Ascites again.: Had to off the diuretics... - British Liver Trust

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Ascites again.

5 Replies

Had to off the diuretics for two weeks as my blood test showed my electrolytes were all over the place. Hence fluid all back in my abdomen.

Allowed back on them Thursday, but at a lower dose.

I’m so fed up with-not being able to do much as I’m such an active person. I’m not sure what I’m asking, but feeling like why am I bothering!

I’m hoping that once the fluid starts to go, my mood might be better. I am still new to this , and my kids will say that I’m impatient.

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5 Replies
mattymoo33 profile image

Hi there. I too have recently overcome a bout of ascites...gained 6kg. My weight has gradually reduced over about 4 weeks. I'm sure that now you're back on a diuretic, you will notice a difference. I don't know how much you've gained, but can empathise with feeling down due to reduced physical activity and not having clothes that fit! Have you thought of contacting liver nurse regarding paracentesis?Good luck, I hope you feel better soon 🤗

in reply to mattymoo33

Thanks for reply. Yes , nothing fits me either! And so frustrating not being able to do much, as it makes you breathless too. I really hope they work soon. I’m now day 5 of being on them, so fingers crossed. Haven’t asked anybody, as I’m under a lovely specialist privately.

You too take care.

Hope-feb3-2017 profile image

I’m so sorry how you are feeling .... I know it too well. Ascities is very bad. I suffered soooo bad before my transplant. Can your doctor not drain your fluid. I know that the only way for me to get any type of relief way through a drain. I was in so much pain that the strongest pain relief could not help me - the only thing was a drain. I promise you the moment the drain started the relief came. I could never understand that but it was relief. The strongest drug - nothing but the drain the help 💜

in reply to Hope-feb3-2017

Thanks for your support. My last lot of diuretics did the trick, but had to do a lower dose this time. So I guess it will take longer. I guess I’m impatient too, but will contact specialist If not. I’m usually so active and live on my own , with kids in Australia,so feeling it now. Got over cancer, now this! Hey ho, must keep smiling

Hello again. I’m under a liver specialist now, still with ascites that isn’t going down that quickly. I’m having an EEG and he is talking about may be a shunt, but one of the effects is confusion! Which I don’t need.He said I’m an interesting case! It strikes me that the only thing is a liver transplant , but guessing I’m too old now. 69

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