Fibroscan: At the risk of infuriating... - British Liver Trust

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Worrysome1 profile image
66 Replies

At the risk of infuriating certain members (I know I can be a pain in the ….) I just wanted to know if I can be pretty well assured now that I have had a Fibroscan and a reading of 6.2(kPa) cap 197. Are they conclusive?

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Worrysome1 profile image
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66 Replies

They are conclusive there is nothing wrong with your liver 👏😀👍Time to throw a party 💃🕺🎉🎈

ezz2012 profile image
ezz2012 in reply to

I’d say they are not conclusive I’ve read up a lot on fibroscans and some are most definitely not conclusive including mine which showed I had no fibrosis when infact I did

in reply to ezz2012

With respect. You have a different illness to what worriesome was expecting to be diagnosed with. She convinced herself she had cirrhosis. All the tests and scans and everyone here who have many years of experience living with and dying of cirrhosis, proved she has no liver disease whatsoever. I do believe you are correct that your illness required a biopsy to be detected.I do wish you well.

Take care


ezz2012 profile image
ezz2012 in reply to

Thank you Laura ❤️

ezz2012 profile image

I would say they are not accurate due to mine been f0 which means no fibrosis and kpa 4.3 after this I had a liver biopsy which shows I have primary sclerosing chlongitis and fibrosis my own experience

in reply to ezz2012

Oh well this is never going to end then 🙄 she was counting on this scan to confirm cirrhosis as ALL other tests and scan have proved negative

ezz2012 profile image
ezz2012 in reply to

I biopsy would be the best but that will only be done if it is really nessary how are he or she lft blood tests ? See mine was raised for a lot of years and the biopsy was done to confirm fibrosis or cirrhosis if any and there was fibrosis

Allystar profile image
Allystar in reply to ezz2012

Yes I have been the very same. I had gallbladder surgery 33years but they scattered stones into the ducts of my liver and pancreas. So I'm constantly getting ascending cholangitis, biliary sepsis and acute pancreatitis. I was the first person to have keyhole surgery in Northern Ireland. I only found this out after being seriously ill in icu and hdu. I tried to get a copy of my notes but they literally dissapeared!! I now have PSC too and fibrosis. I've never drunk alcohol in my life. If I got good news I'd be dancing with joy, even though I rarely have the energy to go 5 steps to my bathroom/ensuite. Take care folks. XOXO

Elenaevent profile image
Elenaevent in reply to ezz2012

What is your next step?

Worrysome1 profile image
Worrysome1 in reply to

Aaaaagh! My LFTs are good ezz! All four of ‘em!

Kakey profile image
Kakey in reply to

Even so, it's OK for someone with PSC to say their fibroscan was inaccurate.

Worrysome1 profile image
Worrysome1 in reply to Kakey

No offence meant, it was for Laura that. She knows I’m a worrier.

in reply to Kakey

If all these tests and scans are apparently unreliable and wrong, why would the NHS be wasting valuable time and money using them? Collectively they give accurate results in diagnosing liver diseases.

Kakey profile image
Kakey in reply to

I don't know why you think I said all tests and scan are unreliable and wrong. That is not what I said. It is possible to get contradictory results. Not talking about the worried well or even generally. There are ill people on here who are sharing their perfectly valid experiences.

ezz2012 profile image
ezz2012 in reply to

Mine was not accurate I have letters saying I have no fibrosis then a month later saying I do ?

ezz2012 profile image
ezz2012 in reply to

If you google about fibroscans you can read how people have had good fibroscans readings and then was told actually they have cirrhosis it’s all available to read via google

in reply to ezz2012

I don't google its full of contradictions and scaremongering. I put my faith in every liver specialist and doctor diagnosing and treating my husbands cirrhosis right to the end.

ezz2012 profile image
ezz2012 in reply to

Well my experience is fact

ezz2012 profile image
ezz2012 in reply to

There is actually a post on here that says they was told by a doctor fibroscans can be wrong I attached it for you

ezz2012 profile image
ezz2012 in reply to

Sorry about your husband I lost my sister at 19 to auto immune disease also she had auto immune vascolitis they also mis diagnosed her at early beginning with gingervitus when infact she had a extremely rare auto immune and she had tests to I think sometimes they can be wrong but not for everyone in my case and my sisters they was wrong

in reply to ezz2012

Sorry to hear about ypur sister too. I can only speak as l find and my husband's care and treatment was 2nd to none.

