Unsure on if i have a cold?: Hi everyone First... - Tinnitus UK

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Unsure on if i have a cold?

BMDmom profile image
43 Replies

Hi everyone

First time posting here, i have had Tinnitus for just over 2yrs due to a cold, the first few months were hard but i manged and got used to it. I have been fine ever since until last friday when i woke up with a sore throat , no other symptoms just a sore throat. Then on saturday i woke up with a mild sore throat and a runny nose and a wierd noise that is louder than my baseline T. When i say wierd i means it doesn't sound or feel like tinnitus , i feel this wierd sensation with the noise and its like when blood rushes to your head. I feel like the noise is inside me like as if I'm hearing the fluid in my ear ( is that even possible). I dont know what this new sound is or what causing it , is it linked to the cold if i do have a cold. Apart from the new sound and mild sore throat i also have a runny nose but its not blocked, i am sneezing but not all the time and i have lost my appetite. I dont have a fever or a cough. Do my symptoms sound like a cold?

When i woke up to the sound yesterday i also had this heavy feeling in my left ear and muffeled hearing. I took a sudafed and did some steaming and the noise went away. Once i yawned my hearing came back.

Today i took anither sudafed and the noise went however im 2hrs into my recent dose and the noise is still there so im not sure if its linked to fluid in my ear or not.

I really am hoping if someone can tell me if my symptoms sound like a cold and what the new sound is?

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BMDmom profile image
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43 Replies
CamperT25 profile image

Hi yes you can have fluid behind yrcear drum, I had it for 5 weeks before Christmas. Its csused when yr Eustachian Tubes are blocked eith mucus from a cold. Steaming realky helps. Get some metholated chrystals to put in the steam, only need 1 chrystal, brill to help ears. Decongestants help too.

BMDmom profile image
BMDmom in reply to CamperT25

Hi thanks , so do you think this new noise is me hearing the fluid in my ear?

CamperT25 profile image
CamperT25 in reply to BMDmom

It can cause odd noises, makes my ear vibrate oddly. You may feel.pressure in yr ear too. If u see a doc they can actually see the fluid behind yr ear drum. Its very stramge when this happens. Steaming really dies help and will ease symptoms. Hope this helps. X

BMDmom profile image
BMDmom in reply to CamperT25

I have been taking sudafed and doing steaming but i have not used crystals. Are they ok with T? And do they help better than without?

CamperT25 profile image
CamperT25 in reply to BMDmom

Fine with T, they are like a stronger version of Olbas Oil. Just put 1 chrystal in hot water and inhale the steam. Better than just steam, 1 works great tho. 2 is too strong. X

ShakeelaBTA profile image

Hello and welcome to the British Tinnitus Association forum.

Do feel free to ask any questions, I hope that you find this a helpful and supportive place to help you manage your tinnitus.

We have some resources that you might like to check out in addition to our home here:

tinnitus.org.uk (information and support details)

takeontinnitus.co.uk (free tinnitus management programme)

Helpline 0800 018 0527 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) (outside the UK you can call +44 (0)114 250 9922)

Kind regards


BMDmom profile image

I saw my GP this morning who confirmed i have a cold as i have catarr in my ears and my glands are swollen. She said that you dont have to have all the symptoms for it to be a cold so just because you are not coughing amd dont have a blocked nose doesn't mean you dont have a cold as you do. She then said the noise could very well be me hearing fluid in my ear as she said it is true that you can hear fluid in the ear. But she said as your T started from a cold its also possible its a new T sound that is caused by the cold and that it could be temporary. But she said we wont know until after the cold has cleared as if it is that your hearing fluid that should settle once the cold has gone if you still have it a few weeks after the cold has gone then its possible its a new T sound which can take longer to settle. So im hoping its that im just hearing fluid so it goes quicker.

BMDmom profile image
BMDmom in reply to BMDmom

I also forgot to say i did not bother with the crystals as she said there not as effective as people think, she said its the heat and steam that help so it doesn't matter if you have anything in the water. Iv just had two more sudafeds and have done my steaming and the noise has lowered.

djv1985 profile image

Hi got the same thing. Woke up this morning and have muffled hearing and a new rumbling noise along with the high pitch sound which itself has increased. I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon. I’m starting to lose the will to fight. I’ve had at least three infections in that ear for the past four or five months the pitches noise I could cope with but now another problem with my ear the pitches is louder not higher. So Yh I’m starting to lose the will to fight and feel like I’m moving closer to that darker place.

