Skip: Muscle cramps from losartan. Quit... - Cholesterol Support

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Skip2134 profile image
17 Replies

Muscle cramps from losartan. Quit taking last week and replaced it with ubuiquinol. 100 mg once daily. Taking metoprolol 2x daily. Can I take ubuiquinol in its place. Maybe ubuiquinol 3x daily @ 100mg. Cholesterol is up and sugar at last visit. Would like to get off these meds. Plz advise.

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Skip2134 profile image
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17 Replies
Sonyajba profile image

Hi skip

Can you please let me know why you take the beta blocker metoprolol? Do you have a heart condition?

If you've been prescribed metoprolol for a heart condition then I do not advise replacing it with any drug or supplement with out medical advice.

Sorry not much help but a little background on your health issues may help with on going advice


Skip2134 profile image
Skip2134 in reply to Sonyajba

Been taking pressure meds 10+yrs after stent implant. Runs in family I guess. Was on lisinopril but changed to losartan because of 24/7 caughing up my lungs. That stoped with losartan but can't deal with side effects of it. Cramps and breathing issues. It's been a week I stoped losartan and taking 100 mg daily of ubuiquinol. Cramps and stuff gone. Would like do become less chemical dependent on drugs and take natural stuff instead. Bp med is 2x daily at 50mg. Would like to cut back on it with ubuiquinol but unsure if I should. Or find another doctor if need b. thanx

Skip2134 profile image
Skip2134 in reply to Skip2134

Also it was a little scary at first when quitting losartan with the withdrawal symptoms. Heart beat was crazy at times along with breathing. Live close to a hospital if I need it. Feeling so much better and not achy or tired. Feels nice!!

Sonyajba profile image

I'm happy you're feeling much better, the Ubuquinol will definitely help with energy levels and recuperation of muscle and cramp side effects you've suffered.

Ubuquinol also strengthens cardiovascular system so it's an excellent supplement.

As far as BP, there has been some research that suggests that maintaining proper levels of Co Q10 ( Ubuquinol ) can actually help the body maintain a normal BP.

I can see why you'd rather stop chemical drugs and try ubquininol but I'd have to advice you see your doctor before stopping medication. Perhaps you could suggest stopping for a month and continue with Ubuquinol only and have regular BP checks?

Either way I feel it best you see doctor and if they are unsupportive then change doctor.

Hope that helps


Skip2134 profile image
Skip2134 in reply to Sonyajba

Excellent advice. I should purchase a bp device and monitor it through out the day to make sure all is fine. Might have to find a doctor that won't simply prescribe the bad drugs. Thanx again.

Skip2134 profile image
Skip2134 in reply to Sonyajba

Excellent advice. I should purchase a bp device and monitor it through out the day to make sure all is fine. Might have to find a doctor that won't simply prescribe the bad drugs. Thanx again.

Skip2134 profile image
Skip2134 in reply to Skip2134

One other question. What should b my daily intake of ubuiquinol on a daily basis. Taking 100 mg at lunch in place of chlosterol meds. Is this enough or should I do more. 3x a day?

bobski1 profile image
bobski1 in reply to Sonyajba

bad advice , there is no peer reviewed evidence that ubiqunol nor that of Q10 as a medicine has any effect .the only thing that can be said is that the body needs both but, taking both in medicine form both may have a placebo effect. or worse

Skip should be talking out his/her concerns with qualified medical people ,everybody is different and side effects of self treatment could be very bad. if not deadly

Sonyajba profile image
Sonyajba in reply to bobski1

I cannot see how my advice was in anyway ' bad'

Not once did I refer to Ubquinol as a ' medicine' it's a supplement only and that's exactly what I said.

I also did not advise skip to stop taking BP medication and replace with ubquinol, as you rightly say I am not qualified to advise anyone to stop their medication.

I actually recommended that skip visits their GP for advice before stopping any medication.

As far as benefits of Ubiquinol millions take it and find as a ' supplement' it helps them and there has been research into its affects on cardiovascular and BP benefits. Although this is not to be mistaken with replacing medications.

bobski1 profile image
bobski1 in reply to Sonyajba

agreed that you did not say that ubiqinol and q10 are a medicines,but it could be taken that they could be . But neither of these supplements have had any peer review although the human body makes both .

skip is falling into the trap of what else could help and both of us agree that this is not a forum for prescribing medicine .

Sonyajba profile image
Sonyajba in reply to bobski1

Agreed this forum is not for prescribing medicine.

I would also agree that it would have been totally in appropriate of any member to recommend a supplement to replace a medication.

Skips Original post stated that they had been taking ubquinol daily, which shows I did not prescribe or recommend it.

I simply stated fact that ubquinol studies show benefits to cardiovascular system and CAN ( not does) maintain normal BP.

I am happy to post studies where my info comes from.

Simply put I think you may have misunderstood my advice and as you rightly say us members need to be careful when giving advice.

I still stand by my reply posts to skip but take on board the points you made.

Sonyajba profile image

Increasing to 3 x a day would be fine, although I'd start with 2 x daily for at least a week, just to make sure it doesn't affect your sleep as one effect of ubuquinol is energy :-)

Then move to 3x 100g and you should be fine.

Not sure how reliable BP home monitors are? So can't say whether it's good to purchase one, perhaps you could ask on here if anyone knows of a particularly reliable BP monitor, it's worth a try

Good luck and keep me posted

Skip2134 profile image
Skip2134 in reply to Sonyajba

Thank you for your time with assisting me on my new quest to rid myself from harmful meds. Will post my progress. Again, thanks!!!!

Sonyajba profile image

You're welcome :-)

florence5 profile image

Hi Skip, I've had Omron upper arm blood pressure monitors for 10 years. After year 8 of having my first one, I thought I should purchase a new one in case it was no longer accurate, however both old and new are still giving accurate readings. Many of the GPs use this brand although I am sure other brands may be just as good. Make sure it is one with an upper arm cuff. It is important to sit at rest for five minutes before taking readings, then you should take three separate readings with a minute or two in between. You can try taking readings at different times of day to ensure your BP stays relatively stable but the morning and evening are the most important. Keep a record which you can show your GP. GPs like to have home readings as many people, including myself, suffer from 'white coat syndrome' which results in a rise in blood pressure just because one is in the hospital or health centre. I bought mine on Amazon.

Skip2134 profile image
Skip2134 in reply to florence5

It's all good guys. Nobody has given me wrong advise. I chose to use ubuiquinol in place of my chlosterol meds because I can't deal with the side effects. I will say I feel so much better. No dizziness or rapid heart beat or muscle cramps. Guess it's doin well for me. I will find a cuff monitor that is good and go from there. But....... Nobody has given me information or advice in dealing with my situation. I contacted u with questions I had. Thanx again for your concerns. All is good. Peace......

Skip2134 profile image
Skip2134 in reply to florence5

I will search around for that bp monitor. Thank you.

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