How old are you?: - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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How old are you?

JR21 profile imageJR21993 Voters
Over 65
Under 16
62 Replies
PatButcher profile image

I'm 46 and have 3 children. I am doing this to get fit and lose my extra padding!!

I am waiting for that first blue slice to appear on that circle!!!! Surely we have runners over 65?

traveltoomuch profile image
traveltoomuchGraduate in reply to

yes, I'm one! Just starting week 7.

Annienz profile image
AnnienzGraduate in reply to

Not too far off - 2 years to go! Graduated last month.

bearpadi profile image
bearpadiGraduate in reply toAnnienz

I have just 2 years to go too - and am on week 4!

Pat184 profile image
Pat184Graduate in reply to

I 73 and on W6 R2 on Tuesday and loving it

Jimbob74 profile image

Hi Pat

good luck with it:-) and keep us informed

Im 37, and also need to lose a little padding,prob need to lose a stone or so. mainly just need some fitness in my life, looking forward to this but daunting. start my first run this evening lol

Rosie2607 profile image
Rosie2607 in reply toJimbob74

Hi, i'm 38 and like you, need to lose the padding but it was mainly when i realised how unfit i was! i'm w1r3. good luck

Jimbob74 profile image
Jimbob74Graduate in reply toRosie2607

Hi, I'm on week 6 run 2 now and loving it, padding is reducing and toning quit quickly. Keep to it and you will be amazed. Go for it :-D

welshwoman56 profile image

I was 56 yesterday and I'm at my target weight so would like to get fitter and tone up. I'm on week 4 which is tough but I am determined to complete it.

virtualrunner profile image

I am 45 - always said "I dont do running" - need to loose at least a stone and a half, friend told me about this and am in wk2 (wk1 repeated once) - and now actually cant wait to try my new trainers with wk2R2 tomorrow - what happened?!! :-) Love all the blogs= they really help.

Gridlet profile image

I'm fifty two and have the running bug! I can't believe how much better I feel, physically and mentally since starting this.

Oldgirl profile image

I'm 61 going on 31 :) never been this fit and healthy since my boys were nippers. I played squash 5 times a week way back then. :)

Stealthrunner profile image

I'm 47 and although I'm reasonably slim, I needed to vastly improve my stamina in a way which wouldn't cripple my arthritic knees. With no sports facilities within reasonable distance of my remote rural home, outdoor running and cycling seemed like the only two options. Like many others, I was completely put off running at school (although didn't mind gymnastics and team sports), but C25K has proved to me that running can be a reasonably pleasurable experience if you don't push yourself too far too fast. :-)

groovychick54 profile image

Just scraped into the 54 bracket. I'm 55 on Thursday. Couch to 5k is brilliant I too have never been a runner, the last time I ran was for a Naval Fitness test in 1986 it took me over 15 minutes to run 1.5 miles and I had to be almost carried the last 1/4 of a mile, the shame! Now I'm saying Oh today I'll just do a little 3 miler. I can't believe it. My next goal is 10k and i'm nearly there.

zee11 profile image

i am 39 have 3 dogs live with my partner. in september 2010 i started a journey of the battle of the bulge and so far have lost 5stone 8ib/7wks ago i stared this .and tomorrow will by my 8wks r 1.only a couple of stone to go so gave this a try . :-)

Rosie2607 profile image
Rosie2607 in reply tozee11

well done! i'm 38 and your results are inspiring, thank you x

jocasta profile image

I’m 56 and not particularly overweight but was very unfit. The first time I recorded a run with my new Garmin, my bpm reached 222 - that was scary. I have lost some weight, about 6 pounds, and would like to lose a little more. I feel a lot better and enjoy my running. I took part in a local fun run at the weekend and managed just under 3k, in one go! Ran the whole thing, 5 miles, in 1 hr and 11 minutes - very happy!

scamp profile image

I am 47 . I started jogging to feel better in myself. I am a single parent with a teenage son and I needed something for myself and to have a happy head. It has definitely helped me and has given me a much brighter outlook on life.

I am 55 - and said I dont do running I have graduated and run 3 times a week. I needed to loose at least a stone after giving up smoking 6 months prior.

