I am not a Bee, I don't need pollen Quest week... - Couch to 5K

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I am not a Bee, I don't need pollen Quest week4 -Feel free to join

Realfoodieclub profile image
17 Replies

I am not a Bee, I don't need pollen Quest week 4 - Feel free to join

Realfoodieclub Administrator 7 days ago 23 Replies

Welcome to the I am not a Bee, I don't need pollen Week 3 Quest - feel free to join.

Hope you all doing well and the pollen and the weather are not getting to you all too much.

Please feel free to join in if you like, it's just a bit of fun. I just thought it would make a good name for the Quest, after nearly three years I'm running out of names so if anyone has any ideas please let me know.

What the quest is:-

The quest takes six weeks. You can join any time within that six weeks.

The main aim of the quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

I ask that you will be a graduate or about to graduate to join the quest. The main reason I ask this is that while you are doing the program your plan is very structured so I wouldn't want the quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:-

To run three times a week

To slowly increase distance

To train for a specific race

To add In Stretch and strength exercises

As you can see they are personal to yourself and it's totally your own choice.

Every week I will pin a new post where all the members of the quest can talk about how things are going.

So if you wanted to join all you have to do is put

I would like to join the quest, or count me in and then I would like to. ..............

Your name will then be added to the top post and every week your name will be in the quest until the end.

At the end, only for those that would like to, we each put out longest run of the quest and it is then marked on a virtual run.






















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Realfoodieclub profile image
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17 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

In light of trying to be more positive.

I got all my tick boxes done again last week.

On 2nd September last year I started a 1000km challenge, as of today all I have left to do is 42km in 24 days so I think I can do that.

The plan is to have a medal made up for myself, we have a little shop nearby and this year I will have an engraved bronze medal then I will work my way up though silver and then to gold. With everything going on I might keep the distance the same as if I'm out of action for a little while I still want it to manageable but maybe for the gold one I will up the distance.

I sort of forgot about this Challange, my Garmin Connect page has been happily keeping track for me but now I'm getting close to getting it I'm quite excited by it all and glad I started it.

1lb weight gain this week but not really, I bought new scales and they just run a little higher so I'm trying not to worry about that even though in weight watchers I will have to record a weight gain. 😕.

Wishing you all a happy healthy week.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

That's brilliant about the challenge RFC, a fantastic result 😀 and I love the idea of giving yourself a medal!

parseraisin profile image
parseraisinGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Hoorah! It sounds like you have had a good week and a good year, all things considered!

Irishprincess profile image

I managed three runs, 2x5K's and 1x7K plus one gym session.

I'm so happy I got up to 7K again and I just loved every single step although it was hot and sticky and it took me forever but who cares! I did have strange pains in my shins though which I've never had before so will be keeping an eye on that.

We've got loads of social stuff going on these weeks so I'm having to plan my runs like a military exercise! I even heard hubby say to someone on the phone yesterday, " we can't make that because that's a run day". Bless him. He SO gets it 😘😍😘

Have a great week fellow questers and to everyone on the IC keep the faith.

parseraisin profile image
parseraisinGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Love your husband's reply! Well done on the distance in this heat.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to parseraisin

Thank you! He used to be a runner and understands perfectly!

GoogleMe profile image

Funny week.

An hour's run, which I frankly did not much enjoy but was satisfying to accomplish (and did get me to parts of that wood I've not seen for a while)

We went swimming again at last and I was shocked when logging it to realise I'd not been at all in July. Good to be in the water but still operating at about half what I can accomplish.

Yoga has been especially odd - the programme I am following for this Quest is a good one and I got a good way into one class this week and then bailed again.

Generally rather diverted - work in the garden, sociable walks instead of solo runs. I did 10 minutes on the trampoline yesterday which was hard work and my purple friend (Fitbit) was unimpressed.

This week I have a lot of tiring commitments with three days largely blocked out. That's not entirely a bad thing as it may make me focus and seize the moment. Either that or I will know that I do actually need to rest instead. I suspect that none of those three days will see me furthering my weight loss goals, but that's one thing that has gone well this week so I am starting the week in a good place (and it has involved lots of enjoyable eating so I am not feeling deprived)

That's lovely about your re-discovered 1000k challenge RFC.

sparky66 profile image

Morning all.. :)

Like the idea of setting a long term distance goal RFC.. and the medal at the end.. brilliant.. looking forward to seeing you achieve that! X

These summer holidays are proving difficult for me.. I'm managing all 3 runs in a week, and two swim sessions.. but my overall steps per day are way down.. and as a result.. feeling a bit sluggish.. which was notable on this morning's run.. had intended a 5k.. but had nothing left after 3.. took me all my willpower just to get out and start.. but every run is a good run.. and hopefully I manage 5k on Wednesday :)

Diet doing well.. eating healthily.. and at last I shed another couple of lbs.. was stuck at 10.5lbs for about 5 weeks.. know that I'm getting near target weight..So just a matter of keeping on. Day at a time..

