Unsure,about proof of illness, diagnos... - British Liver Trust

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Unsure,about proof of illness, diagnosis forms.

16 Replies

Hi all, I've not posted on here for a while,still not getting much luck with either consultant or Gp,requested Ds1500/ for reasons for my pension provider,and benefit requirement,consultant said he can't do it,and also GP.I have been told I can't work not just because of cirrhosis but leg injury,and heart disease, is their a document other than DS1500 to state my prognosis,and diagnosis to retire through ill health,many thanks,I have had some great support from people on this site,many thanks again all.

16 Replies
Cat-B profile image

My consultant just wrote a letter saying that I could no longer work. I didn’t need or know about any form! The letter was enough for both my pension and the benefits. Just ask your consultant if you can go back to work, if no ask for a letter. Good luck

in reply to Cat-B

Thank you, its all been a bit of a mess,I think he is reluctant because of a few hiccups,I will try again,many thanks again, I know after speaking with him in march he needed prompting on a few things,what does he need to clarify in letter,apart from the obvious,sorry I feel like I'm banging my head with him.Gp won't help because of Aspirin hiccup after 17 years,thanks once again.

Cat-B profile image
Cat-B in reply to

Sorry I’m confused, what Asprin “hiccup “? Are you wanting something to say you are not fit to work or not fit to continue in your current job? I was a nurse and couldn’t continue working as one! What’s your career? That’s often the problem, you might not be able to all your job, but you might still be able to do some of it.Who told you about the form and what was it for? More info please and I’ll try to be more help.

in reply to Cat-B

Hi,its not for work reasons,my health won't allow it,not just cirrhosis, heart disease and other stuff,its to draw down my pension through ill health,Teachers pension,!!!!!, I am allowed 25%, but the remainder is £85000, if I was to die that amount would go to treasury,not my two daughters ,need to prove illness to try and achieve to transfer the pension,as it is now I'm stuck,and to be honest I haven't been 100% my self,solicitor fees draining,due to retire next may,but thanks anyway,hope you keep well,I'll keep battling.

Cat-B profile image
Cat-B in reply to

Your pension should allow you to have your remaining pension paid to named people, mine is my daughter, also I have a will which states that she is to receive everything! Have you applied for early retirement on ill health, that’s what I did and all was required was a letter saying I could no longer be a nurse and therefore no longer be a nurse teacher, I was able to get early retirement from the NHS and the teachers pension, but I decided to only take a small amount from the NHS. Hopefully that helps x

in reply to Cat-B

That's where its confusing,as I am now a credit benefit member I have no rights as a service member,I'm having a k nightmare with consultant and GP at the moment,I contacted pension today and I have no access to ill health benefit, or transfer,going to send me an ill health form, but the figures he gave me are the same as if I retired anyway next year,and the rest would still go to treasury,even with a will,I feel truly sorry for my daughters, the government have stolen their future,and cost my ex wife's Infidelity a lot of money, just hope I can push them to transfer,last hope pension ombudsman, keep well,been drink free for over 2and half year,but it didnt bother me before, just a sad bad divorve battle.Take care.

Cat-B profile image
Cat-B in reply to

I’m so sorry, I don’t understand the credit bit. You must have been paying in while you were working. Wouldn’t it be easier to take early retirement?

in reply to Cat-B

Sorry,I was employed in construction for fifteen years,due to severe nervous breakdown,I lacked support from ex,and hit the bottle then marriage breakdown, it got to the point at court where I was going to lose almost everything due to my diagnosis with a possible bowel cancer my ex suggested I was a liar,and the judge awarded me pension share order of her pension,of which I must say I was not in pursuit of,!!!,so therefore £105.000, 20.87%.,this is the difficult part as to what I can do,all I wanted was to leave it to my daughters,I attended court through pride,!!sorry for prolong babbling,but it probably may be best to just accept my limitations,just frustrating,as I want them to have a much better start in life than I,so will try and enjoy my retirement next may,just fortunate I'm not reliant on that fund,thanks for the replys,looking forward now to seeing my daughter who is home from Durham uni tommoz,very glad I have my girls trust and love,very proud ,I hope that makes a bit more sense,sorry again.,!!!

