How many moms drink everyday? - British Liver Trust

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How many moms drink everyday?

16 Replies

How many moms drink each day? I average about 6 beers a day after kids asleep. Does this make me a horrible person?

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16 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

Most people on here are either suffering from liver disease or supporting loved ones with the condition. If you are drinking an average of 6 beers a day you are potentially putting yourself at risk of any number of health conditions including liver damage.

It doesn't make you a horrible person but you run the risk of serious health issues which will be a terrible situation for your kids to witness.

Have a read at the British Liver Trust page on alcohol and liver disease and see where this might lead if not addressed.


AyrshireK profile image

What is the reason for you needing to drink this regularly? I see you have posted on a few parent and baby forums too.

This sounds like a situation that could sadly all go very wrong. Ok you say you don't get reckless and that your children are never at risk but ask yourself what would happen if there was a crisis at home. How would you get kids to hospital if say that was required?

I realize you are probably not in the UK but if you were you could be charged under child protection legislation if you were home alone with children yet incapable through drink.

It sounds like you potentially have some issues which are causing you to drink, even if it's just that you are using alcohol to wind down at the end of a busy day it sounds like it could become problematic.

Please seek help.


bintcliffe profile image

Please get help 6 beers could become more, alcohol creeps up on you and take it from my experience and many others it bites you on the ass!! X

AyrshireK profile image

Oop's shortest ever membership of the site. Hope it wasn't something I said!


Popel profile image
Popel in reply to AyrshireK

She obviously knew that its not ok and It’s detrimental to her in posting on a liver forum perhaps she was after affirmation from other members that she’s going to damage her health and her children’s on a positive note she has or will recognise she has a problem .x

pigeonCl-HU profile image
pigeonCl-HU in reply to AyrshireK

Katie, what you said in your replies was the truth, it was not patronising or judgmental, you just laid it as it is. If the lady wanted mollycoddling she obviously stumbled into the wrong forum.


in reply to pigeonCl-HU

There's no point trying to sugar coat it, you've all said exactly what she needed to hear xx

in reply to AyrshireK

The truth hurts !

pigeonCl-HU profile image
pigeonCl-HU in reply to sure does.

And it doesn't matter how nicely you say it, if the person doesn't want to hear it, then it always ends up the same way, with you being the bad guy.

So be it, it's their loss.


in reply to

Hopefully she takes the points made here with her at least.

in reply to AyrshireK

Shortest membership indeed lol. You gave her the straight up answer to her question and apparently she didnt like it. I do worry for the kids in this situation.

Ibrokemyliver profile image

Well done for making a new member feel welcome, everyone.

in reply to Ibrokemyliver


I presume you were being sarccastic? If so it isn’t wanted or needed on here! Everyone here only tries to help.

If you were not being sarcastic I apologise.


Roy1955 profile image

When I was struggling with alcohol addiction I asked similar questions!

I was drunk while posting.

I was looking/hopeing for someone to say "it's not that bad" so I had an excuse to carry on killing myself.

Us alkies all know that 6 means 10 and 7 means 6 plus a bottle of wine!

I hope your still checking on these answers.

Asking questions means you already know your causing harm, dont just move on untill you get the answers you want to hear.

Your not bad or horrible, you are sick.

Lightbulbmoment profile image

Personally when I read this, my first thought was this person’s a troll....

Felines profile image

You are not horrible..neither do you love your children less,i had lost of questions when i started to drink a whisky a day,but i was not aware of this forum bavk then!i was fleeing domestic physical emotional abuse,and my children were witnessing it.i got them away safely kept them in same school..sadly i had no support not even domestic abuse...sadly i started with 1 drink which later led to 2 before i knew it i was a very haggered looking ill alcoholic...yes i drank indoors i never got drunk,but i used alcohol as my crutch...i collapsed one day and spent 5 months in hospital..sadly my children whom i had fought for had their lives turned upside down as they had to go live with their nan..she is lovely,but it were,nt their strong capable mum.Please get help,you have a concious else you would not have approached this page.PLEASE GET SUPPORT ..start with gp and do not give up until you have it.I believe you are a very lovely person...DONT LET BOOZE DESTROY YOU XX PLEASE let us know how you get on.You made the first move with posting on here.Your in my thoughts.YOU CAN STOP THIS.ALCOHOL WHEN ABUSED WILL DESTROY YOU..DONT LET IT.Ihave been sober 13 years my son emigrated to canada with a theology degree daughter is doing a science degree and myself am doing a law degree and working part time as a carer.All the best.YOU CAN DO IT.

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