The vast majority of people in today's urban-centric environment are constantly stressed for time. When not working, they look for 'down-time' by watching TV.
The term 'down-time' implies a period when a person can relax both physically and mentally so they can 're-energize'. The truth though is that TV watching, is not rejuvenating.
Exercise stimulates oxygen production and distribution throughout the body. It increases Nitric Oxide production which dilates your arteries and reduces blood pressure. It strengthen's your heart muscle, making it more efficient. It improves the function and health of your endothelium, the inner lining of your arteries. Heart disease is also known as endothelium dysfunction.
Exercise elevates HDL - the so called good cholesterol that scavenges the bad LDL cholesterol and eliminates it from the body.
Exercise lowers blood glucose levels as your body draws on the glucose for energy.
Exercise tones your muscles, your endothelium and strengthens your bones. It improves your mental state and will, in fact, energize and rejuvenate you.
Exercise is almost as necessary to the human body as water. Without water, we will die in about 7-10 days. Without exercise we will die more gradually - but the process is painful as all manner of diseases develop due to a lack of exercise.
Exercise can be as simple as walking for 30-60 minutes. This can be broken up into 2 sessions or even 4, but the walk must be at a brisk pace.
Resistance exercise is also very important - something as simple as a push-up exercises several muscle groups and strengthens your bones.
When done consistently and combined with a nutritious diet - most diseases known to man can be avoided. This means most medications can be avoided.
People seeking peer advice in this forum should first alter their diet and engage in a daily exercise program, and they will find that medications are no longer required.
Exercise is therefore, NOT a luxury, to be done when you have time to spare, or when you're in the mood or when the weather is just right. It must be done daily - without exception.