How has Couch to 5k improved your health? (sel... - Couch to 5K

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How has Couch to 5k improved your health? (select all that apply)

JR21 profile imageJR21289 Voters

Please select all that apply:

68 Replies

Beyond belief fabulous resource. Helped both myself and my wife. Would have liked more variation in the music tracks, but that does not in any way detract from overwheloming endorsement - public money really well spent!

Gridlet profile image

I feel more positive and happier.

Allybally profile image

Much more toned as well as having lost weight.

judyB profile image

I am a 44 year old asthmatic and have found that I do not need my inhaler half as much anymore! I have been so surprised as to how well my lungs have been able to perform on this program. I have also been able to reduce my high blood preasure medicine in half - and that's only in 5 week's time!

ShoutingWoman profile image
ShoutingWomanGraduate in reply to judyB

Wow, that's an amazing health improvement in a short time. Well done.

OldNed profile image

Just feel really positive that I've been able to take this on and achieve it. Someone else commented that this is a really good, low-cost, use of public money. And it is!!!

My blood pressure has gone from "on the high side of normal" to "excellent". My posture has improved. I sleep better.

There is healthier stuff in the fridge (as running fuel) and I know that a second glass of wine won't help me run the next morning :)

It has also nudged my teenaged children into being more health conscious, both are choosing to walk more and one has started to do sit ups.

Wolf whistles and second glances are good for self esteem too :)

sfb350 profile image

I've ticked all but one of those boxes.

I'm so much less stressed that other people keep remarking on it; my blood pressure wasn't "too" high to start with but it has still vastly improved. I've definitely got more stamina. I've only lost a few lbs since being on the C25K but lost about 1 1/2 stone before that (since Aug) through being a bit more careful with my food and going to the gym. I've just completed W7 of C25K. One of my reasons for starting to exercise was that after months and months of joint and muscle pain the doctor started treating me for fybromyalgia and I did some research and found that exercise was thought to help. It certainly does - although I still take some painkillers from time to time I have been able to stop taking tramadol every day - I haven't renewed my prescription for a few weeks now.

This program is brilliant !!

magicfee23 profile image

I was fairly healthy before starting the programme- laziness was more of an issue for me. I have lost a few pounds though and more importantly to me I am much more toned.

The sense of achievement on graduation and the boost to my confidence has been the greatest thing however. I used to drive along and watch the runners out and about and think "wish I could do that". Well now I can!

Minuette profile image

I feel physically much more confident than before, as being toned has really boosted my confidence. I did consider myself healthy before starting, as I'd already lost quite a bit of weight, but I wanted to get fitter as well.

The main thing for me in the sense of achievement it's given me. That is priceless :)

mair99 profile image

I love the increased health and my husband loves the 'fringe benefits'!

Allywally profile image

I have slept better too and doing the exercise has helped me not want to eat.... I am doing Lighter life

BTX4 profile image

Agree that the sense of achievement is amazing and for me the best thing. I never thought I could do it. I think that mental well being should be one of the categories....

The only negative for me is the effect it has had on my knees but I am working on that.

Fabulous programme - I tell everyone I know about it. Maybe it should be featured more widely to get more people joining?

running-G profile image

I agree too with the mental ability.

It's a great programme not so much stress relieving but taps into the psychological capacity, by believing in yourself that you can actually do it. Motivating yourself to the best of your ability, and surpassing it. And as well as for yourself yet by encouraging others them to follow it too! Even to the point being on here (this forum) supporting each other through the trials and tribulations. Acknowledging everyone has their low moments but if you try again you'll get there. That's why I like it anyway. Even if it did take me 3 attempts to do week 5 run 3. grr!

monkeyfeet profile image

Lost weight but was already dieting before and during c25k so I can't tell how much the running contributed.

blueboots profile image

I smile/laugh more. Not sure about weight loss, no scales and most of my clothes are the same, so have not ticked it. Must get weighed soon as I had 10K-15K to lose.

Burstcouch profile image

I have depression and anxiety and this is one of the key things that has contributed to an improvement in my well being.

