Universal Credit patient fined for tic... - British Liver Trust

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Universal Credit patient fined for ticking the CORRECT box on prescription forms

22 Replies

Don't you just love our country? It could only happen in England.

I'm posting this up as there may well be a number of people out there who are on Universal credit. It should raise a few eyebrows anyway: cornwalllive.com/news/cornw...

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22 Replies
jojokarak profile image

The fine has been revoked I don't see the problem he should of just ticked the box what said jsa because that's what it is in essence

TT-2018 profile image
TT-2018 in reply to jojokarak

The NHS Business Services Authority confirmed he ticked the correct box. It’s the system that is at fault, not the individual.

jojokarak profile image
jojokarak in reply to TT-2018

I know I read it.. I don't see the point in the post.... Nothing to do with liver disease its just an error in the system

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to jojokarak

No it doesn’t, does it....

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to jojokarak

Its relevent to anyone on medication and universal credit, maybe it should be posted on all medical forums

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to Laura009

Maybe Richard could ask Admin to do that? 👍

jojokarak profile image
jojokarak in reply to Laura009

It's happened to one individual I think it's a bit of an overreaction something isn't right with this story!! People lie about things to get in the papers...

I know and I am sure everyone does who is on benefits and hasn't experienced this problem 😊

Poobear69 profile image
Poobear69 in reply to jojokarak

Richard has only posted something that he's read and thought useful and or interesting to share? I think that a huge debate is really unnecessary?

Poobear69 profile image
Poobear69 in reply to Poobear69

It's not a debate my dear it's a challenge? A challenge to confront those who feel they have the given right to jump on anything that Richard posts and or shares? It's interesting that bullied always seem to congregate together and are not brace enough to be lone wolves? As far as I'm concerned that the end of it? I do hope that you're well.

jojokarak profile image
jojokarak in reply to Poobear69

No debate, no challenge, no bullies here just a personal opinion

My opinion is this is a support site and I know when I was poorly I couldn't give two hoots about half of the stuff what's posted on here and still don't especially when it involves links or "stories" I prefer practical advice or support you know what we have experienced or are going to experience and all I said was this "story" which it is (because I don't believe anything what's reported in the papers) isn't relevant when none of us know the facts and it's supposedly happened to one person when uc has been about for 2-3 years!!

I take offence to being accused of something I am not!!

I am opinionated and that's all and if someone replies and I disagree I will comment again but that's not bullying

I don't proclaim to be an expert on anything but I know what I needed when I was poorly and it's not a story it's people experiences and advice and support nothing more

Poobear69 profile image
Poobear69 in reply to jojokarak

You are indeed entitled to your opinion? Perhaps, though, think about how you your opinion is communicated? As to accusi v you where were you mentioned?

jojokarak profile image
jojokarak in reply to Poobear69

The inclination was there and I don't appreciate it... If you have a problem with me have the balls and respect to inbox me.... If I had a personal problem with anyone I would do the same!!

But because you have publicly done this I will give you the same amount of respect you just give me

How the hell is commenting on something bullying if someone doesn't want comments good or bad then don't post...

And don't play the victim my god it's pathetic

Poobear69 profile image
Poobear69 in reply to jojokarak

I had the balls and I've PM you......

Supportinghubby profile image
Supportinghubby in reply to jojokarak

From reading the article he did tick the JSA box (because the UC box hasn't been applied yet) but got fined. He has applied to have it revoked but I don't think the article says it has been. So its useful for anyone on this forum who applies for free prescriptions & is on UC to be aware of. Looks like the form should have been changed a lot sooner.

Popel profile image

As I’m from wales but not on universal credit I’ve had to pay for my Tacc medication as I was transplanted in QE Birmingham but do work and as bad as it is I’ve deliberately ticked the I’m on social box. Shit I’ve done it for dental treatment not proud of it but back in the day when you’ve worked all your life and been on low wages needs must I’m afraid.gone off on a tangent I know but now I’ve had my doctor who has just started to prescribe me my medication recently which is a great relief.im not saying it was deliberate but be careful what box you tick lol

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to Popel

Hi popel

NHS Wales says

“From April 1st 2007 the NHS prescription charge was abolished for people in Wales. All patients registered with a Welsh GP, who get their prescriptions from a Welsh pharmacist, will be entitled to free prescriptions. ... Along with free prescriptions, charges for wigs and appliances have been abolished.”

So why would you be paying for medicines? Or are you saying that because QEHB is in England you don’t get free medicines? If so just make sure you get to go to a hepatolgy clinic in a Welsh Hospital?

in reply to ThreeSmiles

I get my prograf ever six months from the QE because my own healthcare trust in North Staffordshire can't afford to buy it. I have that in writing. If, as in Popel's case if the anti-rejection drug is not supplied by NHS Wales, then they would have to collect them from the QE.

I suspect the whole system us flawed. I maybe wrong here, but this is what l suspect is going wrong....

My consultant referred me to the QE for treatment for liver cancer. All the aftercare treatment (the Tacalimus and other medication) the cost of which is passed onto that particular department in my case Gastroenterology. So they pick up the tab, and this would come out of that particular departments annual budget. By keeping me under the care of the QE and not the local Gastro clinic. The QE then bill my local healthcare trust directly and then include a admin charge for doing so. This means that the Healthcare trust gets the bill and not the gastro department.

As you may know, there are over 120 different healthcare trusts and they are all run independently of each other. The whole system of drugs and the costs needs a complete overhaul and is long over due.

There is so much money being misused and wasted in the NHS. I, like so many have to take 75mg aspirin everyday. I buy mine at the cost of £1.00 from Poundland. But if l was to get them on prescription it would be free to me, but the cash strapped NHS are paying £4.80 for the same box of aspirin.

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

Interesting - yes thank you. I was really just trying to get to grips with popel saying, I think he was 😁, that he was having to pay, or at some point had had to pay, for his immunosuppressants which clearly one shouldn’t have to do.

in reply to ThreeSmiles

I'm retired so l dont have to pay, l don't know what a prescription charge is these days. I think it's about £9 per item. I'm surprised that his own NHS Wales Trust doesnt stock these somewhere.

TT-2018 profile image
TT-2018 in reply to

The only place I can get my Tacrolimus and Mycophenalate is from the Royal Free and not my local Trust. It was explained that it is due to budgetary issues between the Trusts.

All the other medication is collected from my local pharmacy.

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

Ditto on all points 😁👍

AyrshireK profile image

I personally think this is useful for folks to know in light of benefits changes etc.

A couple of years ago I got a letter with NHS FRAUD DEPARTMENT written right across the outside of the envelope. They were chasing me because I had received free NHS dental treatment - at the time hubby was on ESA which also included a payment for me and so I was eligible for the free treatment but with the ESA claim being in his name and under his National Insurance number it flagged up that I was claiming illegally. It scared the hell out of me especially when there was no phone number on the letter to challenge the matter or explain my eligibility - I had to hunt online for a phone number and then had to write a letter including hubbies full details etc. I never got a reply to say it was all done and dusted.

When you are feeling low and struggling the last thing you need is some agency accusing you of theft or fraud when you know you are eligible.


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