Don't give up I didn't see any weight loss for 6 weeks then it just started to fall off. lost 16 pounds in total. flatter-fitter and firmer.

unfit profile image

I am 56 (for a few more weeks) and have never run since school. Wanted to loose weight and gain fitness. The weight hasn't gone yet but I've toned up and certainly gained fitness. Just about to start week 8.

in reply tounfit

Well done reaching week 8, just keep going the weight will come off but more importantly your health will improve.


shelleymcb profile image

Im 43 & have polled but there is nowhere for me to add my 2 children who have done c25k. they are aged 13 & 14 & thought it was a brilliant plan. even said that they should do something like this in school as you dont get disheartened as each stage is do-able.

so please add 2 under 16s to your poll. thanks. shelley

I am 48 and have Never Run. My feet are heavy, my ankles ache, my breathing is all over the place..... That was me 6 weeks ago, but I am delighted with my progress wk6r2 and a 20minute non stop under my belt. c25k has built my confidence and stamina beyond belief :)

CaroleC profile image

Fifty one, nearly fifty two (August) and never run before last September. Did my first half marathon in May. Hopefully there are still some more in the legs!


BTX4 profile image

Crikey I am one of the oldies at 56. Trouble is that even though my body is that advanced age, in my mind and spirit I am at least 20 years younger :)

I really wish that this wonderful programme and community had been around all those years ago....

baker67 profile image

45yrs in 3 days need to loose weight and improve fitness completed c25k 5 weeks ago and now jog 5k every other day and still waiting for the day i look forward to and enjoy jogging but am very pleased with myself for still doing it.

Grannylynne profile image

56 (57) in a few weeks on week 9 run 2 nearly ready to graduate. Can't praise this programme enough. When I told my husband where I ran yesterday he couldn't believe I ran that far ,I wouldn't have been able to do that nine weeks ago. Can't wait for the follow on programme.

FranB profile image
FranB in reply toGrannylynne

I am 55, and just finished week 4. Like you think C25K is brilliant - I would never have believed I could run to the bus stop let alone for 5 minutes without stopping! Is there a follow on programme? I think I will need something to keep me going once I graduate.

Rose885 profile image

I'm 24, nice bogey colour on the chart haha - been out of the fitness loop while at uni and wanted to get fit again after graduation. Attempted running a few times in the past but always found it difficult and gave up. C25K has finally got me there and enjoying increasing my distance every week.

cimer profile image
cimerGraduate in reply toRose885

24 here too, loving the colour haha.

lancslass profile image

I'm 43 with 4 kids under 15. Started the C25k seriously yesterday by doing my run on the treadmill. I have already lost 2 stone since January with another 2 to lose, hence the running. I loved the run yesterday and was nowhere near as bad as I imagined. Can't wait to do run 2 tomorrow. Don't know if any of you know...when on the treadmill I walk at speed 63 and run at 85. What does that equate to in MPH? If anyone knows, would be grateful if they could tell me. Good luck everyone and well done.

lucylocket10 profile image

I'm 40 and this is the first exercise I've done since school really. I have three children and the eldest who is 14 also did the programme so that's another number for the under 16 poll.

Trixitrin profile image

I am 47 with three grown up children and two grandchildren. I started running in Feb 12 and graduated in May 12. I did the race for life in May and was so proud that I was able to run the whole way in 40 minutes and raised a lot of cash for a good cause. I have lost a couple of stone just by running and doing Zumba. I have inspired my 20 year old to start running and she is now on week 4.

DuncanS profile image

I'm 42 and have a job that keeps me on my butt all day. I took up walking a couple of years ago when I needed to reduce cholesterol, then I just decided to start running one day for no particular reason. I kinda like knowing I can do something that most people can't do - run five kilometres without stopping.

Cheers all,


VickiMint profile image

I'm 20 and three of my housemates who are also 20 are also on c25k! I think it's great! :D Feeling a bit young now though!

scottishgirl profile image

I'm 19 and just starting this week :) did this a few years ago when I was 16 but then got lazy. Stopped smoking recently so now looking to get fit again :)

happierswimming profile image

I'm 61 and love to swim. I could run over 2 miles but had set my heart on 3 and just couldn't manage that last mile or so. This programme offered a 9 week plan which made 5k seem achievable. I have 9 long runs to go and am doing them at the rate of 2 a week so that I've still got the energy to dogwalk and swim as well as gym visits. :)

Zagel profile image

I am 40, not done any excercise since school, built my weight up to 24 stone and since April have lost 4 stone of it, thanks in part to this programme and eating healthily.

I was tired of being overweight and 2 months after my 40th birthday started this program and feel so much better than I did.

ChasingOwls profile image

I'm 29 and trying to get fit after having my daughters.

It just sort of clicked in my head that I have to do something about my weight (1.5st over pre-kids weight) and try to get fit *now* not in six months!

