Butter or...: Remember the old days when... - Cholesterol Support

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Butter or...

MikePollard profile image
6 Replies

Remember the old days when the bad boys responsible for CVD and CHD were finally discovered ? Well one of those bad boys was artery clogging butter. We got the message and consumption has been in sad decline since then. But that left a big hole in our diet, what now were we to spread on our bread? Well we rejoiced - for the health experts and the industry experts got together and gave us margarine in the form of hydrogenated vegetable oil. Anyone remember that? Anyone still actively searching it out (you can still find it!)? Probably not, because that little slip up between the health experts and the industry experts has cost hundreds of thousands of people people their lives.

Why? Because their hearts failed and they died!

Isn’t that a tiny bit ironic? Perhaps we should also consider the other implications such as Alzheimer’s, obesity, diabetes, cancer, liver disease etc.

However, with this little slip up fading from the collective consciousness, the experts have put their heads together again to sort the mess out. Now we have the answer - heart healthy reformulated margarines (sorry, ‘spreads’)! Not only that, we also have a vast choice:

'Flora Original', 'Flora Light', 'Flora Buttery Taste', 'Flora No Salt', 'Flora Lighter Than Light', 'Flora White', 'Flora Omega-3 Plus'. (One has to wonder why just one would not do, but I digress).

But that’s not all, there is another class of margarine, one I’m sure that’s familiar with the members of Heart UK; the cholesterol lowering spreads such as:

‘Flora pro Active’ and the ‘Benecol’ range - ‘Olive’, ‘Light’ and ‘Buttery’ (for God’s sake!) [Wonder why the buttery ones have helped a 7% growth of margarines this year? Perhaps because it tastes a bit like the real thing?]

Ever turned over the tubs and looked underneath? Well if you do you’ll see, in tiny, tiny writing the following warning (Flora):

‘Health experts agree that 2-2.5g of plant sterols a day is optimal for cholesterol lowering. More than 3g is not recommended.

Check with your doctor first if you are already taking cholesterol lowering medication, or if you have special dietary needs (i.e. you are pregnant or breast-feeding) and before giving to children under five.’

There is the same warning on Benecol tubs.

Now, I know why they put this legally required warning on the tub, but I have never seen it on packs of:

Peanuts, almonds, walnuts, pecans, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sprouts, peas, beans, lentils, broccoli, cauliflower, avocado etc etc and they contain significant amounts of naturally occurring sterols!

Here’s a bit more info:


Ever wonder if you are an unwitting participant of some giant, money driven experiment?

Sprouts and butter - wonderful!

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MikePollard profile image
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6 Replies
DakCB-UK profile image

I'm getting a bit fed up with this recent flood of scaremongering posts and I'm not sure whether to bother commenting on this one, so here's my top three:

1. has anyone credible ever claimed butter was "responsible for CVD and CHD" or was that just building a strawman? Genetic mutations are "responsible" in FH sufferers, if anything is.

2. Yeah, lots of FH sufferers are habitual label-readers because of the claimed benefits of a controlled diet and we know that Flora products contain sterols, but Benecol contains stanols, so it's highly unlikely to be "the same warning" on both. Similar perhaps. And I think many of us are sceptical about the spreads and similar products because of the difficulty of dosing correctly with them. The 1-a-day ranges are better if you're going to use them.

3. Labelling laws are different for fresh produce and spreadable fats. Fresh produce labelling is usually under Regulation (EEC) No. 1035/72, while spreadable fats are usually under Regulation (EC) No. 2991/94. Does anyone expect the same labelling to apply to such widely different produce?

Aliwally profile image

I agree with DakCB-UK that for most of us with inherited forms of high cholesterol whether we spread butter or Benecol on our bread is largely irrelevant. I try not to eat too much bread anyway.

Personally, I never buy any of those products because they are so expensive. When I was off statins, I faithfully drank one of those small yoghurt drinks every day and managed to drop my LDL from 5.8 to 5.5....big deal !

DeeNJai profile image


If we listened to every food scare we wouldnt eat anything. Like the other two posters I have FCH so I inherided it. I am seeing a dietitian in December as I also mean to lose six stone but it harder when you are in a wheelchair.


DakCB-UK profile image

I think I mentioned at the RSM London event that I'm trying a fairly strict UCLP diet, as well as my statins. By the time of my next blood test in 2 months, I'll have been following it for 6 months, which I think is a fair crack to see if diet has much effect on me.

DeeNJai profile image

I struggle with exercise too as I dont know how I will be everyday because of the chronic pain condition I have. It looks like finally my flare up improving and hopefully will be gone in a few weeks. Its been 14 weeks of a flare up some far.


Aliwally profile image

This is no good if you hate it, but have you thought about swimming? Some pools offer specialist facilities such as hoists and shower chairs. We used to go to a specialist session with my daughter when they even heated up the water!

Like everything though it does depend on what is available in your particular area.

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