Off to Majorca..in two weeks.. So extra insentive to push myself till then :)

Good luck in your quest goals everyone.. onwards and upwards x

misswobble profile image

Good posts folks! Some really positive stuff going on, which is great to hear.

I ran about 40k last week and training is going well. Got a house full at the moment as I have family staying so it's all go but I managed to get out for my longer run last night. Ran home in the dark but it was a bit cooler, and the cool down walk was lovely. Quite balmy by then as the strong wind had eased off

Cool runnings everyone!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to misswobble

40K MissW?!!! Blimey *deep bow*

parseraisin profile image

Hi all, it looks as if the group has turned a corner on our summer malaise, which is great to hear.

I managed my three runs last week, though I came in a bit under the goal of 20k. I also managed a bit of core and arm work and a fair amount of stretching, so I will be satisfied.

This week I aim for 3 runs of 5, 6.5, and 8.5 again, some arms, some core, some hip stretches.

My motivation is still low, but I will take a page from RFCs book and note that this year I have run 70% of my year goal to run 800 kilometers. Knowing that I am over two-thirds done helps.

Have a good week everyone! I will be off on holiday next week in Italy, and will not be able to post goals next week.

JaySeeSkinny profile image

I managed 4 runs last week, but the first 2 were rather short. I enjoyed my short interval run, but was not too happy with 3.6k when I'd wanted to do 5k. But I just ran out of energy. On the third run I scrapped all technology (well runkeeper was recording, but on mute), no music, no watch, no indication of time, just me and my usual route, which I know is 5k. The intention was to run easily for 5k, no pressure and that's what I did. My 4th run was a spontaneous evening run, when I thought things might be cooler. I covered 7k - the first 5 of which were non-stop. Not my fastest, but OK.

The highlight of the week was my mountain hike on Thursday though. I loved pushing up the mountain to the summit and then powering down with fantastic views to a beautiful little town. It seems I covered 17k on that hike.

So all in all a lot of exercise last week and very enjoyable. Will try to get at least 3 runs in over the next few days before I'm off on my hols next weekend. Will try to run on holiday aswell, but it will be hilly (Lake District and Scotland). Happy running everybody!

folkieboater profile image

2 5k's for me last week. Trouble with running somewhere new every time is the need to keep stopping to take pics.

Also got a bit of unexpected exercise in the form of an 8k paddle in a canoe🙈 The newly restored bit of the canal was too shallow for our boat and only open to unpowered craft! Had to be done!!

90ldfinch profile image

Count me in, Realfoodieclub .

I've just been out pre-dawn for the first time in ages and I've done my first 7k, and set my "fastest" 5k time too.

Ended the run right next to the pull-up bars in the local park, so I did 20 bodyweight rows before my cool down walk.

The early bird catches the worm :)

poppypug profile image

Well done fellow questers !

I did 2 x 7k runs last week , and the usual 5 x 5k walks to work , so a nice steady week for me . 2 more 7ks planned for this week .

Bit of strength exercises here and there, a bit hit and miss still so need to work on that .

Have a great week, lets do this thang ! :-) xxx

Curlygurly2 profile image

The mornings are getting a little cooler now, there has been quite a big change. That means I can get out and do a bit more, and work on distance again. I've so missed the longer runs. I did 9 K with no stops yesterday, normally I have a little breather when ever I find a it of shade, which isn't often!

melly4012 profile image

Been a good girl eating my greens and making healthy choices this week (also some unhealthy ones too but my focus was including more fruit/veg with each meal).

No luck in terms of cross training or cardio - I just can't seem to find the time, which I know is no excuse really but no gym membership and no motivation to swim means it feels a struggle. Better news is that for the last week my ankle hasn't been aching at the end of the day and on Saturday I managed a brisk 5k walk with no adverse effects, hooray! Still feels like it's lacking that spring/suspension like feeling when stepping down stairs, etc so I'm hoping to be able to try for a run perhaps in a week at a push, more likely two weeks. In other good news I've been round a load of running shops recently trying different shoes and today made some purchases (more on that when they arrive). Spending a small fortune guarantees that I'll get back into it once I've recovered and hopefully with no more injuries with proper new shoe support!

Happy running all! Please keep taking me with you for the next week or two! :)

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