does anyone itch when they get liver ... - Children's Liver ...
does anyone itch when they get liver pain xox
Hi there, my son itches non stop he gets worse at night and when warm. He is only 23months so can't really tell me properly if pain.
When my daughter was first diagnosed with autoimmune liver disease itching was the first symptom x
I do. I itch a lot enough to where I have scratches all over my sides and all over.
My lil had the kasi procedure when she was 6 weerks old. she is 3 years old now and she was waking up 4-5 time in a night because of her itch. She is on several medication -Rifampicin (its blood red) , Ursodeoxycholic acid (URSO)and she on a new medication which helps her sleep (sorry i don't know the name of it) . she now only wakes up 1/2 a night this has been a result at least she is getting a good night sleep. she is also due to have her adenoids removed and grommets inserted as this will help her again with sleep and her eating.