I often wear PD Tee Shirts to advertize the fight and prompt conversation. Great site for PD Tee Shirts. zazzle.com/parkinsons+tshirts
Letting my PD Flag Fly: I often wear PD Tee... - Cure Parkinson's
Letting my PD Flag Fly

hi J
u r great = i have acouple of t shirts but am nto v upfront about wearign htem
must do so
thanks for that
love jill
Hi Jerebet,
Well done. The more we can educate the general public about PD, the better.
I give the occasional talk about living with PD and the shock on their faces when I tell them that 1 in 20 is over 40 tells its own story. (I'm 75!) Keep up the good work.
What a great site thanks for sharing.
Thanks, I just bought several. Tired of tshirts from schools or silly sayings.
Thanks for the info on t-shirts. It took me all afternoon to pick out what I wanted and now it won't recognize my email address or pass word. I am so frustrated I don't know what to do. I see not any phone number to call on the catalog as this could all be straightened out with one short call. Any thoughts"?
Jenny R
Hi Jenny, I did not find a phone number but did find their support email.
I ordered some of the chic shirts.
Jerebet, You have helped my husband break through PD barrier. We read your post, bought 3 shirts from Zazzle.com and he is like a different person. Now instead of hiding the symptoms, he has a non verbal way to explain to the people around him why he "acts different". Bless your heart for opening that door.