Hello. I’m an Occupationla Therapist and I've got a patient who is a male, 6’4” 285 pounds who has not been able to find an adult diaper that doesn’t leak. His son feels it’s due to dad’s size as products used with his mother work fine. Asthetics are not important to him. He has resources, access to internet, etc. Any advice?
Product advise for tall, large man please - Continence Support
Product advise for tall, large man please

I would suggest for him to contact northshorecare.com he can talk to a person and tell them weight and height and they will send a bunch of different product samples (for free). That way he can get a bunch of kinds to try and find out which work best for him.
Yes agreed with the previous post talk to North shore diapers and they can help you with that. I use North shore diapers and they work pretty well for me. I am a foot shorter than him but way somewhat less but I still can fit in there diapers.
Would a male condom catheter (external male catheter) with a leg bag work for him instead of an absorbent? Otherwise, there are bariatric sized absorbent available that might work. But if his doctor is OK with a drainage product, I would suggest trying that to keep him dry and comfortable.
Hello Jim_OT, Your patient could get in touch with a company in Illinois named NorthShore Care which carries their own brand name of adult diapers and so much more. The company has a website which can be found by typing in their company name into the search box of any browser. Recently they were offering free samples with free postage. They have online advisors during business hours along with telephone support.
I agree with northshorecare.com and they have a new product for the make, instead of a diaper, it is a pouch that either works very well per the reviews of the users or the fit is not right and so it gets a bad review. It seems to depend on whether or not a successful fit and lasting attachment can be achieved.