I joined this community a little while ago, but I don't think I've ever posted here. I think most of my posts have been on Free to Breathe.
A little background: I had squamous cell lung cancer upper left lobe 4 years 9 months ago. I was very lucky, it was caught early and removed surgically. Last month it was confirmed, new lung cancer nodule, this time in the upper right lung. Thoracic surgeon thinks it's a new cancer instead of a return, but we won't know for sure until surgery and biopsy.
I am still waiting to get cleared for surgery. Had a PFT this past Wednesday, having stress test tomorrow, seeing cardiologist Tuesday, praying he clears me for surgery because I'm not crazy about plan B, radiation treatments. This thing took 11 months to grow 5 mm, but then it picked up speed. It grew 4 mm in 3 months.
I am terrified, I want it gone before it has a chance to metastasize.
The weird thing is that I suddenly find myself wanting to color my hair. Problem is, it's already thinning (hereditary, I was told) and I am worried that coloring it may just accentuate the thin areas. But I really want to color my hair, maybe go auburn or purple or blue.