I’ve just asked for a early pop review has I know my cmt is getting worse I cannot stand for long periods of time and walk very far I get high rate care and low mobility at the moment I have a automatic which I’ve just had too send my dvla medical form off too so has you can understand the stress and anxiety are overwhelming me I suffer with depression also just wondered if anyone else are or have put in for a early pip review due too their condition getting worse.
Pip review : I’ve just asked for a... - Charcot-Marie-Too...
Pip review

Hi MeganI’ve been waiting for 12 months for my review to happen so I wouldn’t your breath. Good luck.
If you believe that you may qualify for a higher rate of PIP than you currently qualify for you may make a submission for a new review any time. They will try to frighten you with statements that you may loose your current rate of PIP.
If you are unsure the best wording for the form speak to your Citizens Advise Bureau (CAB) they will have someone that can help you fill in the form with Civil Service Speak.
If you submission fails to get your PiP raised do consider an appeal again use the help of the CAB and if they fails you can submit an appeal to a Tribunal to which you can ask the CAB to attend and help with your appeal.
If that fails or only gets a part award you can start the whole process from the start.
I went through all this and did finally get a full award.
Another thing I was advised to do was ring the PiP helpline and if you don’t have a copy get of your last successful submission so you do contradict anything you have previous stated. Make sure you keep a copy of everything you have submitted as they will use historical information as well as any information you have currently submitted.
I live in Scotland so the NHS may operate slightly different to you but every time a clinic sees you as well as the report to the Doctor a copy of the report is sent to me. I used some of these reports to reduce the need for PiP to get medical reports.
Another PiP trick is to hold any medical is to place the interview room some way from the waiting area or place the waiting area up a flight of steps both these examples are to test your mobility.
I hope this information helps.
" Make sure you keep a copy of everything you have submitted as they will use historical information as well as any information you have currently submitted." yes but no but...the DWP don't (and the under data protection rules they labor under) can't share past data with those companies outsourced to provide the assessments...and as far as I am aware the DWP themselves rarely if ever look at historic information nor the history of the claim. The DWP effectively have no memory, or perhaps the memory of a goldfish, and possibly like Henry Ford believes that "all history is bunk"...
Remember your PIP claim has no memory of how your condition used to be in the past...by which I mean they will not look at your original form, statements of where your condition was when you last or first applied for PIP, nor supporting medical evidence you've given the DWP previously. Your form will be sent straight from the DWP to those outsourced in your area to provided assessments (Atos, Capita, Maximus or some other shower) both in the face-to-face manner and by assessing the form and documentation provided, and pertainantly the DWP do not share past data with these companies (or indeed with themselves). So Megan you need to treat any renewal as a stand alone claim. Remember that your worsening condition is consummate with medical textbook definitions of CMT...but it is also your subjective experience of your condition that cannot be easily denied or quantified. Remember also that both the DWP and the assess company (Capita or otherwise) have a duty of care towards you that they should be reminded of - as they have a habit of forgetting - and within this context...and because CMT is a named neurology condition which in historic DWP guildlines required an actual doctor to access (not a midwife, paramedic, or retired dental nurse) you might want to push for a paper based assessment as opposed to a face-to-face. Best wishes.