Cat-B profile image
Cat-B in reply to

It makes perfect sense, it sounds like a lawyer might help, but if the court has ruled it’s a hard long fight, is it worth the stress? Enjoy your daughter’s visit and concentrate on the wonderful times with your girls. Stay safe and good luck.

in reply to Cat-B

Hi,thank you for kind words and replies,had a great day with my daughter,! Think she had forgot I'm still a little bonkers,in the good sense,managed to get a bit of sense from pension provider,although very confusing to text, but I think your kind response helped me push a little more,so a big thanks,hope you are keeping well and take care.

Cat-B profile image
Cat-B in reply to

I’m so glad I could be a bit of help, glad you’re still a bit bonkers lol and you had a wonderful time with your daughter, keep fighting, stay safe and good luck

in reply to Cat-B

Hi,just discovered over the week that a lot of internal bleeds have derived from upper GI bleeds,so hope yet to point to aspirin, still feeling pretty good,except some kind chap crashed his car In to mine last week,he drove off and came back and apologised,just a shame as I have had my car a long time and the only thing I managed to get from divorce without to much stress,but now seems a loss due to cost of respary and repair,sorry, hope your OK and doing well.


Would it be helpful to contact the Citizens Advice Bureau?

Here is the link


in reply to

Hi,thanks for advice its been along journey,but if you could help I have researched endlessly to find someone with a similar problem,re long term use of aspirin and possible health problems,so far I have found it to be linked to GI bleeds,ulcers and liver abscess, and other problems,Im just wondering if anyone else has had any issue's, Re aspirin, I'm in no doubt drink played a big part but surely not the amount of years I did drink,4-5 years,sorry, I've found Mayo clinic to be interesting,but difficult to see if there is someone with symptoms as mine was.Sorry,its been said it is a major benefactor, but can't place it as causation,.

IanM1957 profile image

My understanding is that a DS1500 is only issued by your Consultant or GP if they strongly believe that you have a shortened life expectancy and likely to die within the next 6 (possibly 12?) months. The form is used to support a "fast-tracked" claim for various benefits.

As for ill health retirement - every pension scheme has its own rules and it is the responsibility of the scheme's trustees to decide what constitutes ill health and whether or not your condition/s warrant early retirement.

As for the State Pension - that will not be paid early under any circumstances, whether you take ill health retirement or not.

I think you need independant advice, either from your financial advisor or, as Trust 1 has suggested, the Citizens Advice Bureau.

in reply to IanM1957

Hi thanks for reply, its just difficult at the moment, it's more to outline to my court pension share order,its very restricted,can't transfer it for now,only allowed 25%,death grant is only £15000, where as my pot is £105.000, so if I was to die 85000 would go to treasury,my cirrhosis says prognosis 3-4 years,refused transplant, I had to bleeds last march upper GI bleeds,now it was said to be varices,now I had suspected colon cancer and got that resolved for now,but was left with a severe infection which inflamed my liver to cause a lot of issues,now I did drink after divorce of which I don't deny,but after Investigation of a DNAR,it seems aspirin for my heart attack back when I was 36 had caused a lot of internal damage,I should have had a ppi drug along side,never did for 17 years,so GP, and consultants seem to be at a loss,so I feel its difficult,does he sign a form with my diagnosis+ prognosis, in case it is all alcohol related,or find out it could be causation aspirin,evidence seems to suggest aspirin,liver problems,and diverticulitis, upper GI bleeds,still awaiting reports of my hospital addmissions,and not heard or seen a gp ,consultant since last march,I asked the gp last year to speak to consultant regards DNAR,of which he thought was strange, but he declined,and consultant still says he has not implemented one,so has said to contest,which I have,!!,now I'm been avoided more than the dreaded covid,hope that makes a bit of sense,( sorry for long text.)

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