Please get this advertised more in GP practices and health centres, the more people know about this the better.

juicydee profile image
juicydeeGraduate in reply to Burstcouch

Absolutely!! My GP had never heard of it - but loved the sound of it and was going to look it up as soon as I'd left the surgery.....!

cupcakesandstilettos profile image
cupcakesandstilettosGraduate in reply to juicydee

Some GPs are trying it for themselves............

juicydee profile image

It makes me want to eat more healthily as I'm now conscious of the 'fuel' significance of food.

bizzyb profile image

Gets me out into the fresh air which I love, great for reducing stress caused by my job, I feel re-energised and 20 years younger, had terrible muscle aches and frozen shoulder which has now gone. My GP had never heard of c25k either! The best use of tax payers money I can think of, mega big thumbs up to the NHS

Although I haven't finished the programme yet I already know it has helped me and my whole family.

I am fitter already, I am so much happier after a run.

Positive attitude to fitness has gotten to the whole family, even my 5 year old wants to be out more (cycling along side me)

Only negative is I'm a bit grouchy if I cant get out for a run!!! Now that is a turn around!

I didnt even know the NHS had this programme until I was on iTunes looking for free c25k podcasts. Advertise people! Set up community C25K trainers and groups, get people moving :)

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to

There was talk of doing something on daytime television; i had an email about it over a year ago now. I'm not sure what happened but I don't think anything ever came of it, which is a huge shame.

Greg_M profile image
Greg_MGraduate in reply to TJFlute

funny, I was thinking about that the other day.

Considering how negative television csan be the positivity here is amazing.

shelleymcb profile image
shelleymcbGraduate in reply to

my 12 & 13 year old daughters are doing this. both can now run for 25mins & believe that it would be good if they had something like this in school. who knows, may even help with childhood obesity & diabetes. cant believe how many friends of my children have diabetes. I dont remember anyone in my class at school having it.

also, as it definately makes you feel better about yourself could be good for children with confidence issues. & adults :)

kerryjoy profile image

I now sleep better, have increased my good cholesterol levels and have motivated friends to join so we are all feeling better.

joannew profile image

For me it's about improved stamina... Even when you have completed the programme then don't get out every other day you will find you can still manage to run a much better distance than you'd think possible without tiring. An extremely beneficial programme which I too think is not promoted as much as it should be for the benefits it can bring.

Misstrolly profile image

This is the first time since I was a child that I have fallen in love with exercise and its benefits.Due to a slight heart mumour as a 11 year old and a resulting iron deficiency I really struggled at high school with sports and grew to hate it, compared to my younger self that used to come first or second in primary school races. I never really recovered a love for exercise and became quite an expert in relaxation time! I have found having increased stamina a huge boost.

I also eat less and only eat when I am hungry, the exercise so far has not made me ravenous. I also have really lost the desire to drink alcohol and when I do, one pint at the pub or a glass of wine with my meal is more than enough. I think my body realises how dehyrating alcohol is and calls time on me much more than it ever did!

debssey profile image

I am 48 and hadnt run since school. I have been overweight most of my entire adult life and have constantly been on diets. Three years ago, not sure why but I started questioning what I was eating and started asking myself if I really wanted it. I lost 3 stone very quickly ( I was 22 stone) and then felt the need to exercise so I joined the gym. I have now lost 10 stone and 6 weeks ago heard about the c25k from a friend, promptly downloaded the podcasts and started running. I have now got rid of my gym membership, because I dont need it!!!!

I have lost another stone, treated myself to running pants, got used to running in the rain, hail and snow, and have just finished week 5 run 2.

The support I have got got from all of you on here is amazing and I cant do it without you, checking in every day to see how everyone is doing is lovely. So thank you all.

If you want to lose weight and get fit just download a podcast and run!!!!!

Kate1991 profile image
Kate1991Graduate in reply to debssey

Woah - I had to blink a few times when I saw your weight loss achievements - just wow! :)

A huge congrats to you!

blueboots profile image
bluebootsGraduate in reply to debssey

debssey, your story is amazing. You are a real inspiration for others. This plan really needs to be advertised. I only came across this by chance. How did your friend hear about this? Is it advertised somewhere? Anyway, well done to you for all you have achieved so far

debssey profile image
debsseyGraduate in reply to blueboots

Hi blueboots, thanks for your comments. I think my friend heard about it from someone else, I think thats prob how this c25k works for most people. I havent seen it advertised anywhere! It should be. Last time I saw my doctor she hadnt even heard of it either. Week 5 run 3 tomorrow, give me luck!!

blueboots profile image
bluebootsGraduate in reply to debssey

Best of luck for that run. It really is not as bad as we all imagine. I thought I would never manage that one and was quite worried about it but it was fine. Slow and steady and try to smile when you are tiring and all should be well. :)

jenniej profile image

This is a fantastic programme for those of us who havent been exercising. In just a few weeks I'm transforming from being very unfit into someone that's exercising regularly. I've started doing different types of exercise on my rest days as well as I seem to have much more energy.

