At my wits end......: I have had tinnitus for... - Tinnitus UK

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At my wits end......

Jimmuck profile image
25 Replies

I have had tinnitus for the best part of three years and can usually cope with it reasonably well. I have had many spikes during that time and they usually quieten down after a few days but this current spike which is extremely intrusive has lasted three weeks which is unusual for me and shows no sign of letting up. I have tried all the coping mechanisms I know including Amitrip twice a day but so far, nothing is working and it's beginning to stress me out. To make matters worse, I have an occlusion in my left ear which I think was caused by a blocked eustachian tube and may be the result of micro suction which I had last year. I have been prescribed nasal sprays which have made no difference and have even resorted to facial steaming to ease the pressure but it hasn't helped either. My GP suggested an op to have a grommet fitted but thats the last thing I want as I know it can cause even more problems. with hearing and tinnitus. I literally am at my wits end with this constant barrage of noise 24/7 and just hope it will ease off soon.

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Jimmuck profile image
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25 Replies
TinnitusUKPat profile image

Hi Jimmuck

Trying solutions and then finding them not to work can be disheartening and might increase your anxiety levels quite a bit. It's positive that you're looking for remedies for this week but would it be helpful to view it as a problem which will calm down, given your previous experiences?

That at least gives you a break from trying things which don't work and frustrate you. Acceptance therapy suggests trying not to fight the symptom which is causing you distress but to let it be present and not react with fear to it.

Making it something which you have to get rid of only increases the attention you pay to it, which increases our autonomic system's attention - we're so used as a species to having sounds be a source of danger and warning that we're wired to regard tinnitus as a threat to be worried about rather than a sound, which we can control our reaction to.

I appreciate that it's worrying you right now, but you have good evidence that tinnitus spikes can pass - why do you think that the same thing won't happen now? Are there any other sources of stress going on for you which might be making this spike last longer than usual?

Take care,


Jimmuck profile image
Jimmuck in reply to TinnitusUKPat

Hi Pat. Thanks for the advice and your supportive comments . My main concerns are the duration of this latest spike and that the increased volume will be permanent. My spikes usually last a few days and I can cope with them but three weeks of non stop torture like this is a whole new ball game! I have had a few other health issues lately, as has my wife, not to mention the current pandemic which could be adding to my stress levels so maybe that would explain the spike.

It's very difficult to stay positive at the moment and some days, I can feel the old pangs of panic setting in as I did when my tinnitus first started! I need to change course mentally and try to keep calm and hopefully things will get a bit quieter.

Thanks for replying.

in reply to Jimmuck

Hi Jimmuck I am in the same position as you I have ear infections in both ears my Right ear is now healed but my Left ear is still on going I don't know I am holding it together I am on antibiotics drops and tablets but it's slow to heal like you I dread being back where I was when I first started getting Tinnitus I hope to turn a corner soon


T-shirts profile image

Sounds really horrible, sorry to hear you're having a bad time, antibiotics, have you had them, Amitriptyline I'm on them for sleeping, didn't know you could take during day, but maybe try at night for sleep, and retrain your brain to focus on other things, I know it's hard, anything music, noise machine, reading, what ever you like, Have you seen a Hearing therapist, they help, go back to your Doctor, they should be able to help you, deep breathing, yoga, exercise, anything to keep you calm, and not focus on the tinnitus, wishing you well, take care


Jimmuck profile image
Jimmuck in reply to T-shirts

Hi Anne. Thanks for your reply. I have been using Amitrip for a couple of years or so, usually taking 10mg before bedtime which helped me get a night's sleep. When the T spikes, I also take one mid morning which usually helps but this time round, it is having no effect. I have many hobbies which are a great distraction but at the moment, the T is so intrusive, I just cant concentrate on them. I am wearing my h aids all day now at full volume but even that is not enough to mask the screaming in my head. I have seen various hearing consultants and audiologists, private and NHS but none of them have little to offer in the way of practical help. I was convinced I had identified all the spike triggers but this current spike has me baffled, so I have started another process of elimination in the hope I can find the cause of this one which is the worst I have ever experienced. Best wishes.


