see a red blood streak on the surface of stool.
have hemmroids but do they cause bloo... - Colon Cancer Conn...
have hemmroids but do they cause blood to be on surface of stool or is this cancer?
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I had the same as you. It was a internal heamroid. My doc checked by bloods as aneamia can mean a loss of blood from somewhere, bowel, stomach. I was then sent for a sigmoidoscopy. This is where a internal heamroid was found. Makes sense as stool rubs against this and cause the straight line of blood on stool. Have a chat with you doctor to get reassurance and answers. There's nothing worse than driving yourself mad by saying is it this or that. You need answers to stop the worrying.
I went to the doctor and he told me I have hemms 100% and they would never fully go away unless I got a procedure done.
Hi, well that reassuring. I manage mine with prescription cream , suppositories when I get a flare up. I also eat more fibre, and drink prune juice every day to keep stools soft. This has helped. I also have a foot stool I put my feet on when using the loo. This helps position you better when passing a stool. Like a squatting position whilst sitting. It stops you training if the stool is a little firm.