What features of BWS do you or your child have? - BWS Support
What features of BWS do you or your child have?
My daughter has
Large birth weight (11lbs at 37 weeks)
Hyperinsulinism (She had a pancreatectomy at 11 weeks old)
Hemihypotrophy (currently 1.6cm difference)
Severe macroglossia (3 tongue reduction surgeries)
Large kidneys
Stork marks
Ear pits
My son has
Exomphalos containing bowel, primary repair day of birth
Stork marks on back of neck
Ear pits
Low blood sugar at birth, corrected within days
My son had
Macroglossia - tongue reduction at 20 months
Stork marks- disappeared by age 3
Neonatal hypoglycaemia... resolved in first few days but needed regular feeding
Very weak abdominal muscles with umbiliacal hernia and resulting in severe constipation. Abdominals still very weak
Large and very tall for age
my son had exomphalos repaired at birth
mild to moderate macroglossia - tongue reduction at 14 months
stork marks on forehead and nape of neck
undecended testicle - surgery same time as tongue
however he was a small newborn leading our surgeon to say that he thought it was unlikely to be BWS !! but grew fast and is now a taller than average toddler
Exomphalos repaired at birth
Mild to moderate macroglossia with a tongue reduction at 13 months
Ear creases
Stork marks on nose, forehead and eyelids, which have mostly disappeared but reappear when she's cross or tired
Prematurity - she was born at 30 weeks, but weighed 3lb10 at birth in comparison to her twin sister who weighed 2lb11
Large kidneys
My daughter was 10lb 8 and 1/2 born at 38 weeks
Macroglossia-tongue reduction surgery at 10 months 19/11/12
Low blood sugars at birth- 2 days on scbu
Stork marks on back of neck and forehead
Ear pits behind ear lobe
Large umbilical cord (biggest one the consultant had seen :))
Very tall is already in 18/24 months clothes at 10 months
My daughter was an IVF baby so that alone increases the risk of BWS.
She was born relatively average by weight (3600 g) but quite tall - 55 cm
She has stork marks on the tip of her nose, forehead and back of the head
One ear pit
If she has macroglossia then it is a very mild case - she just sticks her tongue out sometimes but then who doesn't?
My son has
Premature birth-32 weeks
Large weight 6.12lb
Large kidneys
A lot of amniotic fluid
Large tongue- reduction at 9 weeks
Exhomphalos- repaired at birth
Stork marks on forehead and eye lids
3cm difference In leg length
One side bigger than the other
Low blood sugars- needs medicine to stabilise them
Had a Hepatoblastoma (liver tumour)
Undecended testicles
But I wouldn't change him for the world xxx