My platlet count is 149000 doctor said may be ... - CLL Support

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My platlet count is 149000 doctor said may be u have symptoms of dangue I m suffering from high fever 101-102 and dry cough pls let me know

Rehantausif profile image
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Rehantausif profile image
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AussieNeil profile image

You have posted in a community supporting those with a leukaemia/lymphoma blood cancer - CLL/SLL. Your symptoms don't match those experienced by our community and indeed appear to be far more likely to be infection related, hence your doctor's suggestion. Your platelet count is on the low side, but there are many reasons this could be so, including this just being your normal count.

I hope that your doctor is able to correctly diagnose you and that you will soon overcome these temporarily worrying symptoms. If you later find additional indications that you may have CLL, please post again and we will support you through your diagnosis and beyond.

I've disabled replies to this post of yours, because honestly, we really can't help you, based on what you have shared.


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