The combination of the podcasts with Laura's perfectly judged encouragement, plus the blogs & questions is just great. There's a real feeling of community so I dont feel isolated as I struggle to improve. We're all in it together.

Also my cholesterol level has fallen considerably which I'm convinced is due to this programme. My diet has improved as somehow stodgy food has lost its appeal. I also feel brighter & enjoy the 'high' i get from running.

Getting people into exercise has the potential to save the NHS millions - this is the type of programme that should be heavily promoted in primary care to improve physical & mental health.

Rose885 profile image

C25K is a brilliant programme - I'm always recommending it to anyone that will listen!

I lost 10lbs on the programme which put me into the healthy BMI bracket and looking a lot more toned overall. I never would have believed at the start that I could run for over 30 mins in 9 weeks, it's amazing how the human body builds up endurance so quickly. I'm also asthmatic and have noticed my breathing/lung capacity has improved and I am less wheezy since starting C25K.

I have more energy and see an improvement in my mood, the knowledge that I have set my mind to something and completed it is fantastic and I continue to feel great after each run and am now aiming towards running 10k.

Rose885 profile image
Rose885Graduate in reply to Rose885

Forgot to mention that C25K has motivated me so much that I now (sometimes) get up at 5.30am to go running which I would have deemed insane behaviour a few months ago! :D

Zagel profile image

I have not been doing this program for very long, only on the second week and using this as well as healthy eating to lose weight.

Really happy to just run for the 90 seconds at the moment :)

Old_trout profile image
Old_troutGraduate in reply to Zagel

Good for you, Zagel! As I did the first week I thought I'd never do it, but starting today on w3 I think I might just!

Jodey profile image

I am happier, less stressed and have lost just shy of 2 stones since starting the program in Jan and now have a bmi of 22 - couldnt be more chuffed. People have commented how different I look but I'm also getting comments that my skin and eyes are brighter ... these kinds of compliments are ones a girl could get used to !! :)

andychops profile image

I am on week 4 and as well as losing weight, having more stamina, more self confidence etc.... My kids are proud of me for doing it !!

That's good enough for me to keep on running!!

juicydee profile image

And I've just realised today how it's made me much more of an 'outdoors' person in all seasons - I started C25K in January and apart from a week or so when it was very snowy and slippery I did all the runs outside. Then there was a huge psychological breakthrough when I first ran in the rain - after that I realised how beautiful the outdoors is, no matter what the weather's doing. Today I've been up Box Hill in Surrey with a school trip (and did the same yesterday with another group) and so much enjoyed the fresh air, scenery and walking (even the uphill bits - I beat lots of the kids!). I've got technical zip-off trousers and walking boots now, I don't mind getting sweaty or my hair messed up and I feel a lot less awkward about being a (still) overweight 55 year old out with teachers young enough to be my kids :-)

I can't see myself retreating to the couch ever again!!

Tulli profile image

In week 4 and loving the sessions, given it to lots of others to try. I have noticed loads of people are talking about achieving 10K. Love to see Laura put out a continuation from the C25K to getting to 10K.

DontBeBlueBeARainbow profile image

My resting pulse is now 54, which apparently makes me an "athlete" :O

This has been brilliant - it's also improved my sleep. I think I get sleep of a better quality and need less of it so I get better quality life all round :)

cattery profile image

Best result am sleeping better, slept for 8 hours one night and didn't know myself the next day! Makes life worth living.

andychops profile image

This is a blessing in disguise for me as I had never run before and always considered myself as, well, not a runner. It has increased my fitness, made me feel energised, made me look forward to run days, improved my confidence, changed my shape, lost me weight and most important of all...introduced me to the freedom that is running. I used to think people who were "addicted" to running were bonkers, but now...I get it !! Thank you to Laura and C25K xx

JR21 profile image

I'm going to leave this poll up until we get 200 responses and then put another one on. All suggestions gratefully received!



sarmkel profile image

Never thought running was for me before trying this programme, it all seemed so hard - but the way you develop stamina, confidence and ability week by week, it makes you feel so good when you achieve the milestones set. The support from fellow runners through bloggs is brilliant too.