I’ve reached out to the doctors about this feeling and so far been met with “it’ll pass” stuff. Not sure how much more of this crap I can take.

BMDmom profile image

How long have you had your new noise? Mine has been 2 days but its defiently the cold thats causing it and i know some people who have had new tones from a cold that went away after the cold had gone so i can only hope it will go once the cold has gone

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply to BMDmom

That’s the thing. It’s been about four days. Got an emergency appointment for today at three to know what my ear feels like this and see if it’s a cold or fluid or another freaking infection. I got the first noise through an infection that one I dealt with it’s this new one that’s breaking me.

BMDmom profile image
BMDmom in reply to djv1985

So similar to me not long. Im the same im fine with my normal baseline T as i can only hear that in a quiet room its just this new sound. I have known a lot of people with T who have had a new sound from a cold or infection and it has gone down but sometimes it can take anywere from a few weeks to 2months. My Audiologist said if the new tone is still there by 3 months its permanent. So i going to stick it out for that long and hope its gone before 3 months. If not im done.

Since were in the same boat we can try and help each other and hopefully both of us can get through it so the new sound has gone.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply to BMDmom

Happy to help but my hope of it going it at almost zero. It’s exactly the same way I got the first sound. Well it could be because I’m not sure what’s wrong whether it’s fluid or a cold or another infection or whatever so at this point I don’t know what it is but if it ends up stay I don’t know how to cope.

I’m actually hoping it’s me going deaf at least then I can have hearing aids or one of those implant things to help with it. But Yh happy to help.

BMDmom profile image

I would only worry if it here 3 months later as that means its permanent. I have had new tones before like when i went to the cinema and when i took antibiotics and the sound has always gone away and just left me with my normal T. So theres hope for both of us.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply to BMDmom

Yh that’s similar here. I went cinema a week ago and it kicked up the next day but the fullness and muffled hearing is new.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply to djv1985

And the new low noise.

BMDmom profile image
BMDmom in reply to djv1985

How long have you had the muffled hearing and fullness? I have that. The hearing went back to normal when i yawned as yawning cant help clear your ears of fluid.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply to BMDmom

Today. I tried the yawning trick this morning a few times. I’m about to leave for an emergency GP appointment and asking for help with the way I’m feeling and with help working out what’s going on. I’m hoping they can tell what’s wrong and I’m praying it isn’t another infection.

BMDmom profile image
BMDmom in reply to djv1985

Let me know how you get on. It helps when you know what it is as you can the try and focus on getting rid of what ever is causing it. Like im going to try to focus on getting rid of my cold as quick as possible.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply to BMDmom

Will do. The hope of knowing what’s happened has picked me up a bit.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply to BMDmom

So been and done doctors. Said there’s no new infection. Some hard wax that might not be helping. She doesn’t know why the vibrating is there for sure but it could be my ear spasming or the muscles around it something like that. She agrees that any hearing loss no matter how small COULD BE why I have it in the formerly infected ear and said I should ask about a trial for them. She also wants me to have some imaging done (can’t recall what type) because it is in one ear only and there may be a reason why.

I’m feeling better now that I’ve had a conversation with the doctor (and I guys) and knowing there’s no infection or fluid has eased my panic. I really shouldn’t have put up some of the stuff I did but I was just having a mental breakdown.

She did say ring Ent to find out if they’d been any cancellations so I’ll be doing that in the morning. Hopefully I’ll get a quicker appointment and assistance that I need. Her last words were to try keep calm and that I need to push for the things I need like the imaging and the hearing aids trial because the nhs are being cut to pieces budget wise and so they might try to think up other things.

BMDmom profile image
BMDmom in reply to djv1985

Im glad you feel better, a friend has a new tone from wax it coukd be that so maybe trying to get rid of that too might help.

I would also see about getting a trial too as you never know.

Mines still loud but im not as bad mood wise due to me holding on hope that once the cold has gone the fluid will go and hopefully the noise will go. Im also hoping the fact that new tones and spikes before have gone away is a good sign.

Dont feel bad about what you put earlier its how the condition makes us feel one moment were fine the next a new tone or spike happens and we instantly freak out. Sometimes time is a healer for us other times its not. One thing i know is our new tones could be gone or even lowered by a months or two and we will be glad we did not do anything stupid.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply to BMDmom

Very true. I’m current sitting in doors enjoying my dog fight an empty tub of ice cream with the lid on and it’s picking me up. I’m going to wait until the ent appointment go in their with my list of growing questions and politely push for the trial and for imagine done. I’m trying to put my mind into trying every avenue then if nothing helps have a breakdown lol (shouldn’t lol a breakdown).

