How do I know if I have a high or low ... - Cholesterol Support
How do I know if I have a high or low cholestrol
Hi Traci,
I've. Been to my doctors, and I have asked them for a blood test, so I've tried to get a appointment with the nurse but she's fully booked, I don't know what to do know because I do eat aa lot of oily food, and I do get chest paiN, and breathing problems, I thought I had asthma. But my doctor checked today and said I don't, but I still think I do, so I'm gonna keep on trying to get an appointment with the nurse.
Hi Neel,
Doctors are normally keen to test your cholesterol, especially if you are over 40 (and they do get paid if they reach their targets!). Sometimes the practicalities of getting one are a pain. In our area, we have to make an appointment at the local hospital and sometimes it's difficult just getting through.
They are good, but because it's a fasting test you have to go in the morning which doesn't always fit in with working.
Hospital tests are definitely the most accurate. I have had one done at my local pharmacy and experimented with a home monitor but I didn't really trust the results.