Hi I'm new here ive had a problem with incontinence for what seems forever it was just night time now it's day as well not sure if having autism and adhd has anything to do with it also been diagnosed type 2 diabetic and have had high blood pressure for a few years now
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Hello JackJ05, welcome. You’ll find some great info and caring folks sharing similar experiences. Sorry you are dealing with incontinence, no fun! Have you talked to your doctor to try to track down the cause and try out some treatment options? It’s difficult to start that conversation but well worth it. There are lots of options to help make your life better.
Look forward to hearing more about your journey.
Welcome to the group! I hope that through some further testing your physician will be able to find a causes(s) for the incontinence, and get you on the path to some treatments and help.
There is a pretty recent article that is about urinary incontinence and cardiovascular disease. There does appear to be a link between diabetes and high blood pressure with UI. This is a link to the abstract and it might be something you'd like to share with your doctor. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/313...
Hi Jack, I too am a bedwetter from Type 1 Diabetes and recently have been having daytime accidents. I still find needing diapers to be embarrassing. I’m not sure I will ever get over that. You’re not alone!