First time writing: Hi I’m not sure how... - British Liver Trust

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First time writing

16 Replies

Hi I’m not sure how this works so sorry if I make mistakes. I’ve been quite a heavy drinker since 18 am a fifty year old female it seems to have run in the family I binge drink if anything hold a full time job down my friends family think I exaggerate what I call “the problem “ my children’s father died of alcohol issues and me ex has cirrhosis 8 years and still binge drinks he’s an ex for a reason but I still talk to him the thing is had an ultrasound 8 months ago for upper abdominal pain was clear had a gaber scan in March for symptoms of malabsorption no results yet am diabetic type 2 on meds but I have been to various consultants over differant things but have stressed on countless times I have dry flushing so bad on my face neck arms and back they asked if I’d had a stroke as my blood is thick etc my doctor thinks it’s dermatitis the other thinks I’ve got sjrogens it started 12 months ago more profound when I drink alcohol even if I have a sip I flare like I’ve been sunburned am on fire stinging my face neck chest arms bilateral even my eyelids sting non itchy but it’s like a funny rash and I get horrible rough skin it’s like somebody burning me from the inside my daughter sprayed alcohol hand sanitizer on me after shopping and I flared up it happens a lot but more with alcohol definately sorry apparently I’ve got small vessel disease which nobody has explained and was told last yeAr it was cellulitis by a very disinterested gp which I knew it wasn’t as it wouldn’t be on both arms and no wound now the other dr gave me cream the other dr gave me some blood pressure tablets saying it was hot flushes didn’t work and beleive me it’s not sorry maybe I’ve gone on to much but just don’t know what to do thank you 👍🌻

16 Replies
Cb1963 profile image

Its always difficult trying to ask for advice especially when it's medical, the problem with drinking alcohol and having other problems, its not so simple, especially you have admitted that you have over indulged over many years,have you considered giving up,you WILL live longer, you will have more money to spend, a better health outlook, a better skin complexion, financially better off,many thing's that you need to think about, the health problems drinking alcohol brings on are numerous,and it's a needle in a haystack trying to find out what's causing the problem, I understand that you are worried perhaps, maybe this is a female related drinking problem, I don't want this to come across as rude or obnoxious because I'm a Male, and maybe your hormones may affect the way the rash is coming out etc,its always difficult trying to give advice, most of us on here are sober ,and this forum is a wealth of knowledge, hopefully you'll get some more replies,but the best thing to do is to start seeking some help with reducing with the alcohol, and hopefully, maybe one day you can be free from drinking alcohol, its not difficult,good luck.

Cb1963 profile image

I have been honest with you, I can assure you I don't want to come across as rude to you,if I could help you with the health problems I'd be first to point you in the right directions,and I'm the first one to admit I don't like text messages as it can come across as misconstrued,I'm sorry if I have mis worded my sentence it wasn't meant to be careless or nasty, I can assure you,and not once have I even called anyone,all my posts have only ever tried to help in the past, I'm sorry that you feel this way.

in reply to Cb1963

It’s ok thank you .👍 sorry if I offended you am new to these sights and your probably not a **** as I stated earlier I just thought I had a journey to explain a relationship with alcohol that has been my shadow all my life from my mother to my partners to myself anyway sorry the British liver trust is not my forum sorry for intruding stay safe

Cb1963 profile image
Cb1963 in reply to

Look I think you'll find me quite in depth person myself, I had a very complex relationship with alcohol, and its trying to find something that you feel comfortable with, if I went through my life story, and what damage, and friends suicide through drinking caused you could understand,I'm really sorry if I upset you,please accept my apologies, I won't jump into your conversations and hopefully you'll get some sensible answers lol

briccolone profile image

No we're not all sober on this site - it's a forum for people with liver problems. Most of the people on this site are not judgmental either. However I will be judgmental on name calling-it's not appropriate. People are here to help.