BMDmom profile image
BMDmom in reply to djv1985

I was going to say that if you cant hear your T outside, i find what helps me a lot if im feeling really low in mood is to take Koda for a walk ( my bernese mountain dog) as it helps me calm down and clear my head. But it mainly works because i cant hear my normal T or this new sound outside.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply to BMDmom

I’m the same. It has to be pretty busy but I walk down a main road with my two huskies dragging me like they’re horses and it usually gives me a break. The high pitch sound isn’t the problem just the low hum that’s driving me mad but I’ve got a fan on and it helps so I’m coping for now. Just hoping to get the help I need from the ent.

BMDmom profile image

Iv been experimenting today with what masks it as none of the sounds on my sound machine mask this new sound and even beach sounds from youtube dont help like they do for my normal T. But i have found that the hairdryer helps mask the new sound a bit so if i need a break i can play hairdryer noises from youtube to help me.

BMDmom profile image

Just rembered wax can also cause muffled hearing and fullness.

BMDmom profile image

I have a new piece of hope. When i was watching eastenders ( im struggling to watch TV due to the new sound so am only watching shows i really want to) at first it was loud and i was struggling to focus but the all of a sudden it was gone and i was able to enjoy 5mins of eastenders normally by the end it had come back. So im hoping this is good news with it going for a bit that it will eventually go alltogether

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply to BMDmom

That’s how I first habituated with the high pitched noise. It started to seem like it faded away but didn’t it was there but my brain started to ignore it or at least accept it so hopefully you’re habituating to it. And I discovered the washing machine or dryer works for me at the worst moments lol.

I’ve also noticed a strange thing. I can’t remember if I mentioned the low hum and the fluttering feeling in my ear well earlier I put my finger in my ear to scratch I guess lol and noticed that the low hum almost goes or at least gets really quiet leaving just the high pitched sound. It’s confused me but I can get a break from the hum by putting my finger in my ear. Lord knows why that helps me but it does and the same for the flutter spasms in my ear a little pressure near the opening and they stop or become harder to notice so again I can thankfully get a break from it.

I’m currently sitting in bed watching Speechless (great show) with my finger in my ear putting a little pressure on the canal and can actually hear the show.

After all we’ve been talking about it’s little moments like this that makes me hopeful.

BMDmom profile image
BMDmom in reply to djv1985

Today i feel better or at least at the moment i do , when i woke up the sensation in my left ear is gone and the new tone is lower. I am sat in my room so have not been down to watch TV yet that is always a test for me to know how queit \ loud a noise is as my normal T i cannot hear over the TV. My cold is a little better today too so maybe thats why its lowered. Im very hopeful now that it will go when the cold has fully gone.

Keep a note that finger in ear helps for when you do see a ENT. You never know they may know why it helps.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply to BMDmom

I’ve written down with some other stuff that I’ve been told to ask and other stuff I’ve been told to ask for. I’ve just walked my two dogs and the surrounding street sounds have covered the low hum and the fan on right beside the bed last night seemed to have help too. So I’m feeling easier at the minute. I’m calling ent in about half an hour so hopefully I can get a closer appointment before my ear blocks completely (hard wax build up) like I said blocked ear is l how I got the first noise.

BMDmom profile image

I just went down and it came back fullforce so I'm staying away from the TV for now until it gets better and my cold has gone

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply to BMDmom

Haven’t checked the reaction to the tv today. I was alright with it last night but the fan has been on most of the night. I’ll try and let you know.

BMDmom profile image
BMDmom in reply to djv1985

Im keeping my fingers crossed you get a sooner appointment.

I have just done my first steaming of the day and that has helped a little but im staying in my room with the window open for most of the day , except for when i walk koda.

My fridge is in my dinning room ( its too big to fit in the kitchen) anyway the noise it makes masked the new tone so i ate in there and for the first time in 72hrs i ate a full meal. I haven't ate much due to the stress of the noise. I wish i knew then that the fridge masks it.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply to BMDmom

I’m sitting a few inches from the fan as I type. It’s covering the hum mostly lol.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply to BMDmom

Managed to get an appointment for tomorrow 9:45am. So happy. Now I’ve gotta try and talk them into trying hearing aids and possibly doing the tests for Tinnitus and some scan thing to check for any other reason (GP recommendation that last one). I’ll update tomorrow or at some point today if I need to vent lol. Thanks for putting up with it.

