Parkies. (Anthocyanins perhaps?)

I personally find that while I cannot have more than 1 drink per day these days, i find that the one drink per day I do have is very much enjoyed! More than one I get rather tipsy very sleepy, and/or uninhibited, 2 drinks and I'm no good at driving for sure, any more than 2 drinks I'm going to sleep poorly and wake up feeling groggy and a bit hung-over. (I neglected to mention that before getting PD including my PD meds, that all of these quantities could have been doubled easily - with no ill effect.)

Generally, i drink wine (red usually) or beer (preferably a good stout or porter, or at least an amber) these days - one with dinner. On special occasions I will partake in a nice tequila, an Irish whiskey (aka: nectar of the gods!), a single malt scotch, or a nice gin martini. (Shaken - not stirred - of course! lol)

But then I do live 8 miles from the Mexican border, I am almost 1/2 Irish, I do believe single malt should be declared a food group, I am part British, French, German, Prussian, Native American and I grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin back when it was considered the Beer Brewing capitol of the USA! (and I'll drink to any one of these excuses - Prost!)

Steve (Bisbee, AZ)

jillannf6 profile image

hi all

i too enjoy my wine/ beer/ maltwhisky gin( gin martini i do not have )but need to limit my intake too

love jill sand a big ':-) b4 the virtual valentines party

jillannf6 profile image

and a :-)

CheriH profile image

1 drink and I'm done....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's :) I'm a real party animal--Not!

Joealt profile image

O.K. I drank three beers while watching The Superbowl and survived. I get morning tremors whether I drink or not so why not have a beer?


DGrif profile image

My husband calls this "self medicating". It reduces his symptoms and makes him feel more "normal". Whatever that is

tlongmire profile image

Yes, I enjoy a glass of wine a day. :o)

harding55 profile image

Yes, I love my beer! I drink several a day.

OpahAndOmah profile image

My husband has never drank or smoked. His PD has been caused by agent orange in Viet-Nam. So I believe their are so many reasons for PD and we might not never know all the reasons fr this horrible disease,sad to say.

norham profile image
norham in reply to OpahAndOmah

opahAndOmah. my husband too.

gazelleuk profile image

Smoking slows down the process of parker's and red wine has medicinal effects . There had to be some sort of compensation for having this condition so i'm taking them like medicine! yehaaaaa

Am on it right fecken now , large white and a few stellas

ah The weekend love it


BILLYRAY profile image

I started back drinkin a few beers a day..than a friend of mine suggest...medical marijuna....well I dont drink anymore however I will smoke a is against the law in Virginia...but I like to raise my arms and walk without failing not a cure for sure but worth the risk...ccost me 375 per oz....but it last me for 6 months.....unless i send some to a few pd friends...but oh well.....God Bless..say sober get high

right on

Susie01 profile image

This is a hard one for me. I had a couple of "friends" who were bound and determined that my falls, lack of energy, slurred speech and tremors were because I was an "alcoholic". They became very nasty about it and will not believe that it was due to PD. I never drank much, a couple of six ounce glasses when I would go out to eat of pinot gritio.

Since one of these people is a neighbor, I have stayed away from drinking almost completely. The neighbor said if I did have PD that alcohol had caused it. I looked at some research, turns out that heavy drinkers have a lesser incidence of PD, light to moderate had an increased incidence. I gave her the information on two studies related to this. She no longer will even allow her kids to come over to my house and they use to almost live here. It has been very hard for me. She has also spread the "word" in the neighborhood. Yet she calls herself a Christian and in the bible belt Baptist are against alcohol, though she herself drinks and her husband will very often have a bottle of wine each day.

I know I should not let someone else's ignorance affect me, but I went through an awful battle to get custody of my children and I really don't want someone to use this against me in relation to my children.

In discussing this with my doctor, he actually advised a glass of wine daily...go figure!

drew410 profile image
drew410 in reply to Susie01

I hope your ignorant , bigotted neighbour moves soon. She needs a good kick up the backside - no, the arse - let's call a spade a spade and not mince words. She must be a lonely woman or maybe should be. I understand your concern re yor childen. I am a christian but don't go around telling everybody. I know a lot of "christians" and the only thing they worship is money. God help us

NoSringsAussie profile image

old question but had to share my story... can't forget when I first got dx... Dr gave us a phamplet for My wife and met my boss at the local pub that afternoon to inform him.. .my comment was. " What a disease, the phamplet says I am likely to become a sex addict (due to ropinirole) and it is ok to drink" . could ask for a better disease than that!! Sex and Beer.

Victor profile image

I am a beer drinker and do well with my light beer. I did notice that every time I drink a certain microbrew, I get the worst RLS and unable to sleep. I think the microbrew is acting with my Requip to cause withdrwals.

fronya69 profile image

Not me. I fall over my own 2 feet as it is. I'd love 2 have a couple of beer on a warm day or a glass or 2 of wine on a cold nite. But as my symptoms became worse, the less i could handle even one. It's not worth it too me. But never say never. fronya

salbin1 profile image

Just diagnosed with PD and I typically only drink alcohol 2-3 nights a week but on those nights I will have 10-12 beers. I love my beer and hate to give it up and was wanting so input on whether I have/need to quit or just cut back. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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