Laura009 profile image

Hey... calm down .. l too lost my husband through alcohol abuse and there are many men and women on here who have experienced the same as you. If you stay we can help and support you

in reply to Laura009

Hi Gibson01 you shouldn't leave this site everyone is very nice on here and all talk openly about our experiences I have found it great. I feel that you have so much you need to talk about and maybe you should talk it through saying one problem at a time. This is about people with liver problems whether it's caused by alcohol or not. People are very nice and kind on here you should stay and maybe read through some of the other people's post first. Good Luck

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to

I think you meant to reply to Gibson .... looks like she's gone 🤷‍♀️

in reply to Laura009

Oh yes sorry lol silly me

AyrshireK profile image

Hi gibson, I hope you do stick around, perhaps the first reply you got could have been misconstrued and probably wasn't meant in the way it came across. You certainly don't need to be sober to be a member here as we support all comers - several members are battling alcohol addiction and many have been transplanted due to their alcohol use, others (like Laura who has replied) support loved ones with alcohol issues & in some cases those loved ones have sadly lost their lives. So we all come from a background of experience rather than medical knowledge. (I am supporting a hubby with cirrhosis - his due to an auto immune liver disesase).

I would say you have some issues which your medical team need to be investigating further. Whether that is referral to a skin specialist for the various issues you have going on with you skin and also you need follow up to the scan you had in March & the malabsorbtion condition.

You also have two glaringly obvious issues that could make you a candidate for liver issues in your alcohol usage and also type 2 diabetes. Both could contribute to fatty liver disease. I am not sure whether an intolerance to alcohol on the skin would be anything to do with liver issues but with any issue that seems to be worsened with alcohol then the sure fire answer is to stop the alcohol.

I would seek referral to a dermatologist for the various skin issues, rashes and flushing as they might be able to provide an answer. An ultrasound scan together with some blood tests might reveal whether you have an issue with your liver. Ask for an ultrasound and some liver bloods - I take it you have been honest with your doctors about the level of your alcohol intake.

If you don't feel you are getting appropriate care from your GP there are steps you can take maybe by contacting the practice manager - you need to get answers - perhaps write your questions for doctor down before you go then you don't get into the flap that most of us do when we go to an appointment & forget all the main points.

Best wishes, Katie

Welcome to the forum Gibson,

Our forum is here to support ALL people concerned about their liver.

We do not tolerate verbal abuse on the forum so some of your replies have been edited.

Our members are incredibly supportive and we hope that you will find the forum a safe place to visit.

Please also see our website for information and our nurse led helpline details should you wish to talk.


Peppy05 profile image

Hi gibson01, hang in there get all blood work done and ultrasound to find answers. Take care and be safe, peppy05

Bootandall profile image

Hey gibson,

I have confirmed cirrhosis (not specifically alcohol-related although l used to binge drink), but what l wanted you to know, l am female and get these weird skin rashes on my flanks and most recently on my belly. I have many skin bumps and tags (very fair skin, have had shave biopsies and excision of some of them) and also get flushing on my chest and arms. Hydrocortisone cream does help, but others here have recommended a cooling spray you can get at the pharmacy. I also suspect a hormonal link (l am menopausal) but that's because I am very overweight and now know belly fat is metabolically active, not in a good way. Surely mention it at your follow ups. l bring a short list of questions about all sorts of symptoms, you never know what puzzle piece will unlock a bigger mystery lol! 😂

Am so sorry for offending anybody I feel so ashamed and I wish everybody on nothing but well being unfortunately not an excuse but the truth I was under the influence when I wrote the posts having fell off the wagon as they say again and although seemingly functioning at the time as usual I woke up having the all to familiar black out situation not an excuse but if you knew me I black out with no memory whatsoever after drinking so am deleting my account but am very sorry and would never ever be so rude sober again I apologise

Lam1e profile image
Lam1e in reply to

Please don’t delete your account, nobody here is judging you and believe me I have done and said so much worse when under the influence. There is no magic wand or giving up drinking, and it is so easy for whatever the reason to start again!

With your health issues you need to get answers and sometimes that is not easy, but make notes write things down and don’t be afraid to ask questions. An ex work colleague had similar skin problems and was diagnosed with something called Rosacea? I have no medical experience but wondered if you knew about that!

Stay safe, we can’t change our past, we can acknowledge it, and move on!🙏


Laura009 profile image

Please get some emotional and medical help for your drink addiction. You are obviously very unhappy and self medicating with alcohol which is only going to get worse if you don't address all your issues now.

Good luck x

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