i have anxiety disorder for about 2 years now, i find that wearing diapers helps my anxiety. is it okay to use diapers for anxiety??? i do have a bladder problem too. where i have use diapers too. i think it is more Mattel then anything else. so my question is it okay to use and wear diapers 24/7 for my problem????? mrjw.
diapers&anxiety: i have anxiety disorder... - Continence Support
There is nothing wrong in wearing diapers for any reason. That are just another form of undergarment.
If they help you in any way then yes it is ok to wear them for that reason.
Yes. It is ok to wear a diaper if it helps you to relax and have less anxiety. Diapers bring many people comfort! Whether it is using them to alleviate incontinence or to alleviate anxiety, it is ok. Use diapers if you need them for whatever reason.
Just wanted to say, too, that if they help with your anxiety, why not? They are just your choice in underwear.
thanks for your help everyone. the diapers that i use have tape tabs and have to wear 24/7. if it's ok to use diapers for any reason, why do some people think it wired to wear diapers for comfort??? i don't get why some people have to judge you if they find out that you need to be in diapers 24/7. because of my anxiety i don't think could live with out diapers.