When will I start to feel better now I... - British Liver Trust

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When will I start to feel better now I have quit alcohol

JMG24 profile image
14 Replies

Hey again! I started to feel a lot better after my initial anxiety melt down and still not drinking thank goodness! I didn’t make it to my gp as all pain seemed to leave although this past week I’ve started to get a very irritating dull ache which feels like pressure especially as soon as I wake in the morning also my hands and feet feel like there burning or freezing cold. I was just wondering if my one had any of these symptoms with on there journey of quitting alcohol and how long I will feel all these odd pains. I understand my anxiety is a major factor.

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JMG24 profile image
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14 Replies
Edwen_ profile image

Quitting alcohol is the most important thing and sticking to it. Progress with health depends what damage has been done. You will only know when you get tested by your GP.

Richard-Allen profile image

There are many reasons as to why someone might turn to alcohol to try and self-medicate in order to find that inner peace and happiness.

While this might help many people at first, over time the body can become use to this form of treatment and it becomes harder to reach that happier frame of mind. When a person first starts to drink alcohol they can reach that happy state after just a few drinks. But, over time it takes a lot more alcohol to get to that point, and once there the happy state doesn't last very long. Depression then sets in and so a vicious cycle begins to take effect. “You drink to make yourself feel better, but in doing so this ends up making you feel depressed, so you end up drinking even more, and so it goes on.

One of the problems with all this is that the original reason why a person first turned to alcohol can become lost. They then start to drink for other reasons, these could be out of habit. It's 6:00pm and at 6{00pm they go to the pub. Here they are drinking not because they want to, they are drinking out of habit. At this point, a person is still drinking because they want to, not because they have to. Once alcohol takes hold then this becomes an addiction and a person is now drinking because they have to. Not everyone who develops an alcohol problem is an addict.

It may surprise some people to learn that nearly 70% of all people who go on to develop the end-stage liver disease are not addicted to alcohol. They may certainly have an alcohol problem, but their damage is avoidable.

Like I mentioned just now, the reason why a person starts to drink in the first place may become lost.

Over the years on here, “Laura53923” and I have heard some harrowing stories as to why some people have turned to alcohol. Anyone, and everyone is venerable, and people from all classes of society can be affected. No one on this site is judgemental and you may find it helpful to confide in someone and start to reach out by sending a private message.

When I had my variceal bleed back in 2014 I took a long hard look at my life and questioned how it had all come to this. For the first time, I was able to see and understand the real reasons behind my drinking. I knew I suffered from depression, and used to take medication, but I never questioned why I was depressed. Depression and Anxiety can often be the symptom and not the cause.

Understanding what is driving this depression or anxiety is the starting point in treating the cause and not just the symptom. Don’t suffer in silence, try and be honest and go back to where it all began. If you can deal with the cause, then the need to want to drink alcohol is gone.

Good luck


Lilliebell profile image

Hi , I stopped drinking 5 years ago after finding I had cirrhosis when I became so ill so started reducing the alcohol over a month and then stopped once I as down to 1 glass of wine a day . I had every strangest symptom going from terrible acne to feeling freezing cold even when it was warm . I also had numb skin on my legs which has slightly improved but is still there on my lower legs . Slowly but surely though I started feeling better and better . Be patient and kind to yourself and I promise if you can just get through these weird and wonderful ailments it will be so worth it . Best thing I ever did is quit drinking and it takes a while for your body and mind to adjust but stick at it . I had decompensated liver and was 5.5 stone I’m now a healthy slightly over weight as I love chocolate and my liver is compensated and I lead a great life now . No body knew I was drinking so much not even my family and husband as I hid it but once I finally told them and my friends it made my journey so much easier . I wish you all the luck and be patient you will get there . I went to AA I didn’t want to but it was fantastic and I realised there are an awful lot of people who have the same problems and we don’t look like what people think alcoholics look like . Good luck and keep well .

Kettl profile image
Kettl in reply to Lilliebell

Hi Lilliebell, do you mind me asking if you have early cirrhosis. How were you diagnosed. I have a fibroscan next week and I’m scarred.

Lilliebell profile image
Lilliebell in reply to Kettl

Hi , I was diagnosed with decompensated liver cirrhosis 5 years ago and then stopped drinking so my liver became compensated. I had a fibroscan when first diagnosed and the year after which showed scaring but since then have been monitored with ct scans and ultrasound scans . I’ve recently had an endoscopy which has shown portal hypertension and had my varices banded and have had 2 of those and have another booked for 2 weeks time . This is usually stage 2 I believe so as my consultant says it’s maintenance now . The fibroscan isn’t an invasive procedure and doesn’t take long . Try not to worry to much but I know that’s easier said than done . I was really poorly 5 years ago but since giving up the alcohol that’s damaged my liver I have been really well and lived a full life with no problems until now but I still do not feel poorly and carry in as normal . May I ask why you have been sent for a fibroscan ? Have you had any other scans so far ? And why do they think you have a poorly liver ? Best of luck and hope all goes well it’s always best to know what’s happening and you can then deal with the things you may need to change in your life . Mine was alcohol that I used as a form of self medication but once I stopped the drink my mental health improved immensely , all my anxiety disappeared .

