What the Health film: From the makers... - Cure Arthritis Co...

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What the Health film

andyswarbs profile image
9 Replies

From the makers of cowspiracy, the film WHat the Health is now out. If you subscribe to netflix you can see it there.


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andyswarbs profile image
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9 Replies
Kai-- profile image

Thank you kindly, andyswarbs. 😌

Much appreciated. 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


Looking forward to seeing "What the Health" ( vimeo.com/ondemand/whattheh... ) documentary. 👍


In meantime, free trailer: m.youtube.com/watch?v=Jf44v...



And, snippet: "What The Health - Heated Interview [Kip Andersen] with Robert Ratner the Chief Officer of the ADA": m.youtube.com/watch?v=GZYP9...



Eye opening. 👁 😯

Sp o o o ky . . . 👻

Too much reality for 1 day? 😳 😔

Lots to think about . . . 🤔

[Need to stick head in sand for awhile . . . 🙃 🕳 ]


Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Kai--

Also, this interesting rebuttal toward a critic of film by physician, Dr. Garth Davis, who appears in the film "What The Health":

" . . . Plant Based Doctor [Dr. Garth Davis] SCHOOLS What The Health Critic [ZDoggMD]":




Bit more about Dr. Garth Davis if interested, "What a Vegan Doctor Eats in a Day — Dr. Garth Davis]":




🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Kai--

Ahh . . . bit of good, upbeat news . . .

We're getting enough (plenty, abundant) protein (& perhaps more (?) importantly FIBRE) via plant foods. 🤗

[Confirms what nutritionalist, Robyn Chuter, has told us (Quinoa, Buckwheat, Sweet Potatoes, Leafy Greens, . . . 'Baseline Phase' of PP Diet Fulfills Nutritional Requirements (Diverse & Complete): healthunlocked.com/nras/pos... )]


What The Health - Protein segment: m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbPjI...



[Aside: The physicians I learn from (Dr. Michael Klaper, Dr. Alan Goldhamer, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Neal Barnard . . . ) are in this clip. 👍 Also, just discovering Dr. Milton Mills, "All protein is made by plants.", Susan Levin (Registered Dietician), & Dr. Garth Davis. ☺️ ]


So much to learn . . . so little time . . . 😁


Thank you kindly for bringing this to our attention, andyswarbs! 😌


🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Kai--

Full, 1 hour 30 minute film 🆓 dubbed in German — great if you understand German! 🇩🇪

If you turn on Subtitles/CC to English (or whatever your chosen language), subtitles/ captions will appear in the language of your choosing. 👍


What the Health [German Dubbed] Dokumentation 2017 HD:



Kai-- profile image

Debunking "What the Health" Film with Dr. Neal Barnard:





"Published on Aug 10, 2017

Plant Based News interviewed vegan doctor Neal Barnard (President of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) recently about plant-based nutrition, diet myths and recent controversy surrounding the film 'What The Health'

Along with Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. John McDougall and Alan Goldhamer, Dr. Barnard was also interviewed as part of our Why Doctors Don't Recommend Veganism series, which can be seen here: m.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Follow PCRM's facebook page: facebook.com/PCRM.org/

PCRM Nutrition in Medicine Conference: pcrm.org/icnm2017 . . . "


🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


Kai-- profile image


Mic. the Vegan's assessments appear to be founded on level-headed facts/ 'reality' — not emotion-appealing hyperbole:

'What The Health' Debunked by Real Doctor:


['Comments' below the YouTube video may be of interest as well.]



Bit more about 'Mic. The Vegan':

He's a science writer with a:

"Youtube Channel with quick bites of scientific literature, opinion, and occasional humor involving a plant-based diet": m.youtube.com/channel/UCGJq...

• Facebook: facebook.com/micthevegan/

• Instagram: instagram.com/micthevegan/?...

• Twitter: mobile.twitter.com/mictheve...


He'll be at San Diego, California VegFest — Oct. 1, 2017: eventbrite.com/e/san-diego-... for anyone who's interested.


🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


Kai-- profile image



Don't know if this will be of interest . . . just saw film, "Vegan 2017" from Plant Based News: m.youtube.com/watch?v=IxVR5...



It re-iterates what I've been learning from plant-based physicians (Dean Ornish, Neal Barnard, T. Colin Campbell, Caldwell Esselstyn, John McDougall, Michael Klaper, Michael Greger: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos... ).

If this type of thing interests you, it may well be another eye opener. 👁 Perhaps more than we're aware of, or perhaps more than we want to be aware of. 😳 (Deeply disturbing 😔 😞, yet profoundly hopeful 😌 🙏 .)

Holding out hope that truth ⚖️ will eventually 'out' . 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞

[Perhaps 'too much reality isn't a good thing'? 😳 🙃 🤔 (At least for some of us. 😥 )]


Please take loving good care of yourself & have a joyous Holiday. 😌 🙏 ☺️


🎄 🔖 🎁 🎅 ❄️ ☃️ 🌨


andyswarbs profile image

A good summary of an interesting year. From my own perspective I have decided to stand back from vegan and associated activism. For me it is a staging post en-route to a healthier life. Yes, animal rights will always be in my mind, but my part in this story must be my core experience, and of course that is around WFPB living. The fact that implies vegan as a basis is, in my mind a coincidence.

Part of what caused me to see this was the UK vegan facebook group where one or two people seemed to object to debating the health aspects of a vegan lifestyle.

Kai-- profile image

Found full working version (1 hour, 32 minutes) also linked to here ( healthunlocked.com/healthye... ):

What the Health - Documentary - 2017 2160p 4K



😊 👍👍


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