Hi everyone,
First of all a very big shout out to lell1 who flagged up The Herbert Protocol to me, following my previous post about fitting GPS trackers to vulnerable dementia sufferers. I had never heard of it, so had to go off and do some online investigations.
What a great thing the Herbert Protocol can be in helping to find a lost, vulnerable person. In short it's a form you can fill in to help with locating or communicating with a vulnerable person who has gone missing. The form is downloadable from the link I'll give below. It should be kept up to date and somewhere safe but convenient to hand, so that should someone go missing it can be given to the police officer who takes the initial report.
The Protocol is named after George Herbert who was a veteran of the Normandy landings who was living with dementia. Sadly he died after going missing whilst looking for his childhood home. This is his really useful legacy.
Full details at : met.police.uk/herbertprotocol
Lell1, thanks so much and please see the virtual bouquet attached above, which is for you, for your outstanding suggestion!