ezz2012 profile image
ezz2012 in reply to Kakey

My scan was not accurate? What do you mean by that

Kakey profile image
Kakey in reply to ezz2012

Because it said you have no fibrosis, but you do.

ezz2012 profile image
ezz2012 in reply to Kakey

It was my biopsy what found I have psc not fibroscan

Kakey profile image
Kakey in reply to ezz2012

I know

Worrysome1 profile image
Worrysome1 in reply to ezz2012

Sorry to hear that. Hope you’re well at the moment.

ezz2012 profile image
ezz2012 in reply to Worrysome1

Thank you I am ok just a little down from diagnosis but I’ll get there

MINTVCX profile image
MINTVCX in reply to ezz2012

Well not sure but there is always on scale of FibroScan < 7kpa fibrosis F0/F1. So it can be both. One question what was your score Metavir after biobsy? No test is 100% accurate so also Fibroscan. Good luck.

Worrysome1 profile image

I bet you are. Hope you get some encouraging stories on here. Xxxxxxx

ezz2012 profile image
ezz2012 in reply to Worrysome1

Have read some really positive things

Worrysome1 profile image
Worrysome1 in reply to ezz2012

That’s what you need.

DM-001 profile image

Every test you have had is negative including this.

Your doctors said there is nothing wrong with your liver

Your Blood tests said there is nothing wrong with your liver

Your ultrasound said there is nothing wrong with your liver

Your fibroscan said there is nothing wrong with your liver

Maybe it’s time to now properly engage with anxiety support and get to the root of your problems.

Congrats on the scan by the way, I have one tomorrow! I’d be over the moon for that result as would many on here!

Allystar profile image
Allystar in reply to DM-001

I agree with you 💯!!

in reply to Allystar

Me too x

Str8jacket profile image
Str8jacket in reply to DM-001

How were your results, and how are you feeling? I recall you were suffering from a range of issues and were concerned about your liver. Hope you're well.

DM-001 profile image
DM-001 in reply to Str8jacket

My Fibroscan result was 1.59(kPA) so very pleased with that .

My symptoms persist (lots of them) and there are two trains of thought from my doctors.

1. Drug induced liver injury (DILI) from the Antibiotics which will hopefully heal over time but could take over 12 months.

2. Long Covid - As I've had the vaccine they cant test to see if I've had it as i don't know but its possible.

Other possibilities which I'm being tested for (and fits symptoms including brain fog& Fatigue) :

EBV (Epstein Barr)


Auto Antibody Screen

Of course this could all be anxiety and I'm engaging with MIND to work on that front just in case.

Worrysome1 profile image
Worrysome1 in reply to DM-001

I’m sat here with nasty taste in my mouth, feeling spaced out a bit. Keep trying not to think negative thoughts. I rang Fibroscan centre and asked about accuracy and she reassured me they were very accurate. I just want to be myself again. Hope they find a cause for your symptoms.

Worrysome1 profile image

I hope you get a good result. I’m not ungrateful, I need my symptoms to go and then I could go back to my normal life.

in reply to Worrysome1

I think if you now go back to " normal life" your symptoms will go. Especially now you have finally faced up to the fact there is nothing at all wrong with your liver and as many have told you and even you have admitted, anxiety ( in the old days, hypocondria) is causing your symptoms.

Worrysome1 profile image
Worrysome1 in reply to

Not been to a doctor for years which was foolish. I was healthy and happy until last November. Hope you're right Laura and I get rid of these horrible symptoms.

confused71 profile image

Brilliant results be positive --if mine were that low I would be ecstatic

Worrysome1 profile image
Worrysome1 in reply to confused71

I can’t believe it to be honest, I was wondering how I was going to tell my kids as I was waiting. Hope you are keeping well. So much respect for the people on here.

Seoe profile image

This is so difficult when you get mixed opinions abs messages and diagnoses. I think though if you are in no pain and enzymes are ok and they say your ok then try to believe it The only reason why I can’t LFT mind go is because the enzymes are elevated and it hurts really hurts.

But try the Anxiety Guy on YouTube he deals with hypochondria like it or lump it we are on her because in what ever way we have traits of it

He is great x

Worrysome1 profile image
Worrysome1 in reply to Seoe

If I could get rid of symptoms I would believe but after fibroscan there must be another cause. Hope you have painfree sleep and feel yourself very soon.

Elenaevent profile image
Elenaevent in reply to Seoe

If your enzymes are high - hypochondria is not the best thing to fight. Mine are and I don't want to sit and wait. Doctors are never in a hurry. Then people have more and more problems because underlying issues are not resolved.

