what is statins: - Cholesterol Support

Cholesterol Support

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what is statins

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DakCB-UK profile image

There's a fact sheet on it at heartuk.org.uk/index.php?/h... along with similar ones for other drugs and treatments.

thanks,i recently was put on heart monitor as i have heart disease and was warned to lower my cholesterol,as it was dangerously high,i cant exercise due to crumbling spine,i stopped smoking 2 yrs ago and i got 3 lumberdurals which is steriod based which puts weight on,ive jumped frm size 12/14 to 16/18 in 2 yrs and because ive lost height from my spine ive went from 5ft/4 inches to 5ft/1 the height of noncense.i would be gratefull for help on this matter as my gp scared me when he said dangerously high,im changing eating habbits all fruit and veg,flora ,no biscuits,choc,crisps,all snacks are healthy now,im lost at what else i can do.

Aliwally profile image

Hi megfaichney,

I do sympathise as you seem to be stuck in a vicious circle. I was only able to lose weight with a combination of exercise as well as diet.

Statins are the drugs of choice for anybody with high cholesterol and they certainly do what they say on the tin, that is reduce levels of LDL cholesterol.

Mike262 profile image


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