28 years old and diagnosed with Bronc... - Bronchiectasis Su...

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28 years old and diagnosed with Bronchiectasis

KellyAFC profile image
7 Replies


I am 28 years old and have recently been diagnosed with Bronchiectasis following a Ct scan of my chest. I have been suffering since April 2019 and been under a respiratory specialist for two years. Diagnosed originally with severe asthma, recurrent infections following a bronchoscopy and sputum samples.

I am quite shocked about my diagnosis given that this is something which is not treatable. I have excessive mucus everyday and most of you will be aware of the impact and embarassment this causes in daily life.

Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated!



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KellyAFC profile image
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7 Replies
NorthernGirl3 profile image

There are bronchiectasis sites on Facebook which offer help and support. Ask your specialist to refer you to a pulmonary physiotherapist who will teach you how to clear your chest. I use 7% saline in a nebuliser twice a day followed by either active breathing or using an Aerobika. The aim is to keep your lungs as clear of mucus as possible.

shouty profile image

Hi there I have Bronchiectasis after getting repeated infections 4 years ago Never been Asthmatic etc.. Have you been referred to a B'ect specialist not just a general Respiratory Consultant. The treatment is different i.e I don't need steroids when I get a chest infection but a always have a "Rescue" pack of antibiotics at home so at 1st sign of infection I don't gave to wait to see GP . Vital is keeping lungs free of mucus so it's not sitting there as a Petri dish ready to grow bugs. Physios can check you do Cycles of Breathing to do to maintain this, doesn't take long 2 x a day . I also take Carbocisteine tablets which stops secretions getting sticky. At the moment over winter months I take prophylactic antibiotics 3 x weekly then come off these during warmer less cold/virus ridden months . There is a lady in her later years on the forum who has has B'ect since a baby so while incurable it is manageable

KellyAFC profile image
KellyAFC in reply to shouty

I am due to speak to my physio today so will ask all of the relevant questions above. Thanks for your advice! The main thing for me is being able to get rid of the infections. I’ve had 6 treatments this year, I don’t think it is completely clearing when i have used the antibiotics and they haven’t believed me when I’ve told them although more recently sputum sample after sputum sample is continuing to show up the bacteria even post antibiotics

Warrior4104 profile image
Warrior4104 in reply to KellyAFC

I am 19, diagnosed few months ago. And I am getting infected every month, and its the pseudomonas thats bothering me again and again. Nothing’s helped till now, lets see what happens till the time passes. My doc didnt advise me to go to a physio, but I am a physio to be. So I’d rather wait for myself😄

Do check my post. The forum has given me a lot of information there. Littlepom’s of great help and very experienced. She gives the best advise.

Maybe ill start azithromycin long term to keep the recurring infections under control. It is a macrolide and has a long half life. Might be helpful but you have to take it after instructions from ur doctor

Best wishes


Patk1 profile image

You need to give time to doing lung clearance,to get mucous up.while bronchiectasis isn't curable, it is treatable and self management is key

medway-lady profile image

I was diagnosed about 6 years ago following the same sort of tests. But its really not a huge problem now, I did a lung rehab course organised by NHS and given pack of "rescue antibiotics" which went out of date before used. Do the Huff exercises and make sure you get all the jabs for flu and Covid etc. I even had Covid and the antibody infusion and never got more that a mild cough that was gone in a day or so. So don't worry to much as being incurable doesn't mean its not treatable. x

Tipwob profile image

Hi Kelly. Take a look at the Asthma and Lung UK website (Used to be British Lung Foundation) asthmaandlung.org.uk/

they have lots of information and a helpline and deal all the time with respiratory enquiries and help including Bronchiectasis.

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