How many see movement disorder spécialist? - Cure Parkinson's
How many see movement disorder spécialist?
I do at the Parkinson Institute in Sunnyvale, CA. Also see internist and psychiatrist.
Not yet.
Hubby did. He got much better care and control of his symptoms with the specialist than with the regular neurologist.
I know personally of pwp who were misdiagnosed by " a movement specialist". I am one, this is much more than a movement disorder. This movement specialist delayed relief for more than me by looking only at how we moved. I took 3 steps was told that I didn't have Parkinson's, 2 years later I finally got somone to listen to the sum total of me symptoms, and got relief. Seems movement specialist.only look at one part, their part.
i have psp and was dxd by a mmovement disorders specialist who i see every 8 months
lol Jill
My husband sees a chap at the care of the elderly clinic who also deal with Parkinson's . I feel we all get lumped in together , They have a set rules they follow . you can't just do that because everyone is so very very very different
I do at NYU in NYC. every 4 months
I do at Montreal General every 4 months.
my husband has a general neurologist and sees at physical therapist at Boston University which has a portion of Sargeant College dedicated to PD and excercise. He's 6 years into this.
I f i doi see à MDS in Ohio. at an MDS centre. .Its been 10 years now..i havent seen him in awhile but have an appointment this month.. i hope he can offer me some advice or adjust my meds.. . He always tells me there is nothing other than Sinemet and Comtan.The PD has. progressed in the past year and i need help coping ..dyskenesia is dibilitating and freezing is keeping from leaving the house.. .. even with à walker or cane. Im getting desparate..
My husband has a whole team of doctors at UF. He is getting excellent care. It takes MDD, NS, OT, PT, an others to help deal with the many different symptoms of PD.
I see a movement disorder specialist at Vanderbilt Neurology Clinic every 3-4 months.
I do. He is much more up to date and thorough than my regular Neurologist was...per her admission as well. And, she was good!
One bit of info that might help...he (The MDS) is also a well respected researcher in the PD field, so how fair is this comparison??? Uncertain...
Bisbee, AZ
I just started seeing one 4 months ago and cannot believe the change. Between making sure I had proper speech and physical therapy, a DaT Scan and a swallow study and finally after all tests and blood tests were back she adjusted my meds. I'm feeling so much better! Now, yesterday. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Renal Failure. I'm 60 and falling apart. VERY discouraging!