I have noticed how well I'm was sleeping especially on the nights when I have run and that I wake refreshed next morning. I have done this plan in conjunction with Slimmers World and although I had initally put weight on, I am now loosing it at a encouraging rate! I tell everyone about the programme when they comment on how I am looking - getting so many comments about how well I am looking! Sooo pleased.

jogger profile image

I also feel more awake!

pingle profile image

Yesterday I did my graduation run - I can safely say that at no other time in my life could I have run for 30 mins! I have more energy, enjoy being outdoors more and have learned to love the rain. I have not lost weight but others have asked if I had so presumably looking more toned. One person commented that I was 'glowing' and my 12 year old looked over my shoulder as I was completing the poll and said 'definitely less irritable'. Bit embarassing to admit as it kind of implies I was a grumpy old whatsit before! I have also become something of a c25K evangalist.

More positive and able to take decisions stress free ( personal and work related)

christian1 profile image

I did not think that C25K had done much for me till I went to visit and look after our two and a half year old grandchild. I usually find this quite exhausting, but this time it was much less tiring. So I guess I have gained some stamina.

Also fitted in a run while I was there - good to run in a new place.

bearpadi profile image

The most amazing benefit i had which i hadn't expected is that my heart rate has consistently become much lower. About 15 - 20 years ago i was quite ill - anxiety state - and i am now completely fine and very good but my heart rate although it dropped from very high rates has stayed consistently at 80 bpm whatever i did - and i had stopped trying to change it - and then to my amazement come week 5 it had dropped and has stayed down at 70 bpm Fab

Vivwestie profile image

Realising that anything is possible.

arablue profile image

It's helped me in so many ways. Apart from the physical where I ticked all the boxes.... The achievement of sticking with the plan (now wk7) is a great confidence boost. Getting outside in the fresh air and daylight is helping my physical and my mental health. C25k is a great resource! :D

unicorn profile image

I was hoping to lose weight but it has not happened yet. I am weighing 92kg and wish I could lose at least 12.

lola465 profile image
lola465Graduate in reply to unicorn

I was told that increasing exercise alone very rarely leads to significant weight loss. The bad news is it has to be combined with a healthier eating programme. Sorry unicorn - I hope you buck the trend and find you start to lose weight anyway :-)

123456789 profile image

One of the best things for me so far, is that my balance has improved tremendously. I no longer stagger and drag my right leg when tired. So really pleased.

Gregg profile image

This program is AWESOME! I'm so frigging glad I found it.

Thanks guys for all your support :)

JHslimmer profile image

The programme is fab ... and very very clever in its design. Never run in my life before ... ran for twenty mins earlier this week. Just done Wk 6 Run 1 this morning. It's very addictive and you feel such a sense of achievement when you progress from one week to another.

ktaylor217 profile image

I am less stressed and less snappy with the kids. I have lots lots of weight and my confidence has increased. I have more energy in general. Someone told me I look 10 years younger! For me it is the psychological benefits that have surprised me the most. As a mum with 2 small children going for a run gives me a little 'me' time that I can fit around all the other things I have to cram into the day. My sister is a runner and we have done a 10k together and I feel it has helped our (at times difficult) relationship...

lola465 profile image

I was at a really low point mentally when I started this program.

I find I'm more cheerful - and the "running" gives me a mood-boost that lasts for hours.

My 12 year old son told me that he wants to come with me - I'm about to start week 5 so I'm not sure he'll be able to keep up. A small, evil part of me would like find it less of a struggle than him: to show him the old lady's not as unfit as he thinks!

What is rather lovely is that twice a week he does the early morning dog walk - and it is early: 6am - so that I can do my run. I'm so chuffed to have a kid who's willing to do that. It's another unexpected bonus.

Be11adonna profile image

I am only on week 4, but find I am much calmer in general, especially after a run. Also sleep much MUCH better.

Often find myself staring out of the office window wishing I could be running instead.

Smilish profile image

On week 5 and checked all the boxes. Though I started feeling the improvements in week 2 and I was hooked! I'm from Canada and it looks like today was my last outside run. Good thing my university has an indoor track. :P

Jennifer_H_B profile image

Fitness has improved having not being able to run for more than a minute previously - taught me how to pace and push myself to set goals.

Old_trout profile image

I just feel so proud of myself, even though my running is pathetic, it's more than before I started, and as I remember from the last time it will get better. I force myself out of the door sometimes and come back ready to take on the world. Love it!

Improved my cycling speed. Feel I want to push on and do more speed with cycling and my running.

BridgetBrooks profile image

Feel happier and more positive.