T-shirts profile image
T-shirts in reply to Jimmuck

Oh, sorry to hear it Jim, I know how horrible it is, but when you have bad spikes like now, it very debilitating, my hearing aids block some if it, on a good day, all of it, which I love alot, I'm happy then, yeah that's the problem when its loud, can't concentrate, I hate it, but no cure as of yet, I used to see a hearing therapist for years, but can't go any more, had my quota, she helped me a great deal, sad I can't go really, but other people's turn now, I do wish you well, and over this terrible spike, what's happening with this Virus doesn't help, it causes anxiety, it's not an ear infection you have without realising, as I've done that, gone to docs, and come with antibiotics, I know how you feel, good luck to you, take care, stay safe,


Wringing1212 profile image

I'm going through the same thing now. Long time T but the last few weeks it's just making my head spin. I've considered the possible causes but can't find answers. Sure, lots of stress lately. I share my experiences as replies on this platform but get little empathy or correspondence with my comments. I feel like I'm reeling towards disaster. I've had to "bug out"from my home do to the looting and riots. I thought I was psychologically invulnerable but it seems I may hit my limits.

In the past I've acclimated, or habituated but it's like the volume has risen to try to outdo my coping skills. I have no idea where this leads.

I can totally relate to what you are going through.

Jimmuck profile image
Jimmuck in reply to Wringing1212

Hi Wringing. Thanks for your reply and it's always good to hear from people in the same position as yourself. Up until this latest spike, I was coping reasonably well even on the bad days and by keeping myself busy, I could push the T into the background, so it didn't bother me so much. This time round though, it's at an all time high and I feel totally overwhelmed by it. I know what you mean when you say you might be reeling towards disaster and it's hard to keep those thoughts at bay but hard as it might be, we have to try and stay positive. Let's hope we can battle through this and find some peace soon. All the best to you.


Wringing1212 profile image
Wringing1212 in reply to Jimmuck

Hi Jim,

I'll share more of my experience if you care to read on:

Lately, there has been stressors coming from all directions. We find ourselfs either frantic or bewildered, trying to deal with crisis. I notice my T spike when I've gotten in this mode. Perhaps its increased pulse rate or blood pressure or, stress hormones, or maybe I've stresssed my neck as I'm scurrying to physically take care of tasks in this emergency mode.(boarding up my shop windows and moving all of my artwork out of my gallery because of the looting)

A couple years ago the Tubbs fire took my country home. I lost three houses barns etc. my family escaped and I've been working on the mitigation of the burn since. Mostly forestry work. We may never rebuild. That was stress number one.

While rebuilding another house to move family into, I struck my head and got a concussion. It was the epidural in my neck, then the brain scan, that escalated my T to catastrophic. Since then, it's been compounding.

The past few months it's gotten worse.

I've considered the timing, of this. There are a number of things that started around this time. The 5G network was unrolled. That subjects all living things to 40 times more microwaves than 4G. Still, no studies to connect it to T. Then there is the Covid 19. Haven't been tested but I don't think I've had it. The stress of having to shut my business yet still having to work alone taking care of things. Having all that I've worked toward my entire life be destroyed before my eyes, whilst needing to support a family. That's a cumulative stress that could trigger spikes or perhaps a permanent increase in T. The latest introduction was the lower pitched sound like a pulsing motor. I'd seen a few other people complain of this one on this site, about the same time I got it. It's not hard to tolerate like the T kettle but it dose add to the mix of the band playing in my head.

My brain has automatically repeated bars from songs, over and over 24/7 in my head. I resisted it at first but now realize, it's the only way my brain can fight the T affect. It distracts me from the T.

I keep busy working on projects even when I'm done, I still work on them in my head 24/7.

Each day at 5:00 I have 2.5 glasses of wine. That's a half bottle. I fall asleep on the couch by 8:00 and wake up at 11:00, then go to bed and sleep till 2:00 or 4:00. The best is the wine sleep because I don't need to play the music or work on a project while I'm trying to nod off.

I have guilt on the wine but it's very fine wine so hey, what are you gonnna do?

P.S. My list of suspects that you may wish to add a to:



Ear buds

Exposure to loud noise

Ear infections

Lymph nodes problems

Spinal stenosis in the neck c-3,4,5 or 6

Stress hormones

Cell phone microwaves

Jimmuck profile image
Jimmuck in reply to Wringing1212

After all you've been through, I am amazed you only drink a half bottle of wine. If I was in your position, I think I would have the wine on a drip feed 24/7! What a catalogue of disasters you have endured and little wonder your tinnitus has ramped up. Compared to your experiences, my own stress levels pale into insignificance but we all have different triggers and they all have the same effect on us, no matter what they are. The thing about tinnitus which I can never get my head round is the sheer unpredictability of the condition. One week it's fine and relatively easy to cope with and the following week for no apparent reason, it's back to screaming pitch and drives me to the brink of insanity. Its interesting to read your list of triggers, some of which I am aware of and the others are certainly thought provoking. An NHS audiologist I see sometimes maintains I have the wrong attitude towards tinnitus ( she doesn't have it herself ) and that I should change my way of thinking about it if I want to move forward...oh really? Ignore the screaming hissing in my head and just pretend it's not really there seems to be the way ahead according to her. As someone once's hard to remember you came to drain the swamp when you are up to your arse in alligators! I hope you find some peace soon and sorry for the rant. All the best.