ElsieJoy profile image

I'm 63 and counting

I was 40 last week and was so fed up of feeling tired all the time. It took my 9 year old son telling me that "of course you're tired, Mum, you don't do any exercise" to wake me up and stop making excuses!

Have just finished week 4 and am so chuffed just to get this far. Apprehensive and excited about the challenge of week 5!

Grammadog1947 profile image

I'll be 65 first of October....looks like it's up to traveltoomuch and I to man the "senior" position.

DeliaItaly profile image

I'm 58 with 3 kids aged 21, 19 and 12. I'm a university don who never ever ever liked sports but really intend to graduate and add this running degree to my sedentary CV ;-)

The hardest bit was starting and next run will be W1R3. Yay!

spike07 profile image

I have just turned 50, feeling a bit overweight and want to lose a stone. Came across this site and have started the programme. Currently on week 3 - it's going ok at the moment. I'm also using the weight tracker app (myfitnesspal) which someone recommended - its a fantastic app and I can't believe it's free! Great support here, thanks to all.

Running2 profile image
Running2 in reply tospike07

Yes myfitnesspal is brillaint! I needed to loose a stone and it fell off using that app. It has changed the way I eat and keeping the weight down is so easy now. Ive only just started to run and i'm on week 2 i'm almost enjoying it! Hopefully I'll get fit and toned up as well. Good luck to you :)

Running2 profile image

I'm 49 and have always said " I Cant Run" but i'm surprising myself and my youngest two children who insist on accompanying me on my run, I'm actually starting to run ! and hopefully a few things will get toned up along the way :)

traveltoomuch profile image

Well, nice to see the dark blue. That is where I belong!

stayinbed profile image

I'm 56 yrs 1 week and a 1/2 but I feel much older. I have 4 children and 7 grandchildren. I'm looking forward to running with my daughters. I also said I can't run but this course has been great. I've just got W9r3 to do and I'm looking forward to feeling fitter!

AnnieW55 profile image

57 (soon to be 58) how did that happen? Although I have always been able to walk all day on all kinds of terrain, I've never been able to run for any distance at all. Completed w5 tonight so something is happening!

janda profile image

51 years old.

x40aday profile image

I'm 57 and wishing I had done this years ago, so much for "you can't teach old dogs new tricks"

pinkus profile image

Hi I am 52 and on W5 and started this as I needed some new kind of motivation to get me going...I need to lose weight and get my fitness up, I have found that my weight has not changed drastically on the scales as I have only lost a few kilos but my shape has changed mainly so I am happy about that and really enjoying the structured runs which is just what I need. Looking forward to completing the programe and beyond...cant believe how my fitness has changed in 5 weeks just loving being outside running...should have started this ages ago....wish there was something like this in Australia

unicorn profile image

I am also 46 and need to lose weight. On week 6 at the moment

123456789 profile image

Oooohhhhh polls!!!

48 balding ginger.


In certain lights I'm known to look........well human.


lola465 profile image

I'm 42 - about to turn 43 at the end of this month - and thought I was reasonably fit. I walk the dog for around 90 minutes a day.....

Turns out it's really not the same as moving with a bit more vigour!

I thought I was too old to take up running, that it would wreck my knees or something.

It's been rather nice to discover I was wrong about that too. I've really enjoyed weeks 1-4 and tomorrow morning I start week 5. Am a little nervous, knowing this is when it steps up a notch in terms of running for longer periods, but eager to give it a go.

My mum is 56 and I would really like her to give this a go. I started it 3 weeks ago as a complete none runner who has never been able to run in her life and not only am I surprised that I have been able to do it but also how happy it has made me. My mum thinks she is too old to do this but I will share the above comments with her so she can see it is possible to do at any age.

leahlivengood profile image

I'm 47 and starting a new career. I am doing this to get fit and have a more active lifestyle.

totalbeginner profile image

I'm 36 with three children the eldest is 5

Culmie profile image

Pushing 60 and i'm well off the couch now. :d

Old_trout profile image

I'm 63 with four grown up daughters. Retired in the summer, still play a lot of tennis, even in the winter. A bit overweight, and not happy about how I've started to creak since I gave up working! So something had to be done!!

northernlass1965 profile image

I just saw this old poll from 4 years ago and thought it sounded fun. I'm 50 and was amused to see my age group is the biggest doing c25k - haha, is that because we're all having midlife crises? (Speaking for myself that is....)

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MissUnderstanding profile image
Annieapple profile image
Mummycav profile image

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