I’m in my late 30s but drank heavily for many many years, mainly wine! I’ve given alcohol up for good! Have cherry anogimas, pale poop, itchy skin that comes and goes, abdominal pain. Had normal bloods GGT, Albumin, PT, ALT, ALP all in normal ranges. Had 2 abdominal ultrasounds and they have come back normal. Worst of all I have Terry’s nails on 4 toe nails. Attached pic! I’ve read Terry’s nails show up in 80% of people with cirrhosis. My GP wouldn’t refer me to Hepatologist based on my ultrasounds and bloods. I called and spoke to a secretary of a heptologist (private) and raised my concerns, she told me it would have shown up in bloods and ultrasound if I had cirrhosis. I’m just lost and really feel I have all the symptoms of this, Terry’s nails made me think it more. Excuse my foot!
Any advice welcome!