Wringing1212 profile image
Wringing1212 in reply to Jimmuck

My experience has been that I could ignore it for short periods of time, then I managed to shut it out with distraction and denial. Then, it spikes to new levels that you can't negotiate with. That's were your Audiologist doesn't understand that level. I have coped with it but I really have to go deep on the rationalization of it. What I've noticed is that as it gets worse, the big spikes go back down, whereas the lesser condition was quite constant. There comes a point where I feel a little pressure in my head.

I'm a real go getter, a surviver. I bounce back from depression quickly, so quick I'm amazed at my own resilience. Although there are enough things happening to me, one might think I was cursed. Actually I have many good things that also happen. I'm a "field of dreams" fan. "If you build it, they will come. So I keep building, and they do come. It's those little victories that keep me smiling. Not to mention, although you only get one pity party in life, the tragedies become badges of honor. Stories to tell.

As for the ranting, I think it's good medicine as long as it doesn't get your blood pressure up.



Walt46 profile image

Hi Jimmuck, I’m in a similar position and I know how frighting it is knowing that it won’t ease up. I’ve had it 24/7 for 6 months now with a new pitch that is louder than my kettle boiling or tv . I am going insane and can’t concentrate. I’m going to experiment with many remedies over the coming months as I find it hard to believe there is no cure and a poor understanding of it. I’m trying electrotherapy over the next few weeks from today so I’ll let you know how that works out. Hope it eases for you soon.

Jimmuck profile image
Jimmuck in reply to Walt46

Hi Walt and thanks for your reply. This is hell on earth isn't it. I woke up this morning with a screaming, hissing kettle going mad in both ears while a dentist had his drill running at full speed in the background. It's been like that for three weeks now and there is no relief from it whatsoever. Like yourself, I have several hobbies but with T at this pitch and volume, I just can't settle long enough to do any of them. It's a bit like having a raging toothache and it's all you can focus on!

I thought I knew all my spike triggers, tiredness being the main culprit but this current spike has me stumped. My plan now is to start a new process of elimination and hopefully identify the root cause. I have been using a strong steroid cream for another health issue and it coincides with the start of this spike. On Wednesday night, I forgot to use it and on Thursday, the tinnitus volume had gone down slightly. I used it last night and the volume is back to full pitch! Maybe it's just coincidence but it might just be the cause..who knows.

It's very frightening as you say, to think this might be the new volume we have to live with and will it get even louder which would be totally unbearable. I hope your electrotherapy treatment proves effective and you get finally get some peace. Best wishes.


Walt46 profile image
Walt46 in reply to Jimmuck

Hi Jim,

Glad it’s eased for you when you stopped using that cream. It certainly in process of elimination but then you always question coincidence. I always wonder is it worse when you are tired because you notice it more or is it because it’s actually louder? Hmmm🧐 let me know if you find a solution!



Blonde600 profile image
Blonde600 in reply to Walt46

Indeed Walt, Ive had T a yr now and the first thing I said was . Are you joking in this day and age? No cure but worse, no known relief ?.

Particulary when it can be counted as amental health condition or certainly contributes. I pray for all of you every night. I grant you all find strength untill we are listened to

Kind Regards.

Walt46 profile image
Walt46 in reply to Blonde600

I’m so peed off that there is no real cure for this. I’m 40 and am trying to come to terms that I’ll jave this noise for the rest of my life. Its definitely getting worse. I feel like I want to be hit around the head with a cricket bat in the hope it knocks the nerve or whatever it is back into where it supposed to be. I have just had my results from an MRI today which all came back when looking at my brain and inner ear. I have seen these herbal tablets that are from France that cure tinitus for most. I have checked their website and it has a money back guarantee if they don’t work and whilst I think it’s a load of crap, I feel compelled to give it a go? It reduces inflammation in the brain etc, which I’m sure other cheaper alternatives do aswell. Anyone tried anythingv like this?

