I'm new to this and was diagnosed recentl... - Cure Parkinson's
I'm new to this and was diagnosed recently and have been asked to have apmorphine challenge test, has anyone had this?

Hi my husband tried this and at the start was wonderful but unfortunately it caused him hypotension and kept passing out.
unfortunately But as you will find out we all are very different and respond differently to medications so hopfully will work with you. Good luck
I had the challenge and had a positive result.
For a new patient I surprised but do you know the reason why? Challenges with ldopa can be done to check response to medications and to co firm diagnosis but why apomorphine st this stage is unusual it could be the same as using ldopa
hi I done the apo morphine challange about 3 years ago I was taken into hospital for 2 weeks The gave me injections when I was off and then waited to see how long they would take to work and also to see how many i would need in a day using what they called the pen This is a small device that you can carry in your pocket. I was found to need to many jabs a day so had to go on a continious infusion pump, butI have to say I was only offered this as a last resort I have since went on and had dbs