So, my father had first time fluid of 2.75 ltr approximately drained on 18th Feb (last month). Since then after the First Varices banding on 26 Feb, he had no sign of ascites so we had stopped diuretics. He had 2nd round of banding done on 14th march.
However, felt that his foot felt very very mildly soft, can't really press the finger and see the skin dented. But today just by suggestion of our relative, we went to visit one of the Ayurveda doctor. He just by looking said his leg has mild swelling, and then he gave pressure on his leg between knee and foot with his finger. It was easily dented So, Its coming back I guess and time to get back on diuretics.
As far as the Ayurveda Doctor said, well he said that he doesn't understand why they did the banding and which I explained it to him. However he said that we shouldn't have gone for the draining of fluid as it kind of affects natural process of getting rid of water from the body - which could have been done following Ayurveda treatment. He did say that my father's eyes does look yellow and by holding his wrist based on blood flow, he said his blood flow is like a frog - jumping kind, not smooth. He does have ulcers still and liver is not that bad yet, of course the function has weakened.
He offered the treatment but said we must follow everything from what to eat to not to eat as he said on time. He gives Ayurveda med to be taken by mixing in warm water and will put a cap on water intake 100% for week or so, can take milk instead and his med/powder in warm water. Overall, he said it can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months but it will have a positive results.
By seeing how he can tell from holding wrists and checking blood/heart beats, he can tell everything as Doctors do by seeing reports, makes me believe about his experience, but as he said his treatment is only for those who can follow the strict guideline keeps me confused too. However, one who referred us to him, has a friend who was near liver failure and was told by doctor that he may not make it more than few days, got better after taking medicine from this Ayurveda doctor.
We are still not sure about following up with him but interested in knowing if anyone has followed up Ayurveda route here.