Can’t sleep: I’ve had tinnitus for three years... - Tinnitus UK

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Can’t sleep

Tmummy profile image
19 Replies

I’ve had tinnitus for three years. Can’t sleep at the moment and the sounds I have have no longer been maskable or attenuated for ten days. I have 2 kids and a job, I’m at my wits end with nowhere to turn to. I’ve come off another forum as the negativity made me worse but other than forums what do we have?

I’ve called the GP, is Valium the way to go?

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Tmummy profile image
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19 Replies
Maryanne99 profile image

I have had tinitus 14 years had numerous hearing aids got different two months ago they have made a big difference see your audiologist

Tmummy profile image
Tmummy in reply to Maryanne99

Hi I don’t have any hearing loss...been prescribed a sedate to sleep. Would you take it? Will it make my ears worse?

rocksan profile image
rocksan in reply to Tmummy

in desperation when no sleep was driving me to self harm I got a short prescription for sleeping tablets cant stay on them as habit forming but to sleep all night was heaven] , am also terrified to read there is nothing that can be done for the noise in the ear[damaged 4 years ago gradually got more blocked more painful but tinnitus only started this year ] specialist says nothing wrong with the ear, am sure stress makes it worse

Ruud1boy profile image

I'm also nearly 3yrs in and have also run out of places to turn for help. The doctors say I'm looking for answers where there aren't any and the NHS tinnitus guy says by continuing to seek help, I'm preventing habituation.

All the noise about reaching out for help seems pretty hollow. We're on our own.

My doctor, very reluctantly, gave me a prescription for Diazepam / Valium. As far as I understand it, this won't do anything for our tinnitus, but it'll knock you out and make you care a bit less about the T for a brief period. You can't take them long term however, as they're habit-forming.

Tmummy profile image
Tmummy in reply to Ruud1boy

Thanks for your reply - we have to dig deep and try every masking sound out there...I know it’s a lonely struggle and the “you don’t have to suffer line” has no meaning. Neuromod is coming out soon, it may help us.

rocksan profile image
rocksan in reply to Tmummy

what is this? neuromod

amelirom profile image
amelirom in reply to Ruud1boy

I have tinnitus for 6 years or more I ignored it when it started and i'm sure it wasn't that bad ,didn't bother to understand the condition and avoid loud work places or loud places in general ,I never protect my ears. I always had accumulation of wax in my right ear and stuffy nose so maybe ETD but my T is in both. The ENT tells you is no cure so you have to learn to live with it but no one bother to check my vitamin levels as it turns that i was low in B12 and D all the time. The ENT vacuum the wax of my ear and i think that made it worse on my T and irritated my ear drum and my right ear start to ring more went back 4 times and always did the same and I never realized he's making it worse with that micro suction vacuum and he was sending me to do tests for merniere's and MRI tell me i have merniere but i don't have any headache or vertigo and I developed some kind of pain and fulness in ears when it rains or is cloudy .My ears started to bother me along with my T getting louder in the right ear then depression follows and insomnia. Went to my Dr. and all they push antidepressants and benzodiazepines witch I don't want to use, I went to weeks with no sleep and when i say no sleep was literally no sleep and my T was so loud I thought life has no sense and at a point i was forced to take something so I tried from lorazepam, diazepam, clonazepam, temazepam,remeron,trazedon all would work the first day then 4 hours sleep then less. One of this benzodiazepines gave my tinnitus in the head also, so now my ears and head rings I also have like hissing and some electric noises in my head too. Benzodiazepines are addictive and all have side effects from remeron i got burning in my mouth and anxiety and yes I forgot amitriptyline I took that for a month came with unbearable heartburn in my stomach ,gut and mouth and I would feel the burn in may ears and nose.Anxiety was so bad I felt like something was inside my stomach and eating my organs. Tried chineese medicine did not help but I stoped taking any prescription meds.I still struggle to sleep can't fall asleep or stay asleep. I take melatonin but it doesn't work all the time but if I knew i would never take any benzodiazepines .Still have depression and i think is hormone related/ insomnia but doctors don't give a damn all they give you is antidepressants. I was also to management tinnitus clinic (big rip off-) they take your money and tell you to talk to a psychiatrist and pretty much adapt to it and it will get better. But mine got worse after being able to ignore it.So I'm praying to GOD that is my only hope that I get over the insomnia depression and maybe the beast in my head and my ears will get quiet.So for SLEEP try melatonin ,calendula tea ,valerian tea or pills, you have to see if it makes your T worse or not ,as some do.

