I'd like to get some feedback from other ladies with urge as to what worked. Not interested in medicinal items ..been there done that. Lets step it up for total containment...any surgical procedures? Any artificial sphincters. It seems like guys can get sphincters at the drop of the hat but not for women so much . Our physiology should not punish us.
Feedback for female urinary urge incon... - Continence Support
Feedback for female urinary urge incontinents.
Have you discussed Botox injections with your healthcare provider? Or perhaps a bulking agent?
I have stress incontinence, and so have no personal experience with these, but they are two options to discuss to see if you are a good candidate for these procedures.
You may also wish to discuss percutaneous nerve stimulation (PTNS) and sacral nerve stimulation (InterStim implant device) as other possible options.
There is no corrective surgery specifically for urge incontinence. Only for stress urinary incontinence.
Hope this helps!
I did botox once and that helped me achieve more volume in between voidings but once the signal comes there is no holding it back. Botox doesn't help with better retention. The quest is to overcome the painful urge sensation.