BMDmom profile image
BMDmom in reply to djv1985

Good luck today with your appointment.

Yesterday was a better day

i woke up and the sensation and fullness were gone in my ears and the new tone had lowered. I tried to watch TV in the morning but couldn't as i could still hear it over the TV so i did not panic i remained calm and thought right no TV today. I did two steamings yesterday and have kept my Vitamin C levels up and i kept myself busy with my Boy ( koda my bernese mountain dog) hes kept my mind off it. I did a lot of sneezing and blowing my nose yesterday after i did both steamings so i know the steam is helping. I went out for most of the day with koda but Koda had to keep stopping hes not fond of the hot weather like me as berneses were built for snowy switzerland. I enjoy being in the country as it masks my normal T.

When i got home i mainly stayed in my room with the window open ( again to mask it) with koda by my side , reading a book. I went down to watch eastenders in the evening and i could not hear the new tone and was able to watch in peace as my Normal T by the way doesn't bother me at all. So i think its gone but im not going to focus on if it is or isn't there all i know is i felt better mentally yesterday compared to the past 3 days because of that new tone.

This morning. When i woke up i could hear the new tone but its very low that i can hear my normal T over it , My sore throat has also gone now so maybe thats why its gone so low since im getting better from the cold. Im postive it will go completley once my cold has gone and i will just have my normal T which doesn't bother me at all.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply to BMDmom

Thanks just been and done. 20% hearing loss in the left ear (Tinnitus ear) should have those in two weeks he reckoned digital ones so maskers can be used if needed. MRI head scan in about three weeks and tinnitus therapy in four. He asked if the last hearing test done they mentioned hearing loss I said that they told me it was weak but nothing else and he said that it was hearing loss for sure.

They said that the hearing aid might take away the t or it might make it lower they can promise anything but it can happen that the noise goes with the hearing aids. He said that he has t in his right ear but it’s super low and doesn’t bother him unless he is talking about it and or dealing with somewhere super quiet.

I’m dealing with the low rumble at the minute the high pitch doesn’t really bother me almost days so I can deal with that but it’s the low hum that I hope the aids will cut in half at least.

Thanks for checking in. I’ll no doubt have another moan on here so it’s always good to have people willing to listen.

BMDmom profile image
BMDmom in reply to djv1985

Thats good that your getting the hearing aids as several friends with T is due to hearing loss and the aids help get rid in nearly all my friends except one who it only lowered. But either way good news.

When you go for your MRI make sure you have good ear protection as MRI's can make T worse if not protected.

Im glad things are getting sorted for you.

I have just been on a walk with koda and i heard a pop in my left eae after blowing my nose and now the clicking that i have had in both ears for 2yrs has gone in my left and my normal T has lowered so i think im improving even more. Im just in shock as for 2yrs i have loved with this clicking noise everytime i swallow and its now gone in my left.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply to BMDmom

So glad we are both getting there after our conversation about how we r not coping well and couldn’t see a way out. I’m really hopeful that it takes at the least takes down some volume of the new low hum. Who knows a few more weeks and you’ll be t free.

BMDmom profile image

Im more than happy to listern. With this condition sometimes you need to vent.

Im glad you got an appointment.

Im just stood near my window opened as when im near it when its opened i cant hear it so its a break.

BMDmom profile image

Well the one thing i hate about T is how unpredictable it is. Iv been happy all day and was just relaxing on my bed when i all of a sudden heard this high pitched hissing like a snake. Its still there and even the window and fridge are not masking it. The clicking is also back in my left ear. I dont think it will ever let me forget that i have T.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply to BMDmom

I’m having a bad moment now. The low hum is roaring in my ear and it’s driving me nuts but the hope of the hearing aids helping is keeping me semi calm. I really feel for you and the T and hope you’re holding in there. My trick of using a fan to drown out the hum seems to have stopped so I know what it’s like to lean on something and have it fail.

Hate that this happens to people and want to scream out loud. I said to the ent that it’s like you’re the only one in the world who knows what this is like and he said we all feel alone but there are millions of people with it and they live happy “enough” lives. Still white knuckling it but god I’m hoping for a break of some kind.

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