Do any animals suffer with Parkinsons? - Cure Parkinson's
Do any animals suffer with Parkinsons?

Interesting question. I wonder if generally they have too short a life span for it to become noticeable, assuming they do get PD that is. I imagine It would be even more difficult to diagnose in animals than humans.
I have seen dogs with cropped tails suffering from trembles and leg shudders as they get older and a Breton Spanial with Epilepsy, that shook uncontrollably in fits, if it had not had its medication.
I guess they need the weight of a tail to keep their pelvis in tip rop shape
Which may add further weight to my belief that the Sacrum and Coccyx area is most relevant for many situations in PD.
Definitely... the ones that we use for research. It is a significant question regarding natural occurrence in any particular species. If so, it would probably answer many questions.