When do we get a sleep: HI, Yet more... - Cure Parkinson's

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When do we get a sleep

20 Replies


Yet more sleepless nights , been up since 2am GMT now 5.50 am, why oh why cant we sleep , this is just nuts , i was never a person who would sleep long anyway, however since taking PD Meds i have very littel rest and i am never tierd during the day, body clock must be all over the place , iv got a busy daty today Tuesday , shaking is bad just know, just have to wait till 8am for meds

have a good day all you parkies out there


20 Replies
jillfd profile image

It's tough. Just make sure you stay in bed, resting at least. Read or listen to music. I hear there is a great Celtic radio statiion in your area you could listen to.

I miss a night of sleep about once a week and find that sleep is one of the most vexing of issues.


Hi Jill,

thanks, iv not had a great lot of sleep for nearly 6 mts now, i have my ipod on just now, as i love all types of music , i only get around 2 hes sleep a night , rest of the time im up ,do a bit of house work if shaking lets me , just getting fed up with it


jillannf6 profile image

hi AL

i had problems with night= time incontinence and that is now sorted with meds

BUt I also have prblems in getting enough sleep in so am taking trAZADONE at nght time for it

it has given me 5/6 hours

but i know what you mean when u have a heavy day ahead and have not slept....

be careful if you r driving today and

take care anyway

love jill

and a :-)

jillannf6 profile image

ps great photo

where is it?

shasha profile image

thats never your hoose !! it must be awful not being able to sleep - i am lucky - i have trouble falling asleep and then getting up for the loo but i nearly always manage to drop off again - mind you i do take my 8.00 meds up to 1 hour early if i cant drop off - then i can sleep until 9.00 ish

CheriH profile image

I feel your pain alsh59! I have been a lifetime insominac. Sleep disorders sometimes precede a PD diagnosis....even years before motor symptoms appear. Even if I can't sleep, like jillfd, I try to rest; but you can only toss and turn so long...then these ole' bones have to get up! :) I sometimes go a string of days with practically no sleep, then my body finally crashes....ahhh, sweet sleep! :) My wish for you is a good night's sleep, my friend!

in reply to CheriH

Thanks Cheri,

its a pain in the but , however suppose ill get used to it


I dont think I can remember having a good nights sleep for a loooong time. It would be heavenly to go to bed and sleep through the night till morning. I too feel so tired at the moment - but just can't sleep. Your comment was interesting Cheri because I have not been a good sleeper for several years and blamed my age lol, I was just diagnosed last August.

Maybe Paul McKenna could help us out lol x

in reply to


I have tried paul McKenna , he used to work for me alas no longer

shasha profile image

wow - some pad -- but like you say ... if ye canna sleep in it - thebn its not much good -- why aren;t you at work by now !!??

AndyC profile image

Hi Al. Sorry to read about your broken hand buddy hope it heals quickly. I'm not losing sleep but I do have very vivid dreams which seem to make no sense whatsoever and I usually wake from those and find its around 4.30am! Anyway impressive pad by the way mate.

Take care


jillannf6 profile image

hi al

sorry r eyour broken hadn

have u broken any limb ba



i am worrried about breakign a limb as i am galling so many itmes ina day but my bone structreu )touch wood_ must be good

lvoe jill

in reply to jillannf6

Both arms and right leg,although i am a bit wary of my hips , got right one replaced in 2006 and waiting for left one to be replaced soon


jazzfan53 profile image

Fractured sleep is very, very common in people with PD. Sometimes I think that neurologists and movement disorder specialists are overlooking how big this issue is, and that more attention needs to be given to it. I MUST take sleep meds every night to knock me out, and I'm at that point now where I have to change them since their effectiveness is wearing off. It's a REAL pain in the butt ! We all know that without enough sleep it just messes up everything in your life.

I Also have sleep meds (zopicione 7.5 mg) but they dont seam to work,

export profile image

Hi when you do sleep ,do you dream and when you first wake you think you have been asleep for along time , Until you look at the clock

I can dream about 8 hours in less than 8 mins. ???

yours EXPORT.

in reply to export

Hi Export,

I never remember if i dream or not, i took a sleeping tab last night and sod all happend , went to bed areound 11ish , could not get to sleep so i just got back up, really is a pain, but i am never tierd , so whats taht all about, just now , i feel a bit disorientated , very shaky and sick but apart from that iam tikety boo


Timodopa profile image

I hope this video link may help you.


Thanks ,

Just watched the video, very interesting,

its 5am GMT and i have been up since 2,35am, befor i went to bed last night i decided to go for a short walk , althooght my walk was short it took me over 1 hr to compleat , thinking the fresh scottish air would make me sleepy i went to bed , and guess what still no sleep.

i will try some of the methods that the Vid suggested and see how it goes , again many thanks for the vid


Everycloudhasa profile image

Let’s start a 3am group!

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