Kettl profile image
Kettl in reply to Lilliebell

Thanks for your reply, I have been feeling nauseous, unwell for a month. I’ve got no appetite. I’ve lost 6 kg in the last 4 weeks. I have right sided pain, veins popping up all over the place, terry nails and have gone through early menopause. Trying to find a reason. I have been drinking far too much for about 15 years give or take. My bloods showed low phosphate and high MCV. Ultrasound was ok. I’m having the fibroscan for my own piece of mind.

Lilliebell profile image
Lilliebell in reply to Kettl

It’s awful having terrible anxiety and drinking is most definitely the worst thing for it . It’s really good news that your ultrasound scan was ok and I would focus on that as mine always shows my cirrhosis but they like to keep an eye on it . If your worried and stressed that can cause multiple symptoms like weight loss and especially if you are having an early menopause. Really hope you get good news for the fibroscan and at least you can move forward what ever the results in a way ., I take HRT which for me did wonders as I’m going through the menopause.

Kettl profile image
Kettl in reply to Lilliebell

Thank you so much. Yes I realise my anxiety is a major contributor. Thank you for your reply and reassurance. I am so glad you are doing well and working on keeping well. I’m certainly never drinking again.

Worrysome1 profile image
Worrysome1 in reply to Kettl

Can’t send PM but thank you.

JMG24 Well done on stopping drinking alcohol. The only way of investigating your liver function is by speaking to your GP so they can organise testing. Keep us posted how you get on :)

Cb1963 profile image

Well done on not drinking!!! Its just not worth the risks, the amount of ailments it causes while drinking and afterwards is endless, and of course some are like threatening, I've had a few trips stuck in hospital with ulcers in the duodenum and on one occasion the surgeon said he said it looked like a football that had been kicked around a football pitch! I'm now just over 9 years sober and have the legacy of neuropathy, and I honestly thought when I stopped drinking I wouldn't have any issues, for the first 3 months I was fine,but then my arm and legs were starting to just do random trashing around at night time, and I'd end up with pains in my chest,and then my feet felt like they were on fire,and pins and needles in my hands, and I'm still in the same situation, but no longer with the thrashing of the puppet arms and legs,but the intense pains in the feet and numbness is relentless, nobody really discusses the after effects or has even heard of neuropathy, but its painful, nerve damage, who would want to drink eh,I hope you get all the help you deserve, and I hope you get better soon, thanks.

JMG24 profile image
JMG24 in reply to Cb1963

Thank you so much for your reply! I know a lot of it is my anxiety and I scare my self endless amounts! I think when I worry myself I feel every tiny little pain. I am feeling better but there is definitely an awful little devil in the back of my mind telling me something is wrong! What is bothering me the most is may hands there a little blotchy and quite sensitive to the cold/ heat & they seem really veiny although my sister does tell me they look normal. Alcohol really isn’t worth all this!!! I haven’t been to the doctor as I won’t lie I am petrified! I know that is the most logical thing to do but fear just takes over. I’m on 29 but I binged for quite a while! Guilt eats me up but it gives me the power to continue a healthier life!

Cb1963 profile image
Cb1963 in reply to JMG24

Don't let guilt eat you up! Firstly you are a person that needs to get your health issues sorted out,and then this can put your mind at rest,if you have any underlying health problems please get them sorted out, you are undoubtedly putting yourself into a state of panic, and maybe for no reason, a few blood tests etc can alleviate your mindset, sounds like you are scared of your own shadow, and don't be worried about the fact that you are, or have been a drinker, the doctor can perhaps put you in touch with any local alcohol services that are within your local area that might give you a little extra support, we drinkers have a self destuct button mode inside us, and we all have our own reasons why we ended up using alcohol as a crutch in our lives to 'function' but,sometimes it takes counselling, and that may also need to be discussed, its not all a simple process, and then it takes months or even years, but its a more enjoyable lifestyle waking up sober,and having no worries, and finally not craving or wanting a drink, this forum has plenty of individuals on here who give absolutely solid advice, and some are like family members, and I'm sure you'll find that as you continue to seek help, the days and months will soon fly by,and you'll be passing your experience back to future members,and so the cycle continues, and of course I wish you well.

MLB_77 profile image

I read somewhere on here that their doc said it takes about a month of repair for every year you drank

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