Worrysome1 profile image
Worrysome1 in reply to Elenaevent

I went for private US and Fibroscan. You have to look after yourself sometimes.

Elenaevent profile image
Elenaevent in reply to Worrysome1

Please update.

Lils2019 profile image

That’s really good news,My husbands was 70 😳 and his consultant isn’t actually interested in the score but rather they used it to confirm diagnosis of decompensated cirrhosis.

Time for you to explore other avenues now, everything including this recent scan would suggest that there is nothing going on liver wise.

Anxiety and stress can cause a lot of symptoms, I also suggest ruling out Diabetes, your Gp can advise on that.

Take care

Worrysome1 profile image
Worrysome1 in reply to Lils2019

No diabetes according to bloods but anxiety maybe. Hope you and hubs are ok this evening. Thank you xxxx

Kettl profile image

Yaaaay, well done. It’s all good. I understand the anxiety of still having symptoms. You will get to the bottom of it. It doesn’t sound like it’s your liver though. Good news. I saw the gastroenterologist yesterday. I’m off for a colonoscopy/gastroscope as still can t eat much and loosing weight still . Having a fibroscan in a few months. Lots of waiting for me still to come.

I am so happy for you.

Worrysome1 profile image
Worrysome1 in reply to Kettl

Thank you, hope you get some answers and can put it in the past xxxxx Me too!

Allystar profile image
Allystar in reply to Kettl

Hi Kettl, I just received my appointment today to go for the very same procedures, its been 18months since I had them done but my bowel issues are horrendous and I really want to lose some weight but not this way. They have given me fortisips and wee fruit shots but they rarely stay down and I'm straight to the toilet. Even my medication lands at the bottom of the toilet. The weakness is the worst feeling, I can just about cope with the pain until it gets really bad and the intense itch but feeling so weak is just horrible 😞 Good luck having yours done. Xox

Kettl profile image
Kettl in reply to Allystar

Thanks Allystar, what are your liver issues? Did they give you a diagnosis?

Elenaevent profile image

Hello everyone. Tests may not be accurate or be accurate. But often doctors don't know causes. My all possible imaging tests showed all normal but my LFTs keep high for 4 months and no one can tell me why. The one tests I didn't do yet is biopsy and I am not looking forward to that. Ok. If they do biopsy what will that change?? Nothing except for more worries. Apparently liver has no cure. I am Woorysome too. And I don't think worrying about your health and fixing it is wrong. It is better than not seeing doctors and let diseases flourish.

KC108 profile image

Whats your IQR med?

Str8jacket profile image

This result, along with everything else in your background, should really set your mind at ease regarding your liver. Any one test alone can only give so much confidence. But if you have nothing irregular in your bloods (beyond the basic LFTs--things like platelets, calcium, ammonia, MCV, sed rate, hemoglobin, etc. can also point to liver issues) and all scans are clean, you are almost certainly in the clear with your liver. A Fibroscan is very unlikely to underestimate scarring unless you have swelling/ascites or are very overweight and the wrong probe was used. Best of luck to you!

Worrysome1 profile image
Worrysome1 in reply to Str8jacket

She took my weight and height and worked out my BMI. So hope not. Hope you have a better day today.

Worrysome1 profile image
Worrysome1 in reply to Str8jacket

Cholesterol was high at last test and was ok in January. An efficiently working liver clears it. So that worries me.

in reply to Worrysome1

You have had some very encouraging test results, it may be an idea to step away from the forum for a while or you may just continue to upset yourself worrying. Take care.

Lils2019 profile image
Lils2019 in reply to Worrysome1

It can be caused by many issues, including not eating a healthy balanced diet, not enough exercise, drinking alcohol etc.I think you are clutching at straws.

Worrysome1 profile image
Worrysome1 in reply to Lils2019

I eat healthy, always have, walk for an hour every morning and I no longer drink, not for 7 months.

in reply to Worrysome1

Yes you're fine ... everyone has been telling you so and the message to you from the trust says it all !

Worrysome1 profile image
Worrysome1 in reply to Str8jacket

I Rang the centre and she said they use the appropriate probe after weighing you etc. Is that why yours wasn’t a correct reading?

Roy1955 profile image

If you ask me the whole lot of you worry addicts who don't believe their negative results are all going to die in the next 70 years or so!

Worrysome1 profile image

Me worry? Nah! 😂

We are closing this thread now as the original post has been responded to. Best wishes.

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