My mum was recently diagnosed with stomach cancer, the doctor thinks it is stage 3 but will need further scans and tests to see if it has spread. I've read so many online articles about cruciferous vegetables, berries and turmeric etc. being super foods for slowing/stopping cancer growth and have been incorporating it as much as I can into her diet. However, I know I can't believe everything I read on the internet so I was wondering if anyone has any advice or tips on nutrition that has helped you. If she is stage 3, my mum will need 3 months of chemo, surgery to remove a significant part of her stomach along with 3 more month of chemo. I really want to strengthen her up and help her put on some pounds (she's lost quite a bit of weight) but I'm really scared of giving her "bad food" that may worsen the situation. I've asked the doctor and he said she doesn't need to make any changes and that she could eat whatever she likes, I have a hard time believing this advice...