I have dealt with bladder control issues since youth. I had many embarrassing moments but I feel those around me made it worse. My step mom in particular really humiliated me. Put me in diapers which was a kind thing but made it so embarrassing like something to be ashamed of. Have any of you had similar experiences?
Embarrassing situations during youth th... - Continence Support
Embarrassing situations during youth that made you ashamed?
I personally did not have this situation growing up, but I have listened to others tell of very similar circumstances - and being punished, too. I am so sorry that you were humiliated and made to feel embarrassed.
I do not see any reason to be embrrassed by things which are beyond my control, although I was when I was younger. Try to put your sad experiences behind you and help any younger people you know to see such issuues as nothing to be embarrassed about.
I am so sorry for what you've experienced. Derick Fage's Ted Talk on incontinence is so moving! Although he had supportive parents, he experienced a lot of difficulty and bullying from his peers. All of his hardship shaped him into the great person he is today. He's passionate about advocating for others. I hope you won't let those who don't understand discourage you! youtube.com/watch?v=S-B4gEk...
Thanks for sharing
I was never made to feel ashamed of my lack of bladder control as a wee girl, my mum whent to great lengths to make me accident proof clothes as a 3 year old, sewing me dresses with waterproof vinyl inside, that way if I had wet it wasn't overly noticeable to a passer by.When I was 4 I was put back in nappies because there was no improvement in my ability to tell when I needed to pee, unfortunately my mum passed away around that time, my dad hated my nappies and tried to get rid of them but my older sister stopped him.
I was in cloth nappies and plastic pants until I was 6, and training pants for a few years after that.
I was never embarrassed of them around friends as I didn't know any better, in fact alot of the other children where jealous of them because I didn't have to go all the way home to use the toilet when we where out playing.