Thinking of you all

Jimmuck profile image
Jimmuck in reply to Walt46

Hi Walt. Those French herbal tablets you mentioned could be worth trying. Years ago, a guy I worked with had an absolutely dreadful skin condition and all the conventional treatments available through the NHS had no effect. To cut a long story short, he tried a Chinese herbalist and was given a potion to take for three weeks. After just one week his skin was improving and at the end of three weeks it was back to normal. I am not saying it will work for tinnitus but let's face it, what is there to lose in trying it apart from a few quid maybe. A friend of mine always maintained nature could provide the cure for all our ailments and I think she's right. Just look at cannabis oil for example. It has been proven to be successful in treating all types of conditions from epilepsy to cancer but the big drugs companies discredit the results for obvious reasons and the medical profession dont want to know either. I have tried all sorts of stuff in the past three years with little success so I would love to know how you get on with it and if it works, I would give it a go. Nothing ventured nothing gained!



Walt46 profile image
Walt46 in reply to Jimmuck

I agree, herbal remedies are the au forward and your better off searching yourself rather than waiting for slow research and legalities of everything going though. i tried that electro 10’s machine last night and probably coincidence but it’s made things worse. I think maybe I need to keep a strict diary of everything I eat, drink, and what I do, and note the days my tinitus drops to see if there is any correlation, but my suspicions are it’s random.

I just think about the days that it is subtle, what is going on in my head to make it like that and how can I sustain that. Maybe it’s just random as thoughts and moods a person can have and can’t be controlled, I don’t know. Hopefully one day they’ll put as much effort into this as Covid-19 and we might get some answers!

Going to give some herbal tablets a shot for a bit and will let you know how I get on. It’s only a skydive that will distract me from this right now!

Blonde600 profile image
Blonde600 in reply to Jimmuck

Hi Jimmuck.

Know ye of anyone that has tried cannabis oil for T?.

Kind Regards.

Jimmuck profile image
Jimmuck in reply to Blonde600

Hi Blonde. Many sufferers on here have tried CBD oil including myself. To be honest, it did nothing for me but I think the stuff I tried which I bought at a High Street outlet, was too weak a concentration to be of any use. A much stronger concentration might be more effective but at the moment, it is very difficult to obtain.

Supervision6 profile image

Good morning

I've had this dreadful condition for 18 months. The past few days I'm in a spike 24/7 and at the moment it feels like I have a head full of crickets.

The beginning of lockdown was great.peace but now I'm losing it. Living alone is heightening the dreaful experience.

It will pass but as we all know it's tough...can only try and live a day at a time.

Anyone out there who also live alone with this condition?

Take care

Jimmuck profile image
Jimmuck in reply to Supervision6

Hi Super. A prolonged spike is a difficult thing to endure and mine is now entering its fourth week. I am very fortunate to have a very understanding wife who gives me her full support and I dont know how I would cope without her. It must be especially difficult on your own but you are never without support on this forum as we are all in the same boat. I hope your spike eases off soon and you find some peace. Best wishes.


Supervision6 profile image
Supervision6 in reply to Jimmuck

Thanks Jim. Today is the 2nd day where t is at a 2......thank God! I grade it 1-10.

Your support is very welcome I will have to use the site more than I have been......its comforting to know that you are there😊

Jimmuck profile image
Jimmuck in reply to Supervision6

Hi Super. I am so pleased that your spike has settled down at last. Mine also eased off a bit towards the end of last week although the T is still much noisier than it usually is and very intrusive. As I have said many times before, it's such an unpredictable condition. Last night for example at bedtime, it had all but gone and not to hear that hellish noise for a brief period was bliss. However, when I woke up this morning, it was back again and will be there all day. Like you, I grade my head noise 1-10 and right now, its sitting around 6/7, still awful but a vast improvement on the past four weeks where it was a constant 10.......or above! It's always good to share experiences on the forum and as you say, its comforting to know there are hundreds of folk like us on here who understand exactly what we endure and provide support when we need it most. Have a great day and I hope your T behaves! Best wishes.


Supervision6 profile image
Supervision6 in reply to Jimmuck

Hi Jim

I know exactly what you mean by the'bliss' experience, such relief! When it raises above a 3 I take the day hour by hour and at least I know it will eventually pass. Anything over a 6 is so debilitating.

I do feel for you Jim just hang on the fact that this too shall pass!

You too have a good day and together we will share our endurance, resiliance and hope!

Best wishes :)

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