can anyone recommend a cream for dry ... - Children's Liver ...
can anyone recommend a cream for dry skin on the face of a BA child?
Hi there, we have had this problem from time to time and were prescribed something called Dermol by the tissue viability team. It can be used as a moisturiser and also to clean the face so it's quite handy. Your doctor would probably be able to confirm if this is suitable in your case? Good luck
My daughter (2.5 years old, had BA now transplanted) suffers from dry skin/excema, it's always much worse when she is teething or run down. We use Epiderm quite successfully or Aveeno dry skin cream on her face (smells nice too!) and Diprobase (both prescribed by the GP) for her body. best wishes
Our hospital gave my son Diprobase when he happened to get dry skin as an inpatient.
hi we have tried loads and aveeno is the one that seems to work...
also be careful with bath products as these could cause itching and dry skin
hello, there I have a liver problem and I use E45 cream im not sure if baby's can have it but it is just a suggestion xxx all the best
regards ivy