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Looking for advice

10 Replies

Good day all

I posted a few days ago about my situation and got so many great responses this site is great. I have a history of heavy alcohol abuse and am a dad of 2 young kids I'm 37 I quit drinking 113 days ago ( but who's counting) I had 2 sets of bloods done that were clear but I have an ultrasound that states slight course ecotechture of the liver all other findings were good. My question is should I press for a fibroscan or just leave things as they are. I have been exercising and eating so much better since I stopped drinking I've lost weight and have more energy for my kids. I have also been obsessing with my liver health and the shame I feel for being so reckless with my drinking I don't want my kids to pay for the mistakes I made befor they were born . I feel I'm doing all I can now to undo any damage I have caused so I'm not sure knowing how much fibrosis is present will help me and might just make me more depressed if the tests came back worse than expected. If anybody has been in a similar situation I would love to hear from you. If I can be any help to anyone who is trying to quit drinking let me know it's been a struggle at times and it helps to talk to others who have been trough it.

Thanks again


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10 Replies
briccolone profile image

well done on the 4 months alcohol free-actually counting is important-sounds like it may ease your concerns if you get a fibroscan. The bloods being clear is good news-can't comment on the U/s findings. You have relative youth on your side-stay well and concentrate on your family-no point dwelling on past errors-that's not going to change anything is it? Best wishes

Hi I also am in a similar situation to you. I am 44 and have 2 amazing children and a great supportive husband. I had severe alcohol dependency for 3 years and it got so bad I was admitted to hospital for over a month and was very poorly. You have done an amazing thing stopping drinking well done. I did the same because of the damage done. I have Chiossis bit since stopping drinking all my bloods are normal and I am healthier than ever. I had a fibro scan and I think for your peace of mind you should have one. Are you under a specialist ?..

in reply to Happyluckymummyof2

Thanks for the reply I'm not sure getting a fibroscan is the right thing for me at the moment I'm sure my liver is damaged to a certain degree but I'm afraid if I find out it's worse than I expected I would be right back to my depression. I feel good now and am doing all I can to get better. If you don't mind me asking what symptoms did you have that lead to hospitalization and what kind of diet are u following now. Good luck and congrats on the not drinking I know how difficult that is I'll be thinking of you and your family.

Thank you


Happyluckymummyof2 profile image
Happyluckymummyof2 in reply to

HI Boone like the person below says it is worth considering a fibro scan x I know you said it might affect you mentally but then all the worrying and stress will do. It's great you have given up drinking and you should be so so proud and that's the first step !!!... At least you are not damaging yourself anymore and you are pointing the right way. I was very poorly leading up to hospital admission and was jaundiced, was never hungry and didn't do anything or care about anything. You say you had blood tests and were fine so stay positive. Do you have to go back to your gp at all.

in reply to Happyluckymummyof2

Sorry to hear you were doing so poorly you have made an amazing recovery. I don't have any more doctors appointments at the moment as my doctor feels I'm doing ok he never even told me about my ultrasound results I only found out when I got a copy myself. I guess at the moment I feel ok and just want to be as healthy as possible. Again thanks and be well



Happyluckymummyof2 profile image
Happyluckymummyof2 in reply to

Just take one step at a time !!.. stay happy and positive x your body is an amazing thing and you are doing everything right !

Take care x and thanks I hope I continue the way I have been and only time will tell I guess x

Marydel63 profile image

I would see if you get a fibroscan. I have compensated cirrhosis and by my labs you wouldn’t even know that as they are pretty normal but fluctuate. I had a biopsy which showed the cirrhosis but on my 6 mon mri with fibroscan it showed the same. Keep up the great work!!

in reply to Marydel63

Thank you for taking time to reply if you don't mind me asking what lead to you having a fibroscan were you having symptoms. I feel fine now after 3 months of depression I quit drinking really just because I knew I couldn't keep up the pace I was on its kind of strange I never worried about my health until I gave up drinking. I went to my doctor and came clean about my drinking and he ran all the blood tests that came back fine the ultrasound is what has caused me anxiety I wish I never would have done it. Thanks again for your time


Marydel63 profile image
Marydel63 in reply to

I was surprised that my mri included the fibroscan. I thought my mri the one I will have every 6 months to screen for liver cancer , was just mri. But they did the fibroscan also. I dont know why the fibroscan was done since My cirrhosis diagnosis was from having a liver biopsy. I go back to liver doc on the 31 january and will ask them. Glad you are feeling good

shuu profile image

Hi Boone,

Well done. I wrote you a couple posts but accidentally deleted them as well as yours, I think. So sorry if I did yours too. I m not good at navigating around here but found your name again. Realised I'd included too much family info, kids, etc and also realized Messenger msgs even if able to do them not a great idea either. Impulsive thinking with a foggy "liver" brain. My fibroscan waiting seems forever. Even if all is ok my husband and adult kids are way more important than obliterating my sorrows with wine. Never drinking again. I really wish you well with whatever course you decide to take though I know you are better off than me as your doc said Clear for liver, mine being "somewhat" coarsened and with 'higher" cholesterol and also gallstones. All the best,


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