Tmummy profile image
Tmummy in reply to amelirom

As my anxiety eased off I started to sleep. Never napped in the day and made sure I was tired. Use an app called Resound relief and you can create your own sounds easily to help mask at night. One day at a time, start from sleeping then make sure you have a routine, even when u don’t want to do stuff make yourself do it. It helps with anxiety.

amelirom profile image
amelirom in reply to Tmummy

Glad to hear about your progress! Is your tinnitus better now that you are sleeping? I don't take any naps and I made a bit of progress ,but it takes me a long time to fall asleep and I don't stay asleep I woke 3 4 times a night and only sleep 4 -5h.Thank you for advice,i'm sending you a big hug!

ShakeelaBTA profile image

Hello and welcome to the British Tinnitus Association forum.

Do feel free to ask any questions, I hope that you find this a helpful and supportive place to help you manage your tinnitus.

We have some resources that you might like to check out in addition to our home here: (information and support details) (free tinnitus management programme)

Helpline 0800 018 0527 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) (outside the UK you can call +44 (0)114 250 9922)

Kind regards


Robert1961 profile image

Hi there I had mine for over 5 years it can be hard to cope but I hang in thare I know how you feeling as sleeping at night can be very hard if you need to talk anytime I will reply

11thofApril profile image

Although I've only had Tinnitus for the last two months, I have been strongly affected. My GP says I havedepression and anxiety, and gave me a prescription. It is the lack of sleep that's upsetting me the most, so last night I I took one and slept well for the first time in two months! So I would say take the valium, or whatever you have been prescribed. However, please do so under the supervision of your GP as long term use of sedative hypnotics can lead to addiction and rebound insomnia when you stop. You could also, in the first instance, try natural sleep aids such as magnesium, melatonin, valerian etc to see if those give you some sleep. They worked a little for me. A good night's sleep will give you relief and will also damp down the tinnitus.

Good luck!

Joeb17 profile image

I’m sorry to hear about how your T has got worse this is a great forum there will be posts that are negative but there will be positive posts.the other week I was going through a really bad time I thought I had let my T and agrohobia win and did not want to tell my family and the people that are helping me as I thought I’d let then down posted on the forum how I felt the response I received made me feel a lot better they told me to tell how I felt to my family and others I did and they are helping me through this.

The people hear have respect for other people on the forum and if they can help they will.we need to get people to understand what T is and how it affects us I had a t shirt made from vista print that says tinnitus you don’t get it until you’re got it so come the warmer days I will be wearing it to get the word out there I wore mine the other day to a hospital appointment and I had 5 people speak to me about it 2 wanted to know what tinnitus was and both said they would look it up so spread the word get a t shirt.

All the best

CW2106 profile image

Hi, if you have associated depression or maybe even just low mood then there are some mildly sedative anti-depressants that may help with sleep. I’ve taken Mirtazipine for many years now and they do help with sleep for me. Lack of sleep is the worst form of torture and very debilitating. I also have zolpidem sleeping pills but I honestly can’t remember the last time I had to use these, must be over 12 months. Everyone is different of course. I’ve had T for 8 years now and I’m really struggling but trying to get along. Best wishes to you, keep on at your GP.

CamperT25 profile image
CamperT25 Hi, i e just found this video, works well for me, hope it helps u. Hxx

Caligirlr profile image

I’m so sorry.. I have had a few bad night as well and I understand how forums can make you worst but this one has helped me so much , some people have it worse than others and are dealing with it differently but as for me I will try something until it works but as of now I’m experiencing the same situation you are. My biggest trigger is stress so I’m going to find a way to handle it , it’s hard because it makes you feel hopeless and it drains you, my doctor gave me Valium 2 mg it’s helps me in the morning but it’s a low dose so I can still function . I hope you feel better soon

Tmummy profile image

Been given the same and might take it. Has it had an effect on your t? Has it lowered it at all and how many days have u been taking it for? Are you new to t? X

Caligirlr profile image
Caligirlr in reply to Tmummy

I have had T since 2010 and it started after a head surgery, when I woke up I heard high pitch whistles so my ENT gave me valium 2 mg very low dose and it helps with the stress , I still hear all kinds of sounds and they never go away, I have learned to adapt to it but night time is the worst! Many sleepless nights . My trigger is stress so I do my best to try and stay calm but just recently I found out that my moms cancer came back so I’m trying to deal with that . I’m sorry you have T too I sure hate it and pray for a cure

Tmummy profile image

Oh dear, mine has ramped up, never remember it so loud as its now, especially in the evenings...sorry to hear about your mum. Are u based in the US, do you work?

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