Key to habituation : Have not posted in a number... - Tinnitus UK

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Key to habituation

AdamfromAus profile image
7 Replies

Have not posted in a number of months. When I go into habituation I tend to avoid the forums as I feel they can sometimes cause me anxiety. About a year ago I went through what I call a phase, I never thought it would get better and felt my life would be ruined. Eventually I was able to habituate and went back to living a life where my T had minimal impact. I would still hear it at times but for some reason it didn't bother me or cause any negative impact. Fast forward to a week ago and suddenly it has began to irritate me again and I have had difficulty thinking and am sliding back into a phase. Does anyone have any similar experiences or advice?

The difference is this time I actually believe it will get better where as in previous phases I have been skeptical. I think its because I know I have been down the path before and it has always improved. Have taken a sleeping pill for the past 5 nights also but given its a weekend tomorrow I will avoid taking one tonight.

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7 Replies
Ingrid-p profile image

Hi I’m exactly the same as you. I can go years without it bothering me and then boom there it is. I always say it’s worse than last time, but is it? My homeopath is treating me as she did the last 2 bad times I had which were 4 years ago and 9 years ago. She’s treating me for anxiety and stress, but the only thing I stress about is my t. She said stress takes on many forms and as my daughter is getting married soon she said this could be it and as my ears are my weakest point that’s where it manifests. My hearing therapist said similar yesterday. Guess we both just have to give it time.

Do you wear hearing aids, they do take the edge of it.

I really wish there was a cure, but until then we just have to find our own ways of coping.

Take care, Ingrid xx

I believe over time we gradually gain more and more confidence in the brains ability to push the T away from our consciousness. When I first got my screech 6 years ago it just seemed in my face 24/7 and I couldn’t believe it would ever fade away

That of course caused panic which just makes things worse as it induces fight or flight mode where all your senses are heightened, including hearing! (T louder still)

Once I realised I was getting short periods of not noticing the T due to being focused on other more positive/constructive things, I started to gain some confidence in the brains ability to adapt. Also my fight or flight state lessened causing the T to quieten down a bit due to attaching less emotion to it.

As the confidence grew with longer and longer periods of not noticing it, eventually it was like not having T at all. When I’m reminded of if, I can hear it but it takes a while to hear it again. However when I do, I know that as soon as I get on with life again and don’t attach any emotion to the T, it fades away again within minutes.

Basically what I am saying is that so long as you follow the same rules, any ‘new’ appearance of T can be dealt with the same way as last time. If you’ve allowed yourself to get back into an anxiety loop with the T then it might take a while to learn how to ignore it again and not give it focus due to the high volume.

I should also point out that you may have to deal with any new stressors in your life which may have caused the T to rear up. Who knows, it may be trying to tell you something! ;-)

Ingrid-p profile image
Ingrid-p in reply to

Hi asw21, I've just read that link. This is exactly how habituation has worked for me in the past and it will again 😃

Ruud1boy profile image

Got to say, the 3 preceding posts are great to read. You guys sound like you've beaten the beast before and can do it again, which is very heartening. I had 14mths of utter horror and despair when I first started struggling with it, but then Feb / March of this year were much better - I could still hear it, loud as ever, but it just wasn't causing as many problems. I'm currently back in the hole, struggling to get through the days, but I've seen the other side of the mountain now, so I know it's possible to live with it.

Shellipops profile image
Shellipops in reply to Ruud1boy

Hello Rudd1boy

Just wondering what if anything you did etc that made it more generally tolerable Feb / March time. Ive had it 2 months and was doing however I seem to be obsessing a bit since last week. Nothing has changed other than I have cold and head congestion but its not any louder. Just curious.



Ruud1boy profile image
Ruud1boy in reply to Shellipops

Nothing - it's just the normal course of the condition apparently that in time it gets less distressing. The timescale differs from person to person and there are things you can do to facilitate habituation, but it's not a process that can be forced.

Jimmuck profile image

As Ruud says it's good to know this damned thing can be beaten. I am going through a really tough spell right now and finding it hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel. It's such an unpredictable beast and I think that's what gets to me most. Just when you think you have it licked, back it comes even worse than before for no apparent reason.

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