Research has shown that high levels of triglycerides are associated with small LDL particle size!
Do we need to take any action on this ?
Research has shown that high levels of triglycerides are associated with small LDL particle size!
Do we need to take any action on this ?
Yes! High triglycerides are a marker for the body going into overdrive trying to get excess carbohydrate into storage. Most doctors focus on total cholesterol (largely meaningless and changing all the time) and only look at the LDL as a whole rather than subfractions making up that total.
A low carb high fat diet will increase LDL, but it will be so called large fluffy (benign) rather than small dense (bad) thought the difference is only a couple of nanometres.
Triglycerides will go down, HDL up and the HDL/trigs ratio will be optimum and is one of the best markers for heart health. Low HDL/high trigs spell trouble!
Are you eating a low carb no sugar no processed food mainly plant based diet ?
There was a recent study whereby red grapefuits were shown to lower Triglycerides. This is an example of an easy breakfast habit that can have a positive effect on lipid levels for the vast majority of people who do not have a strong genetic influence on their lipids
Hi there, can you point out to that study?
I Googled "Triglycerides Grapefruit" and got a long list of research papers and blogs from 2006 which, in the main, support the beneficial effects of grapefruit. As always, you have to be careful on the accuracy of information on some internet pages and think about the basis of the research.
My Triglycerides have dropped dramatically from 1.9 to 0.5 mmol/l on a largely plant based diet (some fish) and no sugar, no dairy, no alchohol, 60 mins exercise per day.
Hope that helps.
Do heart UK support LDL-C and LDL-P testing?
Standard test for cholesterol at the moment is total, LDL and HDL and some more.
I have managed to reduce my cholesterol level by a massive 15% from 7.2 to 6.1 in just 3 months. How? By reducing massively the sugar/carbohydrate intake, eating sensibly, having regular exercise and taking Plant Sterol tablets. My GP says I'm doing the right things (he won't tell me what his is) and am now into the reasonably safe zone. Very little bread, breakfast made up of shredded wheat, porage (or porridge) and some fruit, and, importantly, drinking plenty of water too. I can still have a steak and chips occasionally (I'm not vegetarian) and to top it up I can have a glass of red wine if I wish. There's a great deal of mis-information out there that fat is bad for you but sensible intake is the order of my day. My weight is down to target, my BP and HR are both good, my visceral fat is 6 and my BMI is 22.6 at last monitoring. I'm an active 69 year old, and except for a couple of nasty looking varicose veins in my left leg, in reasonable condition. I can live with that! Besides my wife keeps me in check too ( 40 years in August 2015 )! Research the internet for answers, work at it and don't just settle for the statins route with the aches and joint pains associated.
Thank you. Am 68 and married for 42 years ,I have changed my life style, food intake control and regular exercise. Not changing the food that my wife cook for dinner but breakfast and lunch have changed it.
The question is which is best shredded wheat porridge for breakfast?
Have not reduced my weight but a fitter person. NHS calculator for BMI is saying I am obese, I do not take a note of this.
GP's do not like to talk much apart from giving medication!
Keep up the good work.
All I know is that when I had my heart attack my Triglycerides were in the 20's
Now in single figures and in acceptable range.